DEA chiefs urge Obama to nullify Washington and Colorado pot laws

How do you explain the 13th amendment?

the 13th was a ratficiation by the states to abolish slavery nationwide.

amendments are approved by the states, and alter the constitution, either adding or removing powers from the federal government and changing the compact between the states.

if we passed a constitutional amendment banning abortion, or repealing the second amendment those provisions would effect the whole nation, and all the states.
the 13th is NOT a law, it is a part of the constitution, and the constitution is supreme.

if you dont know the difference between a constitutional amendment, a law, and a regulation you have no place in any discussion of political or legal matters, and should in fact either take some night school classes or watch Schoolhouse Rock just to get up to speed.

simply put:

The Constitution regulates and organizes actions between and among the states. the STATES are the constitution's constituent members. and the STATES are intended to be the only parties who must answer to the federal govenrment on any matter.

The States are members of the union, and partners in the constitution. the federal government is intended to be a clubhouse where they can get together to work out the differences between them, and present a united front to the rest of the world.

The People are intended to have no responsibility to the union, but instead to be citizens of their sovereign state. laws and matters of justice are to be handled by the states, save in matters where more than one state is involved.
without an interstate or international aspect, no crime or contract should ever be held to answer in federal court, and no person should be charged under federal laws without a clear violation of the constitution at the case's heart, or matters involving interstate flight, interstate crime or interstate commerce.
Their jobs depend on continuing the prohibition. They put harmless, peaceful citizens in prisons for years on end for the money. Do you think that lying is going to be the line they won't cross?
Weird to like a Red1966 post but it is true, the LEO are shitting it that pot gets legalised.

They get to keep some of the "bold money" for their budgets, for drones and stinger missiles and such.

Crucial police tools in a country that already has a ridiculously powerful military.

Im here, find me.

I have most of these problems already...
I didn't understand that last half of that video... I'm supposed to use my mind... and my penis?
Everything is not terrible... why are they trying to make kids so negative. This is probably what's wrong with me in my adulthood.

Im here, find me.

what a mindfuck!

dont smoke the marijuanas, it will make you crazy and paranoid. instead, drop LSD and trip balls.

LSD is made by scientists so it's got to be awesome...
The DEA wants the feds to stop the legalization because it stands to cost them budget dollars. I am not so sure Obama will take their direction. There is alot of pressure from south of the border for us to end the drug war. The writing is on the walls that Mexico, Guatemala and others are sick if our drug war killing their people. If they take matters into their hands it would be tough on us. so when he looks at a nice bone to the left, placating oyr neighbors, and being able to give the right wing state rights people something, I would not be suprised if this stays effectively in limbo for a couple years before Obama leaves it to the states. the guy was a stoner, there is no way he really supports the current policy.
The DEA wants the feds to stop the legalization because it stands to cost them budget dollars. I am not so sure Obama will take their direction. There is alot of pressure from south of the border for us to end the drug war. The writing is on the walls that Mexico, Guatemala and others are sick if our drug war killing their people. If they take matters into their hands it would be tough on us. so when he looks at a nice bone to the left, placating oyr neighbors, and being able to give the right wing state rights people something, I would not be suprised if this stays effectively in limbo for a couple years before Obama leaves it to the states. the guy was a stoner, there is no way he really supports the current policy.
Of course he doesn't support it, he's black.

I heard ALL black people love smoking weed and that's where saucy jazz music came from.
Of course he doesn't support it, he's black.

I heard ALL black people love smoking weed and that's where saucy jazz music came from.

Just kidding. It's OK....He's Irish. folks....move along...nothing to see here. No. This man will not be lynched. (shot fired)

I tired. :)
Ok here's an example, states that didn't want to lower the bac to .08% for dwi were forced to do so by the feds. The feds simply told these states that their budgets for their infastructure, dpw's etc was going to be severly impacted by the withholding of federal money unless they changed their laws. It was .10 in my state but the feds forced the .08 thus changing the states law.
Feds didn't force shit, they blackmailed them.... All these states want the funny money the fed puts out - they only get it if they play ball. They say that Texas and maybe Alaska are the only states that can operate in a "business as usual" kind of way without fed monies.

You wanna take from the devil, eventually you gotta give him his due.
Feds didn't force shit, they blackmailed them.... All these states want the funny money the fed puts out - they only get it if they play ball. They say that Texas and maybe Alaska are the only states that can operate in a "business as usual" kind of way without fed monies.

You wanna take from the devil, eventually you gotta give him his due.

You know what pisses me off? We have governors trying to convince us that the money is coming from the Fed's and not the state like it isnt the taxpayer that pays for ALL of it....

no need for the apostrophe, dungeons and dragons champ.

you might have a point, but for the fact that there are mooch states like AZ.

If we are a mooch state then it is just as wrong as being a mooched state. It is simply the re-location of wealth from some people to some other people and is wrong. Why do we send our money to the Fed's when it just gets re-distributed back to our states? Are the states not able to handle the money? I can answer that questions... Because the Fed's use the money as a carrot/stick to coerce the states to do whatever it is they want.... You want your highway money? Well then the intoxication level is .08... Etc.

Unlike UB, I dont always look at things on the basis of what is in it for me. He has been a mooch for too damn long to look at things any other way...
If we are a mooch state then it is just as wrong as being a mooched state. It is simply the re-location of wealth from some people to some other people and is wrong. Why do we send our money to the Fed's when it just gets re-distributed back to our states? Are the states not able to handle the money? I can answer that questions... Because the Fed's use the money as a carrot/stick to coerce the states to do whatever it is they want.... You want your highway money? Well then the intoxication level is .08... Etc.

Unlike UB, I dont always look at things on the basis of what is in it for me. He has been a mooch for too damn long to look at things any other way...

when the states rebel the carrot and stick fails miserably, like the destruction of the 55mph speed limit.

with a little more testicle and a little less vagina in the state legislatures the fed's powers could be drastically curtailed.

dare to dream.
If we are a mooch state then it is just as wrong as being a mooched state. It is simply the re-location of wealth from some people to some other people and is wrong. Why do we send our money to the Fed's when it just gets re-distributed back to our states? Are the states not able to handle the money? I can answer that questions... Because the Fed's use the money as a carrot/stick to coerce the states to do whatever it is they want.... You want your highway money? Well then the intoxication level is .08... Etc.

Unlike UB, I dont always look at things on the basis of what is in it for me. He has been a mooch for too damn long to look at things any other way...


the reason we reallocate that money is because without doing so, the rednecks in the deep south would be in an even shittier plight than they are currently in.

i know you have no such qualms about inflicting your sadistic pain on children, but the rest of us who live in reality don't want to let kids go to bed hungry just because their three tooth having dad/uncle is a redneck bum.
when the states rebel the carrot and stick fails miserably, like the destruction of the 55mph speed limit.

with a little more testicle and a little less vagina in the state legislatures the fed's powers could be drastically curtailed.

dare to dream.

good job on proper use of apostrophe. ANALEXCESSGAY1 doesn't quite seem to grasp the concept.
even the post you quoted shows my proper use of the shift key, ANALEXCESSGAY1.
He speaks of your lack of capitalisation at the start of a sentence.

And he is correct, I guess you learn something sitting outside schools... watching the kids...
He speaks of your lack of capitalisation at the start of a sentence.

And he is correct, I guess you learn something sitting outside schools... watching the kids...

Thought he had a ice cream truck
