i think i might have mites


Active Member
G'day all,

Ok i was just doing some general tidying of trimming leaves ect on 2 mothers in soil and indoors, and i notice along the rim one of the pots very very little white crawly things so i get closer and have to adjust my eyes to be able to focus properly and it seems i may have spider mites, now i have never seen them before thats why i say might,, i cant see them when i go back in the room a second time after trying to search up pictures of mites on google and am still not sure if thats what i have as they are soo damn small, but when i disturb the top layer of soil and give the pot a couple of knocks i can see them coming out of the soil and moving across the top rim of the pot.

There is no leaf damage, plants are healthy as and i cannot see a single thing under the leaves (searched thouroughly) or any tiny webbings.

So do u think i do or dont have mites? or is this perhaps a starting to the infestation and they are not eating or climb the plants yet and only eating roots under the soil perhaps?



Well-Known Member
Spidermites are usually on the under side of the leaves. A dead giveaway is you'll see a very fine spider web near the stem and leaves..You'll need a loupe or magnifying glass to really see them....I think they show them in wikipedia...Might be in the FAQ above, but I've not looked. The coming out of the soil thing makes me think it's not mites...Did you use cheap $1.99 soil ? It's full of crap & wildlife...Me I'd remove the plant, rinse root ball gently and replant in GOOD sterile soil....Maybe someone else has experienced bugs in the soil......
Good Luck


Active Member
Hi Twistyman thanks for the reply,

Nah i used some pretty decent quality stuff over here in aussie its called amgro black label. yea it sorta doesnt make sense with all the reading i have done on them in the last coupel of hour, here is a pic i found on the net of what i think i might have, however i am going to get a magnifying glass tomorrow and get a better look.

Is this a mite?


George Dubs

Active Member
your plants are having almost the exact same problem that i seem to have except my badguys are red they look like little spiders though so idk


Active Member
I have the exact same problem...none on leavs or anything but they are in the soil and shit....look exactly like that same size/color blah blah blah...

I thought they were mites aswell....but now im starting to think otherwise...hmmmmm. I dont know...Help ppl!