Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
How do you explain the 13th amendment?
the 13th was a ratficiation by the states to abolish slavery nationwide.
amendments are approved by the states, and alter the constitution, either adding or removing powers from the federal government and changing the compact between the states.
if we passed a constitutional amendment banning abortion, or repealing the second amendment those provisions would effect the whole nation, and all the states.
the 13th is NOT a law, it is a part of the constitution, and the constitution is supreme.
if you dont know the difference between a constitutional amendment, a law, and a regulation you have no place in any discussion of political or legal matters, and should in fact either take some night school classes or watch Schoolhouse Rock just to get up to speed.
simply put:
The Constitution regulates and organizes actions between and among the states. the STATES are the constitution's constituent members. and the STATES are intended to be the only parties who must answer to the federal govenrment on any matter.
The States are members of the union, and partners in the constitution. the federal government is intended to be a clubhouse where they can get together to work out the differences between them, and present a united front to the rest of the world.
The People are intended to have no responsibility to the union, but instead to be citizens of their sovereign state. laws and matters of justice are to be handled by the states, save in matters where more than one state is involved.
without an interstate or international aspect, no crime or contract should ever be held to answer in federal court, and no person should be charged under federal laws without a clear violation of the constitution at the case's heart, or matters involving interstate flight, interstate crime or interstate commerce.