Moving on up!!! Punks 600w adventures


Well-Known Member
kosher 17 days from germ 009_cleaned.jpgkosher 17 days from germ 011_cleaned.jpghi punk, so when i got my last packy, this was a freebie from the boys said ww x cheese.....idk really i just loved it and saw it along thru life. Talk about waiting a week when you think its close! lol, i have to limit myself to every 6 days once im in week 7-8 so i dont drool and convince myself a small clipping wouldnt hurt, ive been around long enough to know i shouldnt touch ANYTHING till its done period, im weak in the knees over a ripening female cannabis plant, yeah im in LOVE with this plant!


Well-Known Member
so i take it you likes the 600 hps? lmao? Let me find out i have to give in and grab som e tga gear punk!


Well-Known Member
Last day for Chernobyl 20130315_065422.jpg 20130315_065447.jpg male Chernobyl 20130315_065546.jpg

everything looks like 3-4 zips except Poser.... I'll guess I'm pulling almost a pound off this room


Well-Known Member
We all have to start somewhere,'re on it now, for sure! ATB!
In all fairness punk look at the results we were getting from those t-5's we used to covet so much, dont get me wrong i still use 400 watts of em in my veg room and every now and then i put two or three 54 watt reds and blues in the flowering tent to send some other par spectrums to lower branches in an effort to hopefully see that this is helping i THINK it is lol! Your right tho, a 600 cooltube is truly a sweet piece of equipment, wife asked me if she could tan underneath it yesterday lmao!