Cream Of The Crop a flop?

Last month I ordered 3 fem Sour Turbo Diesel seeds from Attitude. They sprouted fast but did not make it 24 hours once I put them in SUNSHINE #4. I figured I may have got excited because I haven't added a new strain in a while and jumped the gun on putting them in the soilless mix? No big deal, I popped the free ORKA and it is doing great so not a total loss on the order. Stuck on trying this breeder and strain I ordered 5 more fem Sour Turbo Diesel. I put two in cubes and one popped right away and had roots poking through the bottom of the cube. I put it in a pot and it died overnight. The other took a little longer to sprout and I still have it in the dome. Should I let the slower grower stay in the dome longer? I've always potted my seedlings as soon as they have roots poking out of the rockwoll and I've never had problems like this. Has anyone had problems with this breeder? I can't find all that much info on them but wanted to give them a shot.


Well-Known Member
did they go black or not go??

Might be the Peat in SS4..... Nasty stuff when plants are young

plus grade 4 for seeds come on.. like starting babies on steak and onions


Active Member
I put two in cubes and one popped right away and had roots poking through the bottom of the cube. I put it in a pot and it died overnight.
I would suspect that there is something wrong with your soil. That seedling sounded pretty healthy. I have no experience with that brand so I dunno, but that would be my first thought. It could be the seeds, but I would suspect it's something in their growing environment.

Did you change the lighting at the same time? Perhaps they got shocked by too much light.


Well-Known Member
^^ agree with the above, seeds will sprout and grow without anything just sitting in a papertowel. ALL soil has a small trace of micro nutes in the soil..sounds like you have some bad medium. a seed will grow with just water in soil for weeks without any nutes. even in hydro and plain water a seed will take off. so on that note start where its going wrong. your seed pops and gets up until you transplant into what ever your using then they die so dont put them in there until there older and stronger. good luck and KEEP ON GROWIN


Well-Known Member
I used Sunshine Mix #4 for about 5 batches. It sucked. Some of the shittiest soil I have used to date. I would recommend MG over that shit. I now use Happy Frog with some additives and Light Warrior.
As I stated the ORKA is doing great and I only had one seed. They would just be slumped over in a matter of 12-16 hours I have ran FF and HF soil 50/50 and have actually been doing just as good if not better with the #4. Has anyone actually grown anything from this breeder? The 5th of the 5 I've tried is still in the dome and has not popped a root through the rockwool. The other thing I noticed is that there was one thick root when I put the ORKA into the #4 and all the STD's have had a few tiny roots.
So no one on this site has ever grown anything from Cream Of The Crop? I will say that all of the seeds have popped in a timely manner and that the last one I tried is now showing roots through the rockwool. I'm going to let this one go longer in the dome and hopefully it will take the transplant as well as the Blim Burn ORKA did. I still have three of their STD's left so if worse comes to worse I'll just have to try switching back to a true soil as oppose to the SS#4. I'm pretty sure that most of you are right about it being the SS#4 and not the breeder since every all 5 of the seeds I've placed in rockwool have sprouted and looked well until transplant.
I know a lot of people are looking for info on this breeder so I'm posting an update: I let the last one go in the dome for a few days longer and it took transplant(even in the SS#4) just fine and is looking good. Pretty sure I know how I killed the first four, and a big part of it was how small the roots were. Since the roots were pretty short I figure they were having trouble soaking up anything from the soil, and since I was at work for god knows how long, the rockwool dried out and everything thing in it. I made sure to water over the cube, and not so much the soil around it, so that chances of it drying up would decrees. Since I have been dealing with clones for years I've rarely had the chance, or the time, to study the seedling process this close. Thanks for the advice for those that gave it!