Hawaii Growers

Whats the buzz like Sativa or Indica leaning?...I feel like a clucker waiting to get a crack hit...lol.

BTW the plant I'm treating with CS hasn't responded yet... but I'm not giving up hope! I'll spray that sucker until I'm out of silver... ;-)
hard to explain, I guess 50/50 right down the middle. all I know is it's top shelf smoke. super stoney.

and don't give up on the CS! we got jillybean cuts too if you interested bro. shoot me a pm if you like

  • Mo, what did you pick up from RD? They are my second favorite seed company out there,and Scott Reach is about as good a breeder as anyone can get! I expect many cool things from them in the future too!​

Scott's OG - I picked it up at the LA Cup from Mrs. RD herself! I figure the one named after Scott must be pretty nice. That is the same reason I picked up some Jillybean from TGA. I love Orange and Pineapple phenos. Also got some Jesus OG (Jack the Ripper cross with the Hell's Angels' OG cut).




I left a message for the Rare Dankness team to see what soil Scott uses. Already mixed up some super soil for the TGA beans.

hard to explain, I guess 50/50 right down the middle. all I know is it's top shelf smoke. super stoney.

and don't give up on the CS! we got jillybean cuts too if you interested bro. shoot me a pm if you like

Sounds like the kinda smoke a like Doc, prolly a little heady that lingers into couch-lock if you get greedy with it? I'm obviously making wild assumptions...lol

Man I'd totally take you up on the JB, but i have to much on my plate at the moment. thanks for the offer though!

I've got a few back up cuts of the YB/TW JIC i fucked up the silver concentration.
I left a message for the Rare Dankness team to see what soil Scott uses. Already mixed up some super soil for the TGA beans.

Hey Mo,
I was actually poking around the RD site the other day and they have a soil mix listed under the FAQ's. I was actually there because I was a little confused after reading somewhere that RD beans from attitude may or may not be the same seeds available from RD in colorado due to their european distributor.

But anyway here's a quote from their site if they dont get back to you:

The original moonshine mix called for a full bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest organic soil, a half bag of Fox Farm planting Mix with bat guano and a half of a bag of Fox Farm Light warrior with additional dry nutrients provided by Peace of Mind and a few added amendments. The key to this mix was to master the wet/ dry cycle and learning the key times to transplant. It was an expensive mix but it worked for almost every strain I've ever grown from after cloning to harvest. A few tweaks and additional amendments and I've developed a mix that works just as well and allows for a few well timed feedings to increase growth rates.

This is the final mix for Flowering, mix and allow soil to sit for 7 days before transplanting. For best results: final transplant 8-10 days before flowering. Pot size should be based on plant size. Less than a foot tall without many leads = small pot. Big 3 ft tall monster bush before flower = 7-10 gal bin.

1 bag of Fox Farm Happy Frog potting soil ½ bag Fox Farm Ocean Forest ½ bag of Black Gold organic soil 2 lbs of earth worm castings. 5 gallons of Chunky / Coarse perilite 1 cup greensand 1 cup dolomite lime (powder) 1 small coco fiber brick 2 cups Peace of Mind Fruit and Flower

For 90% of plants this mix will need only Ph'd (6.7) water through the entire flower cycle. For the other 10% of heavy feeders I recommend feeding at week 3 through 5.
Just want to give a shout out to all you HI growers. Lived in Kona for a year working at Kiser Motorcycles and man would have I loved to grow there lol...I'm back in Montana but tryin to get to Cali before next winter, so sick of the cold even though i was born and raised here haha. Probably would have stayed in HI had i been able to find a better job and actually knew that i wanted to stay on the island. Nearly all of the nug i had there was bomb especially some Pineapple Chunk i came across. This was back in 2010-2011. Really wish i could roll down to the beach on my scooter anytime i wanted and roll one phatty...maybe one of you could do that for me :) Anyways, happy growing to all, keep it sticky!
I thought I'd up date you folks on what's happening over at the state building. For those of you who don't know, the outlook isn't good once again our elected officials played to the companies that bank rolled their coffers once again. Guys, In 59 years old, I can't keep fighting the fight. I'm fucking sick and tired of these phoney elected officials who only give a shit about issues that bring money to their pocketbooks. So, if you're hoping for anything worth the time of day with regards to medical cannabis program getting better here,...don't hold your breathe!
These cocksuckers can't even get the program moved over "Public Safety", to "Dept. of Health', and that's even with the knowledge that Public Safety doesn't even want the job anymore!!!! Nothing like a state full of spineless politicians ready to suck the dicks of big industry at the drop of a hat! Yet refuses to back the will of the people, and why are these "butt worms" re-elected year after year?

Read it and Weep:

[h=1]BILLS DEAD FOR 2013 (LIVE for 2014):[/h]HB150 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=150

  • 2/20/13: HB 150 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 150 was introduced, and referred to three committees: Judiciary (JUD), Health (HLT) and Finance (FIN).
  • Personal Use of Marijuana; Licenses to Cultivate, Manufacture, Test, or Sell Marijuana; County Regulation RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Authorizes persons 21 years of age or older to consume or possess limited amounts of marijuana for personal use. Provides for the licensing of marijuana cultivation facilities, product manufacturing facilities, safety testing facilities, and retail stores. Requires the counties to provide for licensing of marijuana facilities if the State fails to do so. Authorizes the counties to regulate or prohibit marijuana facilities within their boundaries.
HB077 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=77

  • 2/20/13: HB 077 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 077 was introduced, and referred to three committees: HLT (Health), Public Safety (PBS), Finance (FIN).
  • Medical Use of Marijuana; Transfer of Departmental Jurisdiction RELATING TO MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA. Transfers jurisdiction over the state medical marijuana program from PSD to DOH.
  • Companion bill HB 1438: http://capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=1438
HB455 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=455

  • 2/20/13: HB 455 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 455 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Public Safety (PBS) and Judiciary (JUD).
  • Marijuana; Possession; Violation RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Decriminalizes and establishes civil adjudicatory proceedings for the possession of one ounce or less of marijuana.
HB699 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2013/Bills/HB699_.PD

  • 2/20/13: HB 699 was “deferred” (with no vote taken) for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014)
  • JUD heard this bill 2/1/13. A decision on whether to pass it to FIN, hold it or defer it was held Tuesday, 2/12/13.
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 699 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Judiciary (JUD) and Finance (FIN).
  • Authorizes persons 21 years of age or older to consume or possess limited amounts of marijuana for personal use. Provides for the licensing of marijuana cultivation facilities, product manufacturing facilities, safety testing facilities, and retail stores. Applies an excise tax on transactions between marijuana establishments.
HB1042 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2013/Bills/HB1042_.PD

  • 2/20/13: HB 1042 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 1042 was introduced.
  • Amends the definition of “adequate supply” by increasing the maximum number of mature marijuana plants from three to twenty-one and removing the limitation of four immature marijuana plants. Transfers all rights, powers, functions, and duties of the department of public safety relating to the medical use of marijuana under chapter 329, part IX, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to the department of health
HB1216 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2013/Bills/HB1216_.PD

  • 2/20/13: HB 1216 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 1216 was introduced.
  • Requires medical marijuana dispensaries to register their agents and their business with the department of health by submitting an application and fee. Transfers departmental jurisdiction of the medical marijuana laws from the department of public safety (DPS) to the department of health (DOH) and requires DPS to assist with the transfer. To facilitate the transfer, requires the DPS to continue to maintain a verification service to confirm registration that is accessible 24/7 to the DOH.
  • Companion bill SB703: http://capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=703
SB162: http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=162

  • 2/20/13: SB 162 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB162 was introduced, and referred to one committee: Public Safety (PSM)
  • Short form bill.
SB467 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=467

  • 2/20/13: SB 467 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB467 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Judiciary and Labor (JDL)/ Consumer protection (CPN) and Ways and Means (WAM).
  • Marijuana; Legalization RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Legalizes the personal use of marijuana in a specified quantity. Requires licensing to operate marijuana establishments. Subjects marijuana establishments to excise taxes and income taxes.
SB471 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=471

  • 2/20/13: SB 471 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB471 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Health (HTH)/Public Safety (PSM) and Ways and Means (WAM).
  • Counties; Compassion Centers RELATING TO COUNTIES. Provides that each county has the power to establish compassion centers for the dispensing of medical marijuana. Requires that compassion centers shall only provide service to qualifying patients and primary caregivers registered with the department of public safety. Makes compassion centers subject to the general excise tax by making inapplicable the exemption for amounts received from sales of prescription drugs or prosthetic devices. Imposes a general excise tax on marijuana sales. Imposes registration fee on compassion centers, to be shared with counties.
SB685 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=685

  • 2/20/13: SB 685 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB685 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Public Safety (PSM)/Health (HTH) and Ways and Means (WAM).
  • Medical Use of Cannabis; Transfer of Program Administration RELATING TO MEDICAL CANNABIS. Transfers departmental jurisdiction of the medical marijuana laws from PSD to DOH and requires PSD to assist with the transfer. Effective 07/01/2013.
SB687 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=687

  • 2/28/13: SB 687 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • 1/28/13: SB687 was introduced, and was referred to two committees: Public Safety (PSM) and Health. (HTH).
  • Medical Marijuana; Post-traumatic Stress Disorder RELATING TO MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA. Includes post-traumatic stress disorder to the definition of debilitating medical condition to allow for the use of medical marijuana in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.
SB689 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=689

  • 2/28/13: SB 689 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • 2/13/13: The House Health Committee passed SB 689, and it will now be heard by the Judiciary Committee.
  • The Committee on Health (HTH) heard SB689 on Wednesday, 2/13/13
  • As of 1/28/13, SB689 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Health, Intergovernmental and Military Affairs (HTH) and Judiciary (JUD)
  • Health; Pain; Patient’s Bill of Rights RELATING TO PAIN PATIENTS BILL OF RIGHTS. Clarifies that the medical use of marijuana is considered to be consistent with the pain patient’s bill of rights.
SB686 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=686

  • 2/20/13: SB 686 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB686 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Public Safety (PSM)/Health (HTH) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Medical Marijuana RELATING TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Increases the amount of marijuana that constitutes an adequate supply by allowing a qualifying patient to possess 10 marijuana plants and 5 ounces of marijuana at any given time. Keeps confidential the site where marijuana is grown. Prohibits the DOH from requiring that a certifying physician be the patient’s primary care physician. Prohibits certifying physicians from naming or describing a patient’s particular debilitating condition. Increases the permissible ratio of patients to caregivers by allowing a caregiver to be responsible for the care of up to 5 patients at any given time. Allows transfer to another qualified patient and transport of medical marijuana without prosecution. Allows for recognition of visiting qualifying patients. Transfers departmental jurisdiction of the medical marijuana laws from PSD to DOH and requires PSD to assist with the transfer. Effective 07/01/2013.
SB690 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=690

  • 2/20/13: SB 690 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014). Although SB 690 is not moving, a House version of the bill, HB 668 IS alive and worthy of support! (see above in LIVE BILLS)
  • As of 1/28/13, SB690 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Public Safety (PSM)/Health (HTH) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Medical Use of Marijuana; Transfer to Department of Health RELATING TO HEALTH. Transfers departmental jurisdiction of the medical marijuana laws from the department of public safety (DPS) to the department of health (DOH) and requires DPS to assist with the transfer. To facilitate the transfer, requires the DPS to continue to maintain a verification service to confirm registration that is accessible 24/7 to the DOH. Takes effect 1/2/2014.
SB703 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=703

  • 2/20/13: SB 703 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB703 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Health (HTH)/Public Safety (PSM) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Medical Marijuana; Registration; Department of Health RELATING TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Requires medical marijuana dispensaries to register their agents and their business with the department of health by submitting an application and fee. Transfers departmental jurisdiction of the medical marijuana laws from the department of public safety (DPS) to the department of health (DOH) and requires DPS to assist with the transfer. To facilitate the transfer, requires the DPS to continue to maintain a verification service to confirm registration that is accessible 24/7 to the DOH.
SB738 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=738

  • 2/20/13: SB 738 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB738 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Judiciary (JDL)/Consumer Protection (CPL) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Marijuana; Legalization RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Decriminalizes under state law the growing, processing, possession, transfer, and personal use of marijuana in a specified quantity to persons at least twenty-one years of age. Requires licensing to operate marijuana establishments. Subjects marijuana establishments to excise taxes and income taxes.
SB739 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=739

  • 2/20/13: SB 739 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB739 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Public Safety (PSM)/Judiciary (JDL) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Marijuana; Civil Penalties for Possession of One Ounce or Less RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Establishes a civil violation for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana that is subject to a fine of not more than $100, and establishes an adjudicatory structure for its enforcement. Deletes reporting requirements of board of education for students possessing one ounce or less of marijuana. Clarifies that medical marijuana patients and primary caregiver may assert affirmative defense to prosecution, criminal or civil, involving possession of one ounce or less of marijuana. Excludes possession of one ounce or less of marijuana from authority of Hawaii paroling authority to require paroled prisoner to undergo and complete substance abuse treatment. Excludes possession of more than one ounce of marijuana from authority of courts to require a defendant to undergo and complete substance abuse treatment for probation violation. Clarifies definition of detrimental drug to exclude one ounce or less of marijuana. Excludes possession of one ounce or less of marijuana from offenses of promoting a detrimental drug in the second degree and third degree. Clarifies a civil violation for possession of marijuana does not constitute a prior offense for purposes of the conditional discharge law.
SB1218 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=1218

  • 2/20/13: SB 1218 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB1218 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Health (HLT)/Public Safety (PSM) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Amends Hawaiiʻs medical marijuana law definitions of “adequate supply” and “written certification”
  • Companion bill: HB 1042: http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2013/Bills/HB1042_.PD

I thought I'd up date you folks on what's happening over at the state building. For those of you who don't know, the outlook isn't good once again our elected officials played to the companies that bank rolled their coffers once again. Guys, In 59 years old, I can't keep fighting the fight. I'm fucking sick and tired of these phoney elected officials who only give a shit about issues that bring money to their pocketbooks. So, if you're hoping for anything worth the time of day with regards to medical cannabis program getting better here,...don't hold your breathe!
These cocksuckers can't even get the program moved over "Public Safety", to "Dept. of Health', and that's even with the knowledge that Public Safety doesn't even want the job anymore!!!! Nothing like a state full of spineless politicians ready to suck the dicks of big industry at the drop of a hat! Yet refuses to back the will of the people, and why are these "butt worms" re-elected year after year?

Read it and Weep:

BILLS DEAD FOR 2013 (LIVE for 2014):

HB150 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=150

  • 2/20/13: HB 150 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 150 was introduced, and referred to three committees: Judiciary (JUD), Health (HLT) and Finance (FIN).
  • Personal Use of Marijuana; Licenses to Cultivate, Manufacture, Test, or Sell Marijuana; County Regulation RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Authorizes persons 21 years of age or older to consume or possess limited amounts of marijuana for personal use. Provides for the licensing of marijuana cultivation facilities, product manufacturing facilities, safety testing facilities, and retail stores. Requires the counties to provide for licensing of marijuana facilities if the State fails to do so. Authorizes the counties to regulate or prohibit marijuana facilities within their boundaries.
HB077 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=77

  • 2/20/13: HB 077 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 077 was introduced, and referred to three committees: HLT (Health), Public Safety (PBS), Finance (FIN).
  • Medical Use of Marijuana; Transfer of Departmental Jurisdiction RELATING TO MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA. Transfers jurisdiction over the state medical marijuana program from PSD to DOH.
  • Companion bill HB 1438: http://capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=1438
HB455 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=455

  • 2/20/13: HB 455 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 455 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Public Safety (PBS) and Judiciary (JUD).
  • Marijuana; Possession; Violation RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Decriminalizes and establishes civil adjudicatory proceedings for the possession of one ounce or less of marijuana.
HB699 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2013/Bills/HB699_.PD

  • 2/20/13: HB 699 was “deferred” (with no vote taken) for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014)
  • JUD heard this bill 2/1/13. A decision on whether to pass it to FIN, hold it or defer it was held Tuesday, 2/12/13.
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 699 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Judiciary (JUD) and Finance (FIN).
  • Authorizes persons 21 years of age or older to consume or possess limited amounts of marijuana for personal use. Provides for the licensing of marijuana cultivation facilities, product manufacturing facilities, safety testing facilities, and retail stores. Applies an excise tax on transactions between marijuana establishments.
HB1042 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2013/Bills/HB1042_.PD

  • 2/20/13: HB 1042 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 1042 was introduced.
  • Amends the definition of “adequate supply” by increasing the maximum number of mature marijuana plants from three to twenty-one and removing the limitation of four immature marijuana plants. Transfers all rights, powers, functions, and duties of the department of public safety relating to the medical use of marijuana under chapter 329, part IX, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to the department of health
HB1216 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2013/Bills/HB1216_.PD

  • 2/20/13: HB 1216 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, HB 1216 was introduced.
  • Requires medical marijuana dispensaries to register their agents and their business with the department of health by submitting an application and fee. Transfers departmental jurisdiction of the medical marijuana laws from the department of public safety (DPS) to the department of health (DOH) and requires DPS to assist with the transfer. To facilitate the transfer, requires the DPS to continue to maintain a verification service to confirm registration that is accessible 24/7 to the DOH.
  • Companion bill SB703: http://capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=703
SB162: http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=162

  • 2/20/13: SB 162 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB162 was introduced, and referred to one committee: Public Safety (PSM)
  • Short form bill.
SB467 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=467

  • 2/20/13: SB 467 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB467 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Judiciary and Labor (JDL)/ Consumer protection (CPN) and Ways and Means (WAM).
  • Marijuana; Legalization RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Legalizes the personal use of marijuana in a specified quantity. Requires licensing to operate marijuana establishments. Subjects marijuana establishments to excise taxes and income taxes.
SB471 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=471

  • 2/20/13: SB 471 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB471 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Health (HTH)/Public Safety (PSM) and Ways and Means (WAM).
  • Counties; Compassion Centers RELATING TO COUNTIES. Provides that each county has the power to establish compassion centers for the dispensing of medical marijuana. Requires that compassion centers shall only provide service to qualifying patients and primary caregivers registered with the department of public safety. Makes compassion centers subject to the general excise tax by making inapplicable the exemption for amounts received from sales of prescription drugs or prosthetic devices. Imposes a general excise tax on marijuana sales. Imposes registration fee on compassion centers, to be shared with counties.
SB685 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=685

  • 2/20/13: SB 685 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB685 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Public Safety (PSM)/Health (HTH) and Ways and Means (WAM).
  • Medical Use of Cannabis; Transfer of Program Administration RELATING TO MEDICAL CANNABIS. Transfers departmental jurisdiction of the medical marijuana laws from PSD to DOH and requires PSD to assist with the transfer. Effective 07/01/2013.
SB687 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=687

  • 2/28/13: SB 687 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • 1/28/13: SB687 was introduced, and was referred to two committees: Public Safety (PSM) and Health. (HTH).
  • Medical Marijuana; Post-traumatic Stress Disorder RELATING TO MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA. Includes post-traumatic stress disorder to the definition of debilitating medical condition to allow for the use of medical marijuana in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.
SB689 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=689

  • 2/28/13: SB 689 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • 2/13/13: The House Health Committee passed SB 689, and it will now be heard by the Judiciary Committee.
  • The Committee on Health (HTH) heard SB689 on Wednesday, 2/13/13
  • As of 1/28/13, SB689 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Health, Intergovernmental and Military Affairs (HTH) and Judiciary (JUD)
  • Health; Pain; Patient’s Bill of Rights RELATING TO PAIN PATIENTS BILL OF RIGHTS. Clarifies that the medical use of marijuana is considered to be consistent with the pain patient’s bill of rights.
SB686 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=686

  • 2/20/13: SB 686 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB686 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Public Safety (PSM)/Health (HTH) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Medical Marijuana RELATING TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Increases the amount of marijuana that constitutes an adequate supply by allowing a qualifying patient to possess 10 marijuana plants and 5 ounces of marijuana at any given time. Keeps confidential the site where marijuana is grown. Prohibits the DOH from requiring that a certifying physician be the patient’s primary care physician. Prohibits certifying physicians from naming or describing a patient’s particular debilitating condition. Increases the permissible ratio of patients to caregivers by allowing a caregiver to be responsible for the care of up to 5 patients at any given time. Allows transfer to another qualified patient and transport of medical marijuana without prosecution. Allows for recognition of visiting qualifying patients. Transfers departmental jurisdiction of the medical marijuana laws from PSD to DOH and requires PSD to assist with the transfer. Effective 07/01/2013.
SB690 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=690

  • 2/20/13: SB 690 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014). Although SB 690 is not moving, a House version of the bill, HB 668 IS alive and worthy of support! (see above in LIVE BILLS)
  • As of 1/28/13, SB690 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Public Safety (PSM)/Health (HTH) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Medical Use of Marijuana; Transfer to Department of Health RELATING TO HEALTH. Transfers departmental jurisdiction of the medical marijuana laws from the department of public safety (DPS) to the department of health (DOH) and requires DPS to assist with the transfer. To facilitate the transfer, requires the DPS to continue to maintain a verification service to confirm registration that is accessible 24/7 to the DOH. Takes effect 1/2/2014.
SB703 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=703

  • 2/20/13: SB 703 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB703 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Health (HTH)/Public Safety (PSM) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Medical Marijuana; Registration; Department of Health RELATING TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Requires medical marijuana dispensaries to register their agents and their business with the department of health by submitting an application and fee. Transfers departmental jurisdiction of the medical marijuana laws from the department of public safety (DPS) to the department of health (DOH) and requires DPS to assist with the transfer. To facilitate the transfer, requires the DPS to continue to maintain a verification service to confirm registration that is accessible 24/7 to the DOH.
SB738 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=738

  • 2/20/13: SB 738 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB738 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Judiciary (JDL)/Consumer Protection (CPL) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Marijuana; Legalization RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Decriminalizes under state law the growing, processing, possession, transfer, and personal use of marijuana in a specified quantity to persons at least twenty-one years of age. Requires licensing to operate marijuana establishments. Subjects marijuana establishments to excise taxes and income taxes.
SB739 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=739

  • 2/20/13: SB 739 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB739 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Public Safety (PSM)/Judiciary (JDL) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Marijuana; Civil Penalties for Possession of One Ounce or Less RELATING TO MARIJUANA. Establishes a civil violation for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana that is subject to a fine of not more than $100, and establishes an adjudicatory structure for its enforcement. Deletes reporting requirements of board of education for students possessing one ounce or less of marijuana. Clarifies that medical marijuana patients and primary caregiver may assert affirmative defense to prosecution, criminal or civil, involving possession of one ounce or less of marijuana. Excludes possession of one ounce or less of marijuana from authority of Hawaii paroling authority to require paroled prisoner to undergo and complete substance abuse treatment. Excludes possession of more than one ounce of marijuana from authority of courts to require a defendant to undergo and complete substance abuse treatment for probation violation. Clarifies definition of detrimental drug to exclude one ounce or less of marijuana. Excludes possession of one ounce or less of marijuana from offenses of promoting a detrimental drug in the second degree and third degree. Clarifies a civil violation for possession of marijuana does not constitute a prior offense for purposes of the conditional discharge law.
SB1218 http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=1218

  • 2/20/13: SB 1218 did not get scheduled for a hearing, and is dead for the 2013 session (but could be revived in 2014).
  • As of 1/28/13, SB1218 was introduced, and referred to two committees: Health (HLT)/Public Safety (PSM) and Ways and Means (WAM)
  • Amends Hawaiiʻs medical marijuana law definitions of “adequate supply” and “written certification”
  • Companion bill: HB 1042: http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2013/Bills/HB1042_.PD

Thanks for the update Puna, I just read somewhere that the decriminalization bill was making way, but I guess not. It's a shame that nearly every one of these got killed without even a fair hearing on the subject. Who is responsible for dismissing these bills, and what can we do to get someone to replace them?
It is time to retire the "representative" model of governing. Let us represent ourselves. Lobbyists will have a hard time corrupting all of us! :)
I been having problems with couple of my vegger's. Couple of them are showing shriveled, crispy leaves on the new growth. I flushed two of them and repotted them in larger pots with straight sunshine mix#4 two days ago, hoping that if it was nute burn it would clear itself but I'm actually thinking it might be an Magnesium def. or something because I used water from a brand new dehumidifier a few times when watering but I've also been using rain water.

The temps in my tent are fine 75-83F so its not a heat issue.

I think I feed everything maybe once and it was a real minor feeding, like 1 tsp. of some EJ grow and all my other plants are just fine.

I usually wait until the pots are really light before watering, but I'll lay off the watering for the next few days and see if theres any improvements.

Edit: maybe its a compound problem? Over water + toxicity/deficiency? Usually, symptoms of overwatering are leaves drooping downward and not rolled upwards along the edges like mine are showing.
Kalo.. any chance you were using fox farms ocean forest?
I had the same problem last year.. my issue was the soil pH was too low (acidic)..
I was watering with 6.4 pH water and the soil was still around 5.0-5.3 after testing it (i have a hanna digital ph meter)
Found out from a good source that their (FFOF) sphagnum moss was really decayed and acidic (everything breaks down into organic acids eventually).

I would advise you to check the pH of your soil..
best way is to get your soil to the point of saturation (when water starts coming out of your pot, that's too much or over-saturated..)
Let it sit for about 30 minutes... Then "squeeze" the container of soil so some liquid comes out the bottom..
check the ph of that liquid
Also, in my experience EJ grow is acidic. Drops your pH from 7 to 4, with a "Normal" feed (1 tbs) I would add some baking soda to bump it back up in the mid 6 range before feeding.
ay guys I think I might come to Hawaii, as a tourist where do you recommend I go? because I backed out of a flight to South America so the air line is trying to say I have to use the mone for something elese.. witch I think is some bullshit. what ya'll think?
ay guys I think I might come to Hawaii, as a tourist where do you recommend I go? because I backed out of a flight to South America so the air line is trying to say I have to use the mone for something elese.. witch I think is some bullshit. what ya'll think?
Maui is probably the best spot for tourists. Just my personal opinion. Lahaina side is my favorite. Check out front street if you go there. Kihei side is solid too