Anyone know what kind of plant is this???

Hello guys! I got this plant's seed from some unknown plant on the street, can anyone help me out and tell me, what is this??? So much thx, I spend around 3 months to grow it, and now is seeding :) I think it is self pollinated and have very small flowers and very small black seeds.

091cf824a893209e6c10262f691ec18a.jpg The seed is hold in a bag like this, it can break in half and there is one black seed in the bag. Thanks a lot :)


Well-Known Member
lmfao dude i am not sure what the hell that is but its not anything i would ingest .. looks like a true WEED and not the weed your thinking , throw that thing in the


Well-Known Member
That almost looks like indian tobacco shoot i forget maybe a lobelia? Seems to be liking you atm! Why throw away a living plant? As long as you see no bad effects ie allegies or rash or breahing issues rock on brother!
Well I check on line it dont look like anything, and their flowers are so so small. The top second photo at the top of the plant is flower and below is seed. I'm try really hard to find what kind of plant is this :wall:


Well-Known Member
my suggestion would be this........whereever you found it growing find aa field guide for plants and herbs for that area here there national audaabon society helps ( i know i spelled it wrong so what lol)with field referance guides to hepp narrow down your search!


bud bootlegger
does it look kind of like this??

if it does, i've no clue wtf it's called as the page is in japanese, but let me know if it looks like this or nada first. :D



Active Member
Lol Your growing a weed alright... Lepidium campestre, field pepperweed. I'd recognize those seed heads anywhere.
EDIT: I don't think I see lobed fruit, but if they are kind of heart shaped, its field pennycress,Thlapsi arvense.
Also a common weed.
I think, based on the general reactions seen here, that we can now say a 'weed' is only termed that when we no longer want it to grow lol.
OMG!!!! Thanks Apomixis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try so hard to find this out, lol HAPPY here :-P I know is a weed (non-smokeable), I just found it on a walkway, I still think is pretty cool :hug: I'm sure is Lepidium campestre. You are good :clap: Thank you again :clap: Going to do some reading about it :-P


Well-Known Member
Go to the flower dept at your local grocery store, I think people pay money for more developed flowers that look like that, usually white in color.
Bushy, look like an oversized bud, sometimes up to 5" diameter and 7-10" in length.


Active Member
Your next grow can be Stellaria- chickweed.. Such delightful little leaves and flowers, plus it grows so well! Or perhaps some bitter cress... O, the options! Lol