Pulls up a seat. Breaks out the camera. Grabs a bottle of lube and a warm towel. Cuts out the light. Locks the doors. Turns off the ringer.

Edit: LOL... the timing on my post could not have been any worse!

LMFAO.. yea, needed to be under my post... But shit man that was a good laugh!
Pulls up a seat. Breaks out the camera. Grabs a bottle of lube and a warm towel. Cuts out the light. Locks the doors. Turns off the ringer.

Edit: LOL... the timing on my post could not have been any worse!

LOL !!

I about shit myself when I saw your post just after Flaming pie's "Man in Skivvy's" pics.
You know I love you man, but I ain't erasing it, lol :clap: that was classic, the edit you did made it even more classic lol
GWN is on the scene, you can ask him to do it :razz: Hahahahaha

I've got people sticking their heads in my office wondering if I'm off my rocker.
Laughing my ass off.
Thanks see4 - your timing was impeccable !
Why oh why do I type so slowly when Im baked? Just 1 minute faster and it would have just looked pervy...