African Sativas Vs. Asian Sativas


Well-Known Member
Ng just shared tons of experience althor.
Oh did he?

I took away from that, he just grew Malawi but cant tell you what type of buzz it had and

If I grow 3 different strains in the same grow box with same soil and nutrients all 3 will have the same buzz....


Natural Gas

Active Member
Oh did he?

I took away from that, he just grew Malawi but cant tell you what type of buzz it had and

If I grow 3 different strains in the same grow box with same soil and nutrients all 3 will have the same buzz....

althor, althor, I reviewed your profile to find that you really don't contribute much more than criticism...You don't write well either...I "Googled" your user name,too, just for grins and giggles. Are you "World of Warcraft" althor?...OR...Is it World of Time althor?...Aren't those games where you play out your life in a virtual reality??? It really does not matter to me in which world you choose to live. You write like a narcissist...Your posts are generally negative...I imagine you live a sad life...Please know that no one here really cares what you think of me...Instead of trying to build yourself by attacking me "TRY" to contribute some useful information. I do not care where you come up with something useful to contribute...Just contribute!!! What you think of me is none of my business...I choose not to think of you at all...FWIW


New Member
Damn , this is a good thread and I get tired of the shit stirred up here when its not needed .. There is a time and place for just about everything but with that said some people just dont get it ..

Comparing African Genetics to Asian genetics is like comparing the people of each Ethnicity .. They too are just as diverse as the plant specimens found in there natural environments .. Each has adapted and evolved to become unique and differing than the other ..

With that said each Land Race has its own unique Cannabinoid profile and this we have little understanding of .. We know that African strains tend to produce Thcv but we really have not tapped into the science of Cannabinoids beyond a basic understanding .. Its a shame but we are well beyond our time in this field of study .. And we all know why !


Well-Known Member
althor, althor, I reviewed your profile to find that you really don't contribute much more than criticism...You don't write well either...I "Googled" your user name,too, just for grins and giggles. Are you "World of Warcraft" althor?...OR...Is it World of Time althor?...Aren't those games where you play out your life in a virtual reality??? It really does not matter to me in which world you choose to live. You write like a narcissist...Your posts are generally negative...I imagine you live a sad life...Please know that no one here really cares what you think of me...Instead of trying to build yourself by attacking me "TRY" to contribute some useful information. I do not care where you come up with something useful to contribute...Just contribute!!! What you think of me is none of my business...I choose not to think of you at all...FWIW

Nope, Althor is a main character from a book so most likely a lot of people use that handle. Don't play World of War Craft or any online game. I do play Medieval Total War 1 from time to time, I enjoy it, but it isn't online.


Well-Known Member
althor, althor, I reviewed your profile to find that you really don't contribute much more than criticism...You don't write well either...I "Googled" your user name,too, just for grins and giggles. Are you "World of Warcraft" althor?...OR...Is it World of Time althor?...Aren't those games where you play out your life in a virtual reality??? It really does not matter to me in which world you choose to live. You write like a narcissist...Your posts are generally negative...I imagine you live a sad life...Please know that no one here really cares what you think of me...Instead of trying to build yourself by attacking me "TRY" to contribute some useful information. I do not care where you come up with something useful to contribute...Just contribute!!! What you think of me is none of my business...I choose not to think of you at all...FWIW

Well, did I read that right? According to what you say, you recently grew out Malawi and can't even tell us what the buzz was like because you "don't remember"?

And, did you actually say that genetics don't matter that how you grow it is what gives it the type of buzz it has?

First just screams bullshit, second is so wrong it is laughable. Otherwise every single strain people grew would be identical since they grow in the same area....


Well-Known Member
Yup, very interesting stuff..... until the thread went Hazey Grapes! Funny shit the last few posts, not surprised though!

Natural Gas

Active Member
Hope we can get back to civility with a look at what I am doing...Ask questions if you wish...FWIW...Kinda walk through



Natural Gas

Active Member
This is what I have in germ, veg, flower or zips...I have tried them all...They all work...Trying to explain each med's quality of stone would, for me, be analogous to explaining what peppermint tastes like...I do have access to Infrared Spectrophotometry and Gas Chroma-photography though...I can tell you the EC of the run off on the slightly over nute tall pheno Y Griega and adjust that run off by 50ppm increments. I can tell you that when I grow for folks that are vegan I don't add Bone, Blood meal or fish emulsions...But I cannot seem to discriminate the stone cause I'm stoned!!!IMG_0041.jpg ...FWIW

Poyo Loco

hey toro lemme know when you do a grow with those landraces (hopefully outdoors since you mentioned sunlight as a part of you previous grows) i live in the caribbean as well and i'm also curious about the different effects of landraces and their suitability for outdoor growing here.

Natural Gas

Active Member
toro, Are you committed to a land race grow??? There is a hybrid put out by Soma Ceeds that a friend of mine grows in western NC...Strictly an outside grow, at least for him...He has been doing this same grow for a while...Soma, I think, is a Caribbean producer...The strain is "Hash Plant" or something close. I believe it is a landrace cross...Might be worth a look...If it will grow outdoors in the mountains of NC might be a natural for your geography...All I know is what I am told...I will be trying it this weekend...Will try to remember to post...FWIW

Natural Gas

Active Member
toro, Are you committed to a land race grow??? There is a hybrid put out by Soma Ceeds that a friend of mine grows in western NC...Strictly an outside grow, at least for him...He has been doing this same grow for a while...Soma, I think, is a Caribbean producer...The strain is "Hash Plant" or something close. I believe it is a landrace cross...Might be worth a look...If it will grow outdoors in the mountains of NC might be a natural for your geography...All I know is what I am told...I will be trying it this weekend...Will try to remember to post...FWIW
toro, Just a follow up...Found this... am not endorsing it, just sharing it...FWIW


Active Member
I've read quite a bit about what people and seed companies have to say about the effects of Malawi and Thai sativas, and I know there has to be a lot of variation among strains even within the two enormous continents. For example, strains from south, north or central Africa must have their differences as well as strains from Thailand, Viet Nam and Laos (etc.). All information seems to point to a pretty intense psychedelic high from both continents, but can any of the experts out there talk generally about the differences they've found most noteworthy? I'm specifically interested in the differences of their effects. Is one more racy or psychedelic than the other? Is one more euphoric, more creative, more happy/smiley? You get the idea.

What inspired me to ask was not only the fact that I've found no threads on any forum discussing this, but I recently ordered the Ace Golden Tiger from Sea of Seeds. They just wrote to tell me they are sold out of it and asked if I would like to order different seeds. I live in the Caribbean and am tempted by another Ace selection, Double Thai, but am strongly considering their Malawi. I'm open to other strains from other companies, but really hope this generates some interesting and useful conversation from all of you.

Hey man,

I have found that Malawi typically has very fat indica like leaves during veg and it changes to a very thin leaf(looks somewhat pure haze). They tend to have about 8-12 leaves on a fan leaf in later stages. I have not smoked any as of yet. But, I have smoke tested a male and fem leaves to judge potency and the effects from that are very very heady and intense. I have not done pure thais, but I have some of the thai crosses from ace and cbg's destroyer. Thais have much thinner fan leaves(in veg, more pronounced in flower) and up to 16 leafs per fan leaf. The distance on Malawi fan leaflets(leaf on fan leaf) in flower are much closer together than thai which have larger spacings between them.

I have read that African strains tend to have effects dominant to either being energetic or psychedelic.

Never tried pure VB, but i have done VBT. VB phenos have a very fat leaves(leaves resemble a sat dom hybrid). The VB effects are racy yet clear and not intense. You can function quite normally under its effects. Very nice for working/exploring/socializing...The Thai phenos on the other hand are clear and racy but it gives a real rush of energy to the head. It can sometimes be really intense.

MW or GT is more intense and more psychedelic than VBT.


Well-Known Member
hey toro lemme know when you do a grow with those landraces (hopefully outdoors since you mentioned sunlight as a part of you previous grows) i live in the caribbean as well and i'm also curious about the different effects of landraces and their suitability for outdoor growing here.
if I lived in the carribean I'd be going for the nevilles haze its 75% haze 25% nl5 I'd be willing to bet you'll do alot better with a good hybrid then a landrace. but do yourself a favor and go to the mr. nice auction you'll get nh for around half price plus fresh from the breeder. but as for landrace's they just won't yield as good and won't be as potent as a good hybrid.


Well-Known Member
im from the eastern caribbean and stvincent is synonymous with sativas and great ones i may add. i suspect their land races originate from colombian sativas but after generations upon have become their own. those other caribbean folk need look no further or could start with st.vincent for potent land race sativas.