400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
I think Ms.Flaming Pie might have a point there & I....ahem am blaming my earlier guesstimate on the HIjack ! Too much last night methinks.


Well-Known Member
Haha will see guys in about two weeks, that's when I think FCJ should be ready, after scoping her last night we got about 60/40 cloudy/clear with amber here and there trichs, her pistils are still white with some of them going orange. But the buds are fatting up nicely, every other day I look at them plants they get fatter and fatter :weed:

So any weight I get from this grow will be nice even if it's less then a Oz a plant, still better then nothing or better then paying for it haha


Well-Known Member
dam brotha, must be nice. my next harvest isnt for another 6 weeks!!! at least prob closer to 8 on some of them. i just cant wait to clear some room in there so i can start emptying out my veg tent. might have to pack it all up though and move it which im not too fond of ><

the good news is i may have another spot lined up for it...just breaking it down and bringing equipment and plants over...which is always nerve wracking.....when you take your entire grow op mobile it puts chills down your spine. If i were to get pulled over every bit i have invested wouldbe confiscated. :(


Well-Known Member
im anxious to see what the FCJ buds look like though...from my experience that plant goes through 2 fattening stages...one mid veg then another right before its donw it will fatten and kinda change color.


Well-Known Member
dam brotha, must be nice. my next harvest isnt for another 6 weeks!!! at least prob closer to 8 on some of them. i just cant wait to clear some room in there so i can start emptying out my veg tent. might have to pack it all up though and move it which im not too fond of ><

the good news is i may have another spot lined up for it...just breaking it down and bringing equipment and plants over...which is always nerve wracking.....when you take your entire grow op mobile it puts chills down your spine. If i were to get pulled over every bit i have invested wouldbe confiscated. :(
Matt, I just hope everything will go well and as planed. You still going to be growing with same people just a different place? or different place and different people?

Fuck yeah, driving with all you equipment plus your plants shit that would be a nerve wracking dirve....fuck...lol


Well-Known Member
im anxious to see what the FCJ buds look like though...from my experience that plant goes through 2 fattening stages...one mid veg then another right before its donw it will fatten and kinda change color.
Buds look fat, but there's still bunch of white hair, so I think another 2 weeks should do it.


Well-Known Member
different place/people....not sure what im doing as of right now though...still up in the air..just dont wantt o get a bunch of plants 7 weeks into flower and have to transport them...be like a skunk mobile waiting to get pulled over lol.


Well-Known Member
and Acid i swear we get up at the same time, pour our morning coffe at same time and sit down to RIU to wake up at the same time HAHAHA you always on in AM when im on....this am i was on a few min before you though!!


Well-Known Member
and Acid i swear we get up at the same time, pour our morning coffe at same time and sit down to RIU to wake up at the same time HAHAHA you always on in AM when im on....this am i was on a few min before you though!!
Hahahahaha that's the first thing I do when I wake up, sit in the kitchen having some coffee while reading new posts on RIU and waiting for the rest of the house to wake up.

I'm a early morning person never were very fond of sleeping haha, I always tell my self that I will sleep when I die :fire: If I get 4-5 hours of zzzzz a night I'm better then new :)

And there's nothing better then a shot of RIU in the morning, it puts you right on your feet hahah.


Well-Known Member
i think your an hour behind me anyways so its 8 am here 7 am there.....i think...right now its 8:12

i hate sleeping in too, i like watching the sun rise and getting my day started, shame my grows are under the roofs of people who dont feel the same lol.


Well-Known Member
anyhoo, speaking of its time for me to get these dogs situated and head out...got a bunch of errands and mycotology to do today!! pics will be up later.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm getting ready also, family is up, little one is having his breakfast so it's time to start this day haha yeah Matt it's a hour difference I'm in Central time zone.

So have a good one Matt and talk to you later buddy. I'm waiting on some pictures of the bacon dude!! and you got to take some pictures/video haha when you're going to be smoking that meat! or just have a live web stream haha


Well-Known Member
Did you mean "mycology"?

(as my Statistics Professor said "It is a case of 'If it doesn't spell Madagascar, then what does it spell?'")

What species are you working with?

Take care,

JD, are you a member on shroomery.org by any chance? I think I saw a guy there with a same nick and same avatar I think with like 7k posts haha..


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I love mycology. I started a few new species (Brick Top, H. capnoides,
and a new blewit strain) just the other day.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
yeah from what i have read its a fairly easy one for beginers, this being my first go i figured i would cut myself a break and go with a newbie strain..hopefully i can get into some of the others sometime in the future but for now the GT's seem to be a nice learning strain.