Well-Known Member
good to know! the bottom line with using hydrogen dioxide is lowering the oxygen reduction potential. i havent crunched the numbers as for cost effectiveness but it takes about 10x the amount of peroxide to lower the orp of a solution to the same level as oxidate. high Ca foliar helps a lot in battling fungus. i just sprayed the beds with cal carb. my favorite thing to spray til midway through stretch is ph adjusted brix mix with oxidate, ascorbic acid included in the recipe with fungus in mind
Don't mean to be "that guy" trying to correct everyone, but H2O2 will actually raise the ORP, not lower it. In my day job, we sometimes inject H2O2 into aquifers contaminated with gasoline or diesel. As the peroxide breaks down, it releases oxygen and raises te ORP. This leads to a bloom of bacteria, which happily consume the gas or diesel, releasing mostly CO2. Pretty neat. If you combine high concentrations of H2O2 with ferrous iron (which is already in most soil), you create something called Fenton's reagent. Fentons reagent produces hydroxyl radicals, which indescriminately tear up organic compounds (including chlorinated nasties like PCE, TCE, vinyl chloride, etc) in a quick and VERY exothermic reaction, producing only carbon dioxide and water.
Chemistry is neat...