There's only so much help you can give, there still needs to be a small amount of get up and get back to it within these people as well. The same guy went inside as he got mixed up with this stupid mofo who thought he was the man, they ended up kicking the shit out of this young lad and then stabbing him 4 times in the arse....they then decided to come to my house with a fukkin carry out and promptly started bragging about their exploits. Needless to say I had the police in my house, I got into shit for having roaches and what not in my ashtray when they arrived (which they threatened me with if I didn't tell them all about what had happened). And then when the guy was inside, he never sent me a pass to visit him as I wasn't bringing him heroin. Then had the cheek to phone me on Xmas day, my Mum is screaming, "get out yer bed, Stephs on the phone!" I am like, how cool, my bud giving me a call on Xmas. First thing he said. "I need money man, I am getting done over if I don't get at least £100 together today..." Well Merry Fukkin Xmas to you dip shit. It took me years to shake those fools out of my life.