I have 4 complete grows with bubble-ponics without issues, then I came across an old thread where the grower (Undercover Cop) says he alternates nutes with H2O.
His grows were first rate, but he seems to be long gone, so I ask fellow growers... What is your experience?
There is much logic to this, a few sites on the web say there is much success to be had, but they're also the same sites that are selling H20 that is 'pure'.. the upside.. if it works - cut down on nute costs (even if home-brew) & nothing really 'invested' other than a crop cycle of time and more water. Downside: If it produces lower yield, you still have the same electricity bill.
i top off with 8gal H20 every 7 days, first week i hand water each plant half a cup of compost tea no nutes in res just the added H20, the week after add nutrition at full strength(dynagrow grow) for the added water. then back to compost tea alternating to the end.