WARNING - Stay away from RC's

I partly blame the dealers too, they should be telling people/users of these drugs more info before selling them. They should know the dosing sizes

he said the dealer told him to be careful with him, but it sounds like that advice went in one ear and right out the other vlrd..

i've done tons of drugs and have my fair share of problems in life, but never, not a once, would i blame it on the person i bought them from.. i'm the one whose ultimately taking them, and possible putting my life at risk, therefore it should be my duty to know wtf i'm doing and any and all possible consequences of my actions before hand..

always test your drugs, and know what and how much you're taking before you consume them, i can't stress this enough.. :D
I partly blame the dealers too, they should be telling people/users of these drugs more info before selling them. They should know the dosing sizes

To be fair though if i went to my dealer and he told me how much weed to put in a joint or how many Ecstasy pills to take in one night he would soon get told to piss off lol, if people dont know what they can handle then they should do some research first lol
well it's not weed or ecstasy, it's some new(ish) drug. Its a RESEARCH chem. But I feel where you're coming from for sure. I guess most of my dealers are actually friends and we talk about this kind of stuff regardless.
To be fair though if i went to my dealer and he told me how much weed to put in a joint or how many Ecstasy pills to take in one night he would soon get told to piss off lol, if people dont know what they can handle then they should do some research first lol
The reason a dealer should suggest a recommended dose for his customers is to prevent the exact situation depicted in this thread. Sell a stupid like like TrippyMayne too much of a dangerous chemical, and you might end up getting busted. Happens all the time to inexperienced dealers.
The reason a dealer should suggest a recommended dose for his customers is to prevent the exact situation depicted in this thread. Sell a stupid like like TrippyMayne too much of a dangerous chemical, and you might end up getting busted. Happens all the time to inexperienced dealers.

lol most dealers ive come across dont even touch the product they sell so wouldnt have the first clue about dosage, plus as we all know many drugs have other stuff added to it at some point along the line that the end user very rarely ever gets to hear about, one of the newspapers in the UK did a study on this a few years back on cocaine and found stuff being sold as top grade had 2-31% actual cocaine and the rest made up of different substances, if i remember rightly one batch they tested showed up at 2% coke and had over 25 other different substances in it ranging from baby powder to crushed glass
Everyone here is taking the words outta my mouth..I'm doing some 25b tues..and guess what? I know its 25b,in know how many ug is on the blotter,I know the affects,the pros and cons,how it works on the brain,it toxicity level,duration,safe and extreme dose measures..and guess what else..I know I'm not gonna be suprised to wake up in a hospital..my brother did that on 5 hits of lsd..not fun..I had to babyset him in the e.r...shoulda researched what high doses of lsd does...
Yout take BromoDragonFly your going to the hospital. Period. 700ug it's self probably would have made me partly insane I think the other 700ug is what sent me to the ER. Either way I don't blame the anyone for this, this is the 2nd time something like this has happen. It's a learning exp. and I posted it up here for people to know that this chem is no joke and they are serious reprecutions that come along with it.
I didn't post this to brag, sound cool or whatever nonsense you guys are saying, I posted this because this chemical is really dangerous and want other to avoid what nearly killed me kill them.
and this is what you guys get for doing shit like this. and worst of all i bet you still didnt learn your lesson. but anyways glad your ok and stay away from shit like that! better to just stay away from it all iv your getting hit by cars on shrooms and shit...
dude,I feel no one here was doing anything but bustin your stones for this screw up..sorry this happened to you but I've been luck in a sense..I took 20 rolls one night and had to be babysat..blowing spit bubbles and everything..not fun..but I tell you this..4 things..I hope lesson is learned,your legal troubles end up not being so,your 'narcky' friends suck balls,and ill go tit for tat with you..gimmie a bromo..I've been past tripping..hit some dmt on 12 gelltabs after a line of ketamine,while rolling..that the school I'm from...young bucks these days...wish you the best tho trippy!!!
lol most dealers ive come across dont even touch the product they sell so wouldnt have the first clue about dosage, plus as we all know many drugs have other stuff added to it at some point along the line that the end user very rarely ever gets to hear about, one of the newspapers in the UK did a study on this a few years back on cocaine and found stuff being sold as top grade had 2-31% actual cocaine and the rest made up of different substances, if i remember rightly one batch they tested showed up at 2% coke and had over 25 other different substances in it ranging from baby powder to crushed glass
Obviously we're talking about the dealers who do touch the product..lol. I don't know how you pickup your drugs if the person your picking it up from doesn't touch the product. +Did you really just learn how badly coke is cut before it reaches your average consumer??

A dealer (who does touch the product) always profiles who he sells to and makes a decision on whether or not they can even deal with them. This profiling also entails dosage recommendations or not selling dangerous chemicals to stupid kids like OP here. These are just a couple of the ways most 'good dealers' stay safe.
Yout take BromoDragonFly your going to the hospital. Period. 700ug it's self probably would have made me partly insane I think the other 700ug is what sent me to the ER. Either way I don't blame the anyone for this, this is the 2nd time something like this has happen. It's a learning exp. and I posted it up here for people to know that this chem is no joke and they are serious reprecutions that come along with it.
I didn't post this to brag, sound cool or whatever nonsense you guys are saying, I posted this because this chemical is really dangerous and want other to avoid what nearly killed me kill them.
A quick read through your previous posts here would probably lead everyone to believe you are posting this to brag. If your intentions really were to inform others then your OP would be written quite differently. I encourage you to continue with these posts though. I mean clearly you're not going to learn so why not keep on with the entertaining stories.
So you ended up in hospital your going to jail and your telling everyone you and your friends got someone raided wow not smart
^^^^^ Not to mention he leaves trails of who he is everywhere on this site.
"the guy warned us", i stopped reading after that lol. if you knew what you were doing research chemicals can be very interesting. look that shit up tho before you do somethin new!
dude,I feel no one here was doing anything but bustin your stones for this screw up..sorry this happened to you but I've been luck in a sense..I took 20 rolls one night and had to be babysat..blowing spit bubbles and everything..not fun..but I tell you this..4 things..I hope lesson is learned,your legal troubles end up not being so,your 'narcky' friends suck balls,and ill go tit for tat with you..gimmie a bromo..I've been past tripping..hit some dmt on 12 gelltabs after a line of ketamine,while rolling..that the school I'm from...young bucks these days...wish you the best tho trippy!!!

20 rolls... dafuq you need 20 rolls for at once? Thats like 2grams of mdma dude!
i would have claimed someone poisened me...

yeah, i would have made them do an ua on me for sure and when i came up clean i would have asked the po just exactly what he was going to charge me with again..

and if you knew that you were on probi, why not give a fake name at the hospital to avoid having him show up? i've got lots of questions about this thing tbh..
is it even illegal tio ingest bromo?

well, i think that you're not even really supposed to drink booze when you're on probi, i'm sure all states all po's are different, but around here i'm pretty sure that's how it works, and we all know booze is legal..

i'd still go for a ua being you'd come up clean so long as you didn't consume anything else..