How is my very first plant looking?

Hello everyone, first if your interested this is my setup I had a nice female going but it apparently got stressed too much and turned hermie as i see bananas and pollen. I haven't given up on this plant but its not my #1 priority. Its been flowering since January 23rd so its about 7 weeks and 2 or 3 days, so i know its getting about time and it IS my very first grow so im not 100% positive on this hermie. Pictures are provided and opinions/tips would be much appreciated Thanks for reading.

LOL, well I guess I will chop it down and just get what bud I can out of it. Was my first time growing so im not surprised. My other lady is doing Fantastic. Thanks for the comments


Well-Known Member
Why dont you keep things like this to yourself. The last thread I was on you were calling names. Go sit in the corner and suck your thumb. Your future is very grimm
That was constructive criticism.. want me to download the picture and circle what I believe to be dandelion? As for calling names, which thread would that be since you've only made 6 posts total? Do you mean where you provided complete misinformation with this?

I saw somewhere on this site that seeds with a tornado like hole where the come off the plant are more than likely females and they have stripes. Males are more flat.
My saying you are half insane was not name calling, it was more than being historically accurate.
lol thanks benton, but I saw what he said and just ignored it as I know that was childish.

as for the constructive criticism, thanks, but dont forget it IS my first grow, so im glad they stayed alive.
