How to take Clones off a plant?


Active Member
Hey all was just wondering honestly if i can throw the clippings of a plant into soil? or do i have to half those cube thingies. (this is my first time attempting to make clones. Also my first grow ever just som FYI). Im about 1 month into my grow and i wanna take some clones off the top of my my biggest one so that way it tops/ allows one of my other plants to grow to its height. So all i do is just go to a stem and cut it, at a slight angle obviously, and then voila? thats it just throw that clipping into some soil? do i water it? do i just throw it under light or what...?? here is a pic of plant i will take clippings off.
The one in the front.


Active Member
I am not an expert on all methods but here is one that is cheap and I have 100% rooting rate with it. Go get some clone powder/gel and a cheap moisture dome from your local shop. Along with that I recommend getting the rock wool or these other little brown things I cant remember the name of them but they work very well. Take your cutting off at a 45 angle or as close to it as you can and submerge that in a shot glass filled with water so you can take your other cuttings off. Before you dip the cuttings make sure the cube you decide on is watered down with water but not soaking wet. I recommend gently holding it in your hand and flinging your hand at your shower to get rid of excess water if needed. At this point you clean some of the lower cutting off with a razor to expose the inner portion of the stem. Dip the exposed area of the stem into water and then straight into your rooting solution. This ensures that the solution does not come off as easily when using powders. At this point you want to gently insert your cutting so it is in there good and sturdy. Make sure there is no direct exposure from the air/light to your intended root area. After this you are done just put them in the moisture dome and in a week or two you have fully rooted clones ready for a partial feed. I use 18/6 lighting but anything above that works as well and I personally use the side lighting from my veg area so that I do not need to use others lights (since they don't require much light at all.) Sorry if this is long winded but it is within most peoples budgets and works every time. Make sure the dome is moist and exchange the air a few times a day. Happy growing!

I should add that my problems with peat pellets and soil cloning is for me it always stays TOO moist and either takes forever or never roots. Before anyone flames me for this notice the first sentence in this and also that I said it did not work for me. I have seen a few posts claiming jiffy pellets work good, but way more of it being bad.


Active Member
If you can find vermiculite, take a disposable cup and poke holes in its bottom, fill with Verm and place in a bowl of clean water... Cut off a top branch at a 45* angle and dip in water and either stick it in their verm or dip in rooting hormone and put it in the cup. Roots in 1-2 weeks max for most cuttings I've taken. Fastest was like 4 days if your humidity is low or it is drying out put a baggy over the cutting/ cup


Well-Known Member
its better to get roots on your cutting befor you put them in dirt, you don't need rockwool cubes as you can just do it with a glass of water.....but as you know there are better ways ;-)


Active Member
shit I didn't know you needed special shit I thought u culd just cut and throw it in the dirt :confused: damn so you have to have "clone gel" or what ever to make a clone? could I just take a cutting and put it in a cup of water? maybe put a dab of some FF grow big in there? lol?


Active Member
You 'can' just 'Throw it into dirt".. well.. you probably don't want to throw it.

There are some pretty informative threads floating about already if you take a gander for them.

You don't NEED anything and can do it with water.. but do a bit of reading first.. it is 'almost' as simple as snip and place.. but there are a few practical things to go over first.

Good luck.

267 posts and you still cant figure out how to take a clone? amazing. :leaf: but goodluck with your plants. Try taking a clone and put it in a cup with 1" inch of water. Dont add any fertilizer because they dont even have roots yet. You can foliar feed with a very light dose of nutes. :peace:


Well-Known Member
267 posts and you still cant figure out how to take a clone? amazing. :leaf: but goodluck with your plants. Try taking a clone and put it in a cup with 1" inch of water. Dont add any fertilizer because they dont even have roots yet. You can foliar feed with a very light dose of nutes. :peace:
Amazing? not everybody clones.


Well-Known Member
damn so you have to have "clone gel" or what ever to make a clone? could I just take a cutting and put it in a cup of water?
Cloning gel or powder is worth the $. A small amount will last several years. Think of it as insurance, or maybe assurance. Try to find a commercial grower/cloner that does not use rooting hormones. Not only MJ but any flower/plant that is cloned.


Well-Known Member
As said above take a small container solo cup or glass, fill with water & stick cutting in water, try & cover the top of glass to shield from light. Roots hate light. Keep under light or window sill (be careful) nobody sees it. 10 days are so you should see roots. Replace water every 4 days are so.


Active Member
You 'can' just 'Throw it into dirt".. well.. you probably don't want to throw it.

There are some pretty informative threads floating about already if you take a gander for them.

You don't NEED anything and can do it with water.. but do a bit of reading first.. it is 'almost' as simple as snip and place.. but there are a few practical things to go over first.

Good luck.

LOL yah I don't think I wanna throw it!, Ty for the info and well its in a dark cup in water seeing how she'll do!

267 posts and you still cant figure out how to take a clone? amazing. :leaf: but goodluck with your plants. Try taking a clone and put it in a cup with 1" inch of water. Dont add any fertilizer because they dont even have roots yet. You can foliar feed with a very light dose of nutes. :peace:
lol first grow, first time cloning two days ago sorry bro, Oh well shit I have it in about 3inches of water!@ better go pour some out!@ thanks
Amazing? not everybody clones.
lol yah this was my first time. Gotta be a first for everything!!@:eyesmoke:
you think he would atleast know how to use the search function with that many post... that was my point.
True and I do but im not sure if you have used it, and by god some times you just pull up some of the most off topic things its hard to go through all that. my apologies for not using the search engine good friend! bongsmilie


Active Member
Cloning gel or powder is worth the $. A small amount will last several years. Think of it as insurance, or maybe assurance. Try to find a commercial grower/cloner that does not use rooting hormones. Not only MJ but any flower/plant that is cloned.
Well then i'll most likely be getting myself some! Ty for info
As said above take a small container solo cup or glass, fill with water & stick cutting in water, try & cover the top of glass to shield from light. Roots hate light. Keep under light or window sill (be careful) nobody sees it. 10 days are so you should see roots. Replace water every 4 days are so.
oh ok well what if they were in my grow closet light is on but its not under the light, its actually above the light, not dark dark but not bright at all, not under any light. and its not in a see through cup. LMAO I woke up this morning after putting it in the glass last night thinking it would have roots today!! hahaha TY for info


Active Member
shit I didn't know you needed special shit I thought u culd just cut and throw it in the dirt :confused: damn so you have to have "clone gel" or what ever to make a clone? could I just take a cutting and put it in a cup of water? maybe put a dab of some FF grow big in there? lol?
you dont!!!! Everyone over complecates shit all the time. Simple slice you selected stem at about 3-5 inches below the Y at a 45 degree angle and pop into heavily saturated soil/dirt. Put under a light and hey presto. Ive recently cloned 4 with this proceedure using coco with 100% success rate.
God bless AK