Fire in the hole! 15 Timewreck super soil pheno hunt


Well-Known Member
Dude things are slammin in you man cave! Hoot!

ill get with you later on when I can glide in.. :)
take It easy friend.


Well-Known Member
hey guys you think this is new growth or an upcoming problem? Under the lights i thought maybe something was going on... but after pulling it out from the lights and then looking at the pictures i'm now thinking this is just a lot of new growth -- it got nutes, a bigger pot, extra co2 and it was real close to the lights for a day (part of the reason i was worried) -- like about 5-6" away which is definitely in the potential bleaching zone... but I think this is just a lot of new growth that hasn't full greened up yet... what say you??

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Well-Known Member
It looks ok. Maybe just some light stress. Sometimes mine look like that as they transition.

Love the Macklemore's like listening to my top 25 most played. I saw him the last 2 years in SF. I see you have more than just his new stuff...I have been trying to figure what song you have planned for harvest day.


Well-Known Member
looks like too much N to me
Most of the curls you see on it are older ones the newer growth doesn't have any rams horning so don't think too much N is the issue. Think it's just new growth another day or two will tell for sure :)

Macklemore's playing here for free at SXSW tomorrow i'm thinking about going but i hate downtown, downtown traffic and crowds, so we'll see... i've been divin' into his older stuff he has some good stuff in there but it's not as polished as his latest album... you can definitely see the growth in his style over the the last few years going from almost an eminem wannabe soundalike at the start to developing his own style. I like the music (especially the brass parts) as much or more than the lyrics. I love music that gets you pumped up. Harvest song is the only one he has a youtube vid for that is not on any of his own released albums -- i know i've been trying to hunt the mp3 down for the harvest vid :) Probably my fave of his overall and the lyrics are appropriate for harvest time :)


Well-Known Member
Transplanted 3 into my last 3 5 gallon airpots... 1 3.4 & 2.4 gallon airpots left and 4 5 gallon smartbags... after that not sure what i'm using i'll still have 3 or 4 females left... i still have to sex the last few plants.. definitely gonna have to start flower soon
A Chernojill sandwich - stuck between two timewrecks

ChernoJill - Skunky sativa goodness


Well-Known Member
Running out of space... may have to put a couple into flower early so I can make room... finding the last one or two boys that might be in there would probably help too :) a project for tomorrow. Getting so close to flower I can taste it :) I'm plotting next harvest... think i'm going to go ahead and bite the bullet and send off for 2 10 packs of ace of spades and do 20 aces next time together with whichever cuttings get selected to move on. Waited on the new tga gear as long as I could... i'll probably buy some in april again and just keep it on the sidelines for the next grow after, whenever that is :)


New Member
Lol and I know it's backwards as hell, but this thread makes me wish I was actually vegging somthing right now haha!
I swear everytime I come over here I get the urg to germinate lol :joint:


Well-Known Member
Give me a call if ya will be at sxsw today! Was down thre yesterday and the crowd was heellll!!! I'll be bringing some of my new wax..

Beautiful girls! I am sure they are going to love their new homes :)


Well-Known Member
I called in sick from work so I can go see the free macklemore concert at waterloo on s. lamar today at 3 :) so yeah i'll be down there :)

flower's coming soon... i just prepped the first two for flower... 2.4 gallon timewrecks... last full watering/feeding and tie down... 10+ colas in a well trained top... same size pots put out 3.3-4oz earlier this year with fewer tops and similar sized plants going in and a less flat canopy... so crossing fingers... the 2 2.4 gallons, 2 3.4 gallons, and 2 8 gallons will go into flower friday. I'll probably give the 5 gallons til monday. Everything not yet transplanted probably won't go til next friday as I'm probably not going to transplant anything else until flower starts and I get a little more space in there. Might transplant just one or two more.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha... the concert was cool yesterday... huge crowd we couldn't even get that close.... but we were there.

Lovin it the girls are all looking very happy this morning -- was worried as a few days back some were looking droopy and deficienty... they are all looking real happy today though both the transplanted and non



Well-Known Member
Money order is on the way to hempdepot for 2 10-packs of Ace of Spades! The pheno hunt begins when it arrives. Only doing 10 at a time though since I'll have cuttings from this time too... I can't handle doing another 20-30 plant grow takes too much time when you got a family and a 9-5. I'll just be doing plants with more tops to make up for it ;)


Well-Known Member
Love waking up in the morning and and finding a cab full of happy girls. Well happy but one still have this one that is droopy the last couple of days -- but all the others are very happy and perky this morning and looking ready for flower soon! That one is probably just ready for a new pot I think it's one of the smaller potted ones.