ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

BHO SUCKS! Ice Wax for me. I recently partnered in a tami oil company but only because other people (both patients and producers) in the industry prefer the tainted chemically derived concentrate, if it was my choice ice and water would be the only method used on our organic resins. There's plenty of BHOtard threads dunno why BHO is discussed on here so much? Matt went to college, studied chemistry and solvent extraction and won't personally use or produce BHO. It's not science just a well informed opinion based on scientific knowledge. Good enough for me to use a HEAVY dose of precautionary principle when producing/ingesting BHO (I only ingest pro made, closed system, properly vac purged BHO, made by a concentrator I trust, occasionally and usually only as part of my job.) Just because its not scientifically proven to be unhealthy doesn't mean it's not. Anecdotes is all we have due to the hypocracy of cannabis "science" on a federally controlled harmless plant (pre-chem solvent.) Take BHO chatter to those threads, a lot of the IWE crowd has tried BHO and for one or a plethora of reasons, we have moved past or around the "new" chemically concentrated "wax". IWE for the win. Danks Matt for sharing and educating. RIZE UP!
You know how to use Google, right? Just kidding, but I don't think you will find *scientific* proof at this point. I doubt any scientists are conducting real studies on BHO usage. However, the *anecdotal* evidence is enough to concern me personally.

I have a hunch that lung collapse may be related to breathing a lot of very hot vapor and not to BHO impurities, but I'm just guessing. I try to make sure I do not smoke my bubble too hot as it takes a toll on my throat.

if u google bho and collapsed lungs u just get a bunch of crap about magweedo as if we r supposed to care. if u smoke oils made by strangers eventually u will smoke pesticides and other nasty things ppl using copper tubes dollar store tane etc.

as far as the hot goes is a hot nail thru water any hotter than a dry pipe with a lighter?
BHO SUCKS! Matt went to college, studied chemistry and solvent extraction and won't personally use or produce BHO.

i dont know matt rize so i cant say if he really has a degree in chemistry. my friend who i have known since 01 does though he smokes oil with me all the time properly made and purged bho is fine

he(mr. rize) wont smoke properly made bho?

pretty sure this is him here

BHO SUCKS! Ice Wax for me. I recently partnered in a tami oil company but only because other people (both patients and producers) in the industry prefer the tainted chemically derived concentrate, if it was my choice ice and water would be the only method used on our organic resins. There's plenty of BHOtard threads dunno why BHO is discussed on here so much? Matt went to college, studied chemistry and solvent extraction and won't personally use or produce BHO. It's not science just a well informed opinion based on scientific knowledge. Good enough for me to use a HEAVY dose of precautionary principle when producing/ingesting BHO (I only ingest pro made, closed system, properly vac purged BHO, made by a concentrator I trust, occasionally and usually only as part of my job.) Just because its not scientifically proven to be unhealthy doesn't mean it's not. Anecdotes is all we have due to the hypocracy of cannabis "science" on a federally controlled harmless plant (pre-chem solvent.) Take BHO chatter to those threads, a lot of the IWE crowd has tried BHO and for one or a plethora of reasons, we have moved past or around the "new" chemically concentrated "wax". IWE for the win. Danks Matt for sharing and educating. RIZE UP!
uh, pretty sure matt rize makes oil too... shatter bros.
i have problems with retards making bho the wrong way. when bho done properly show be as close to pure thc as fucking possible! properly...i love icewax too!!! when i could just blast this trim instead of work my ass off for this tiny bit i get back that tells you how i feel about doing shit right....
no proof til feds allow testing/research...

it kinda works both ways then i can say BHO is cool u can say its not we can argue back and forth but really nobody knows shit. i gave up blunts a long time ago due to the way they made me feel if oil ever does the same i will quit using it and switch to making a mess in the kitchen again with the bags
Matt, this may seem like a stupid question but I've been reading a bit about terpenes and it says that its heat and light that degrades the terpenes so would the results be better if the whole process was done in very low light ? I know you take the heat thing very serious, making the room and such as cold as possible, so what about the light or does this not effect the terpenes as much as heat
all you potheads! get off your ass and help better our industry by not blowing up your house! er I mean making solventless hash! lol Thought I'd share my results from a full night of hashing the Rize way! My first attempt at full melt clear dome goodness! thanks MR. Rize! lower yield than a glass tube but...... The flavor! omg! so tasty! had 2 strains go straight purple cool aid on me in my washing machine, the mowie wowie and la confidential, both purple phenotypes, but I must have done something right because the hash came out white as a ghost! yeah boy! the mowie came out darker but only washed 6 min on soft, full melt clear dome though so I guess its just the strain genetics. I ran Tga's The Void, came out tasting like grapes, also 99% full melt! the best strain that I ran was Sweet Deep Grapefruit, havent weighed the results but the yield was way more than the LA, or Void. The next best was Super Lemon Haze, and I knew it was gonna be amazing based on the sugar trim I used but wow, whole hood smelled like lemons made my eyes water! ok guess enough bullshit Im high. Time to get onto the pictures enjoy, I know I am. Btw, I also used 100% RO water and home made RO ice, bubble magic 20 gal machine an payload 5 gal 9 bag kit, and fresh frozen trim, sat out overnight at 50F and than grated on microplaner and drying in 50F room as well, maybe 45F, its cold. One question, how long do I dry the grated hash for? how can you tell when its 100% dry? is it when it doesn't sizzle when u put it on a hot bowl? its pro been answered on here already but I dont feel like searching, thanks everyone, best thread ever for sure.


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this is after drying in a cupboard in a cool room. also playing with dif lighting for best pics.u can see the big unchopped pieces are dark and the small shit stayed nice n almost white! absolute fire...
this is after drying in a cupboard in a cool room. also playing with different lighting for best pics.u can see the big unchopped pieces are dark and the small shit stayed nice n almost white! absolute fire...
Nice man! looking good, I dried mine overnight after it was powder and think that its dry enough now, been 24 hours since I grate it, and than pocket cured it for a couple hours and its amazing! I feel no need to do anything else with it! was playing with some and pulling it apart and putting it back in my pocket, aka taffy tec, and it looks cool, doesn't change it much though, seemed to bring out the smell more though, or am I tripping? this Tga void hash is some of the best I have ever had....trippy head high, way strong good going Subcool! thanks for the awesome strain, I have a ton a void in flower, and also running Qush for the first time, hope I got some good phenotypes! running Jacks cleaner 2 and time wreak seeds soon as I have room for my next run. No one smokes flowers around here anymore so its all Ice wax and glass tubes for me from here on out, now time to find the best strain for each, and positive effects for the patients that I help out :hump: thanks again Matt for opening the door to your wonderful world of Ice wax, Rize up! will have more pictures up soon thanks everyone
just got 3 people totally ghost trainwrecked with only few lil crumbs...grown men crying! absolute fire!

Just had a sit down with a medical shop.......................and the results? you can now find my product at Northern Specialty Health in Houghton MI!!!!! Thanks Matt Rize Big ++++REP Check it out if your ever in the UP aka middle a nowhere, they will have 73 super lemon haze full melt!, la con 73 full melt, sweet deep grapefruit 73-90 , and TGA the Void full melt, will try to get pics up with a microscope camera when I get a chance looks like light brown sugar amazing smell and effects thanks and happy medicating everyone.
Matt, this may seem like a stupid question but I've been reading a bit about terpenes and it says that its heat and light that degrades the terpenes so would the results be better if the whole process was done in very low light ? I know you take the heat thing very serious, making the room and such as cold as possible, so what about the light or does this not effect the terpenes as much as heat
Well sunlight is much stronger than normal light bulbs. But I do suggest you dry and cure in the dark. Same with long term storage.
Went to CCA today and picked myself up some ice wax and shatter bros. Can't wait to try them!
Yee! Let us know.
Once again i must show my most humble thanks of gratitude to Matt Rize for teaching us all how to make world class bubble. This unfortunatly doesnt mean that we will all be able to make world class bubble. Because anyone that knows anything and has listened to Mr Rize knows that you must first have awsome Trim to make awsome bubble. Heres a few pictures of My latest run I did using Timewreck from TGA mixed in with a little bit of Chernobyl also from TGA and also Bloodwreck crosses. I just cant get enuff of the flavor thats retained when making great Ice wax. Temps always consistently being low throughout my process really shows in my end result compared to when i first started making bubble. This bubble has an earthy taste from the Timewreck with a rotten mango hint from the chernobyl trim. all 100% full melt. PIC_0571.JPGPIC_0570.JPGPIC_0568.JPGPIC_0569.JPG
I wish people in my state had more love for IWE. I want every patient to have the flavor and potency experience of a true ice wax. Any suggestions on getting producers on board? Seems like edibles and solvent gets the lions share of the trim here. Possibly the mediocre skills and product of these producers is just not proper inputs for IWE anyhow? One things for sure, they have a lot of LARF. :???: