WARNING - Stay away from RC's

Trippy Mayne

New Member
RUI. This is a very serious, shocking incident that occured about 2 days ago with me, I almost died, and am going to be going back to jail as I violated my probation.
March 13, 2013
Me and 2 friends recieved a call from our Psychedelic guy that he had an extreme Hallucinogen called "BromoDragon-Fly". They were in blotter forms and were 700ug each. The guy warned us that it was a "synthetic psychedelic" and was not to be taken lightly. I'm used to hearing this type of shit, my dealers always say that to me before I purchase any drug from them. I've done LSD well over 20 times up too 800ug, 25i-NBOMe over 30 times highest dose was 5mg, 2CP once 15mg (Hell of a drug), Mescaline once dose unknown, DMT 5 times, broke through once , 5-Meo-DMT twice, 2CI about 10 times doses unknown, MXE maybe a little over ten times highest dose 120mg (Never exceed 80 trust me on that) Ketamine I think 5 times, highest dose 250mg and a shit load of other Psycedelic research chemicals aswell, needless to say this is just to show you how exp. I am with psychs.

Anyways we get the BromoFly in blotters, we got 6 for $30 each containing 700ug, and as soon we get back to my place I put 1 of mine under my tounge. After about 30 minutes I swallow all of the saliva and I'm feeling a bit wierd but deff not tripping or anything. 2 hours in still nothing, I'm like what the fuck is this shit bunk?
I'm the only one who has taken it my friends havent taken there's yet so I decide to wait another hour to see if things take off. Another hour in I'm feeling a Indica like body high but no trip at all. I put the second one under my mouth surf the web for bit. 20 minutes later is dissolves in my mouth so I swallow the saliva and eat the tab.
I decided to go to Erowid and looked up BromoDragonFly. My heart sank as soon as it came up. There has been numerous deaths and hospitalzations from this drug and I click on the dosage and see that a HEAVY dose was 800ug +. Oh shit I took 1400ug. I began to panic and yelled for my friends to come down here and look at this. They immedianlty began to look at me and then look back at eatch other as if what they saw was the most terrifying thing in thier life.

They flushed thier tabs down the toliet after reading this. Fuck I thought to myself. Another hour came by and this is when it really kicked in.
4 hours in were all watching Family Guy and they make sure their keeping an eye on me constantly checking up on me making sure I'm okay. I feel it kicking in, it felt like I was on 5 hits of good acid and reminded me of my mescaline trip. Very clear headed at first and pressure was bulding in my chest. I told me them lets go on a walk and what not so we turn off the TV and we head out of my house. They grab a bong and and their weed and we go to the forest right around my house. My friends were smoking from the bong since they flushed the Bromo.
I'm sitting thier and close my eyes for a few minutes and when I close my eyes it's like I'm in a DMT trip. Crazy ass 3D geometric patterns and alot of wierd like alien creatures. It freaks me out so I open my eyes. I'm looking around and everything looks like I'm in a cartoon. My friend looked identical to Peter Griffin from Family Guy and my other friend looked like some sort of Super Hero. I guess because we were watching Family Guy before we came out here. I started laughing thinking how fast this shit just kicked in.

For about 30 minutes I'm just sitting there spaced out seeing cartoons and crazy ass trails everywhere I look. At one point I reach my hand in the air and can grab the sun in my hand and everything went dark for a few minutes. I was begining to enjoy myself and the next thing I know my friends are like "Dude it's been 4 hours lets go."
No fucking way it's been 4 hours. I look at my phone and it's 10pm. What the fuck I think to myself. We walk out of the forrest while I'm still in my own world and I see this wierd thing in the midde of the street. It's a teleport that has flashing colors coming out of it. I stop dead in my tracks and my friends turn around and are like "what the fuck are you doing?" I was like you guys don't see that shit? There's a teleporter in the middle of the street. They look at each other and just laugh and keep walking and I follow behind them. As I get closer and closer to the teleport my body feels like my spirit is being pulled out of its self and I take a step in the teleport and for a few brief seconds I'm 20,000 feet in the sky and I'm entering space and then I'm back down on the road again.

It was crazy but I was really able to read people's mind (at least I thought). One of my friends was extremly bored and the other was really nervous.
We get back to my house and I see a whole bunch of mathematical equations on the door. Like 3 x 9 = 27 and wierd shit like that. I go outside and smoke a cigarette and everytime I exhale it's like bits and pieces of fraticals are coming out of my body. I'm really amused by this and I keep exhaling watching this over and over again. It's now 11pm I've been tripping for about 6 hours and I ingested it at 2pm. I walk inside and I see what appears to be a Panda bear waving at me, I start laughing like there is no way this is real. It was there for about 30 seconds and then when I blinked it was gone and everything was animated like Jimmy Nuetron Boy Genius. I have no clue why but my friends looked like both characters from that show one was Carl and one was Shean and I was Jimmy the Boy Genius and behind me was my robotic dog. I was having a lot of fun up until the part after this.
About 20 minutes later the hallucinations became so intense I fainted. I remeber up until the point I was in some crazy cartoon show I think Bugs Bunny maybe and then I heard "what's up Doc" and I fainted. I look up and I'm in the hospital, it's 2am and I think I'm dreaming about the time I got hit by a car when I was trippin on shrooms. I'm like this is a crazy ass dream.
Then I see my P.O. come in and he says Raymond what did you take?

I'm thinking to myself now "what the fuck?" this isn't a dream. The hallucinations come back and everything beyond him and 2 nurses are crazy ass bright trippy lights and swirling colors. He shakes his head and leaves the room. Apparently my pupils covered my whole eyes. The next thing I know I'm passed out as the nurse gives me 30mg of Diazepam. I wake up 5 hours later it's 7am, and this time at the end of the bed was a ugly looking demonic creature hurled up in a ball. I trip out and scream for the Doctors and it vanishes in the mid air. When he comes in all I hear him say is "You're poisoned".
They give me another 10mg of Diazepam. I slept until about 3pm so it's been 25 hours now. And at this point they had discharge papers for me. I'm still tripping but not as nearly as bad. It feels like I'm peaking on 25i. I tell them I need to stay longer and they just tell me that I'm clear to go home. It's March 14th and my brother gives me a ride back to my place, where my P.O. is waiting for me.
He tells me that I'm Probation is violated and that he's taking me back to Court on Tuesday, and will be incarcerated until the 30th. 11 days, then the judge will determine whether or not she wants me to do additional jail time or House Arrest or whatever.
When he leaves I call my friend over and have me bring me 2 Xanax bars so I could get some sleep. I'm actually begining to trip pretty hard agian. He gets over within 30 minutes and I tell him what happend and everything and I slept basically until 12pm today.

This was one of the most horrible exp I ever had in my life. Period. Not because the trip was bad but because I nearly died and I'm going back to jail. Worst of all the guy who sold me the Bromo got raided and they found Ketamine, Cocaine, Shrooms, Bromo and a small bit of Molly because when my friends called the ambulance because I fainted they told him where and who I got it from and all that and the police came crashing the party.

Well RUI there you have it. It's been a very brutal 2 days but I'm glad it's over.
I hope you guys stay away from RC's but I have no control over that whatsoever.
Peace and Love.
Umm....thanks for the warning
I understand its dangerous,and people should avoid it.i personally only smoke weed when I need too,never saw a point in doing harder stuff,they don't help me.

but come on,you diddent research the drug you were doing and took took twice the "recommended" dose and ended up in the hospital
sounds like you need to figure out what direction you want your life to go
Umm....thanks for the warning
I understand its dangerous,and people should avoid it.i personally only smoke weed when I need too,never saw a point in doing harder stuff,they don't help me.

but come on,you diddent research the drug you were doing and took took twice the "recommended" dose and ended up in the hospital
sounds like you need to figure out what direction you want your life to go
I did my reaserch but it was 2 late. Like I said I am VERY exp. with Psychedelics. But the fact is BromoDragonFly is an extremly dangerous chemical. Erowid.com will give you links of all the deaths and hospitalzations people have had from it. And I know it was stupid to take 1400ug but still. This chemical needs to be banned.
No offense, But this is what happens when you fuck with stupid shit. Stick to bud bro. Glad to hear you're alright and hope you learned your lesson.
So you ended up in hospital your going to jail and your telling everyone you and your friends got someone raided wow not smart
Sorry to hear about your experience,

Maybe that is what it had to take though. That crap is garbage, There is nothing good in that for you
Why should a chemical be banned because people are too foolish to do their due diligence before recklessly dosing? How about we mandate personal responsibility. Yes bromodragonfly is dangerous, it's a drug with very little history of human use ASSUME IT'S DANGEROUS! Try a light dose the first time. Most psychedelics don't have a dose response curve that's as forgiving as LSD, in fact as a general rule tryptamines are more forgiving of ignorant overdoses than phenethylamines. Phenethylamines will kill you if you don't treat them with respect, and some are less forgiving than others. 700ug is a pretty high dose of bromodragonfly to begin with.
This is not the drugs fault, the blame is entirely yours. I had to double check the dose range for it and it took me all of two seconds to google bromodragonfly and liess than 5 minutes to read the wikipedia page and the erowid page. I really hope you've learned something from this, because you might not be so lucky next time.
yea dude this story sucks big time. ive done my fair share of things but i will not touch the new synthetic stuff thats been popping up. dont feel like being someones guinea pig.
I did my reaserch but it was 2 late. Like I said I am VERY exp. with Psychedelics. But the fact is BromoDragonFly is an extremly dangerous chemical. Erowid.com will give you links of all the deaths and hospitalzations people have had from it. And I know it was stupid to take 1400ug but still. This chemical needs to be banned.

Sorry, what you did was a reckless and you want to pin it on anyone else... "I did my research.." after you had ingested it!
Saying we should have banned that on a marijuana cultivation site? Surely you can see the irony in that... Surely. Come on!
You know brother, I had a friend who thought he knew his limits, and he's fucking dead now, a direct result of that behavior.
Perhaps it's time to take a new tack. Maybe take it easy until you're off parole, at least... Tell me you've learned something here.
I did my reaserch but it was 2 late. Like I said I am VERY exp. with Psychedelics. But the fact is BromoDragonFly is an extremly dangerous chemical. Erowid.com will give you links of all the deaths and hospitalzations people have had from it. And I know it was stupid to take 1400ug but still. This chemical needs to be banned.

If you were VERY experienced, you would research EVERYTHING before you try it. I'm not saying you're not experienced. I've seen your posts... You've definitely tripped a lot. But come on, do some reading before dropping 2 blotters of some RC you haven't even read about. I wouldn't even try that substance personally.... Maybe you will also think twice before doing your heroic doses of 25I etc. IMO, if you want to do a "heroic dose" and go really far... then you should do it with something with a high LD50......

But hey, I've done things just as stupid... and I probably will again sometime in the future...
You like to fuck up then brag about it on this website don't you? Leaving trails of who you are all over the place...I know off the top of my head you just met someone here you were in a treatment center with which you specified the name of. You're using your real name in your posts..what the fuck lol

What exactly is your warning here? Google the drugs you're about to use. Accompanied by a horror story of you dropping twice the recommended dosage without researching the chemical whatsoever. Sounds like a cry for help.
guys lay off on the whole researching bit everyone makes mistakes, hell i researched pills i bought for an entire month before and they still turned out to be something different and had a really bad trip , sucks about the trip dude, glad youre alive, personally i dont touch drugs anymore not worth the friggin risk, nor the 6 hours of little enjoyment.
I put the second one under my mouth

You fucked up by not researching your substances. Bromo is an awesome substance, but it has a very small dosage window, go over it and you are fucked, if not dead.
Its been around a bit long to still be classified as an RC. Allthough I am vehemently against RC use. I just don't think it is smart.

P.S. print that post out, hand it to your defence lawyer or judge, and they will understand that you have been punished enough.
I agree..I. recently tried an rc..25c..my attitude is,I RESEARCHED the chemical...I knew what I was in for..and I've done the same with bromo fly...never taken it but want to..because I've. RESEARCHED it and KNOW the drugs effects..you did the stupid move...I should take more cause I'm not feeling it..classic rookie mistake on two levles..the amount
of psychedics you've done should have showed you this,but if it did you obviously didn't listen..then again I've taken more lsd trips alone than all your trips listed combined (no insult intended),and learned how to deal with "the curve"..and also learned..KNOW WHAT YOUR TAKING AND HOW TO TAKE IT.
Yeah dude the blame is all on you Trippy. And I have agree with GrowinTheDank, this isn't the first time you've posted something dumb like this. "Did I get ripped off on these mushies I just bought?" is the first one that comes to mind. It sucks, bc you seem to want to learn and know all of this stuff but your ignorance and laziness almost cost you your life. Maybe some jail time will help you re-think your life and decision making man. Sorry if this sounds rough or rude, it's tough love.
sounds like all your experience and stupidity got yourself and your friends in trouble. hopefully someone reads this thread and has enough sense to properly check things out "FIRST".
I partly blame the dealers too, they should be telling people/users of these drugs more info before selling them. They should know the dosing sizes