The UK Growers Thread!

Spits n spats, ic3 fell out with yorkie, I had a pop at sambo. Who's been notably absent for round two the woofta

Ooh dear what are you lot like lol. Anyway just bollocks u lot must like each other to fall out like this.I can't say anything anyway cuz I dnt know any of you but u all seem alreet. Just brewing a cuppa now for me joint in the shed lol
I don't want to be spending a good 200 on seeds that are wrong for me just asking if anyone has any bagseed (I stated I would need the strain name)

This is indoor UK mate, not outdoor Mexico.
We don't get bagseed unless some chink fucks up a warehouse grow and then they're likely to be hermie's (think about how you get bagseed).

I'll actually help you out a little.......

'Ali Bongo' online head shop, singles.

Now you can get yersel a femmed single with free delivery and jog on!
Ha ha ha fuck getting pissed off let it go over your head that's what I do anyway ;-) well my male still hasn't shot his bolt yet needs to hurry up I wanna fuck him off lol
I don't want to be spending a good 200 on seeds that are wrong for me just asking if anyone has any bagseed (I stated I would need the strain name)

This is indoor UK mate, not outdoor Mexico.
We don't get bagseed unless some chink fucks up a warehouse grow and then they're likely to be hermie's (think about how you get bagseed).

I'll actually help you out a little.......

'Ali Bongo' online head shop, singles.

Now you can get yersel a femmed single with free delivery and jog on!
Last edited by The Yorkshireman; 03-13-2013 at 06:46 PM.

yh mb u shud get tested for the arsehole gene too mate ,, am i askin u for ur best ganja ,no i fuckin aint ,,i dont get y ppl automatically think thats what im doing not !!! and if u knew even a little about cannabis u'll know that just cause u hermie a plant it doesnt mean all your seed are going to be hermies ,and also a plant that shows both sexs can be influenced to become solely female ,,,,dont believe me go look it up jesus ,,like i said this is supposed to be a community not a cuntfest ,, in future a simple sorry mate no can do and keep ur 2 cents to yourself ,thankyouverymuch!!!
think you're in the wrong thread
this is definitely a #cuntfest

yh mb u shud get tested for the arsehole gene too mate ,, am i askin u for ur best ganja ,no i fuckin aint ,,i dont get y ppl automatically think thats what im doing not !!! and if u knew even a little about cannabis u'll know that just cause u hermie a plant it doesnt mean all your seed are going to be hermies ,and also a plant that shows both sexs can be influenced to become solely female ,,,,dont believe me go look it up jesus ,,like i said this is supposed to be a community not a cuntfest ,, in future a simple sorry mate no can do and keep ur 2 cents to yourself ,thankyouverymuch!!!
D @mrgreenfingers your mad sound these pc grows why don't u just get a little tent and do it proper style ;-) I got some seeds I dont want but i ain't sending them to someone I don't know I'm a bit para about all that shit.
and for ur info yorkshirman ,if i did buy 10 seeds from ali bongo id still be paying thru the nose and i dont know what seeds gonna do what thats why i was hoping i could get some help with it

ie pass the starting choices on to the majority and see what they decide ..
Ha ha ha fuck getting pissed off let it go over your head that's what I do anyway ;-)

I would if I could mate, I just seem to attract fucking drama from all directions.
I'm in Poland for a week soon and I've got vegging plants on the go, the missus flew out on Monday and dropped it on my toes that we're going to Prague for the week after.

"Nice love but just one thing. You fucking forgot I've a vegging tent on the go!"

"But you said if you give them a good water and leave them under a little 40w cfl they'll be fine?"

"Aye yes, for a week. Who the fuck is going to water them for the other week?"

"Oh, I didn't think of that"

D @mrgreenfingers your mad sound these pc grows why don't u just get a little tent and do it proper style ;-) I got some seeds I dont want but i ain't sending them to someone I don't know I'm a bit para about all that shit.

i couldnt if i wanted to .. i can get away with having my micro cabs because they are just that ....micro no more than a foot or 2 high and i can stack em in places where id never get a tent , i had a tent not got tent no more , and dont worry about it mate i understand
mommy and daddy won't let you have a tent?

i couldnt if i wanted to .. i can get away with having my micro cabs because they are just that ....micro no more than a foot or 2 high and i can stack em in places where id never get a tent , i had a tent not got tent no more , and dont worry about it mate i understand
I would if I could mate, I just seem to attract fucking drama from all directions.
I'm in Poland for a week soon and I've got vegging plants on the go, the missus flew out on Monday and dropped it on my toes that we're going to Prague for the week after.

"Nice love but just one thing. You fucking forgot I've a vegging tent on the go!"

"But you said if you give them a good water and leave them under a little 40w cfl they'll be fine?"

"Aye yes, for a week. Who the fuck is going to water them for the other week?"

"Oh, I didn't think of that"


Pmsl women are daft arnt they... how many plants u got cuz u could get some 2ltr bottles fill em with water and just put a tiny hole in the bottom of em and it should last a while if u get the hole small enough
would be more worried about receiving stuff than sending it...

D @mrgreenfingers your mad sound these pc grows why don't u just get a little tent and do it proper style ;-) I got some seeds I dont want but i ain't sending them to someone I don't know I'm a bit para about all that shit.
What are you looking for in a strain mrgf?
i really couldnt tell you
i pref indica dominant but i have seen sativas grown in spaces not much bigger than mine so the floors open on that 1 i just dont know what to get i said i want to find a strain that i can grow for a very long time but dont want to regret the choice . i plan on buyin the winning strain and gettin a mother going for cuttings but i need to see the results side by side ,, blame it on the ocd or whatever but i cant do it without comparison (in my enviroment/conditions)
would be more worried about receiving stuff than sending it...

Dam strait wouldn't give any1 me address it would all have to be in person fuck that shit its hard to find people u trust I day trust no one but I've got 2 people I can trust and there rock solid best off just doing your own shit ya get me
like id have some1 send summat to MY house lmao im a lil bit more clued up than that ,,ur best friend when growing weed is paranoia , that little voice that tells u oh shit dont blow it , if somebody did send me a seed it would go to a po box ive rented .its where all my shit goes to do with wed n its all done anonymously thanks to a friend in America.. no trace ...