planning to yield at least 2 pounds per plant of Jack Herer :)


:peace::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: well here i am,after 1 year reading on this site informing myself the best i could decided to come here and ask some hello all weed lovers pot heads and so on:) planning to get some jack herer seeds and attempt my first grow,i want to go outdoor in the open dunno where to start..well..want some advice from some pro growers and to know if i could yield atleast two pounds thats like 1 kilo of the famous jackie per somewhere in the middle of europe where summers are preety hot,and i start at the begging of may

ok so wan to transplant them in the field when they will reach about 30 centimeters i think its 12 inches and make 1 metre holes and 1 metre wide,and put some organic soil canna terra professional adding with it some chiken and pig manuer and put the young ladies there.also i would like to top or fim them(im thiking more to fim) and do lst too and make the plants as bushiest as i can.and i wanna know if its possible to yield 2 pounds dry per plant without adding extra nutrients,just the soil topping, lst and water. and another thing,it will be difficult to carry water so il water them once a week when transplanted and i wanna know if 2-3 litres per plant is enough once a week.any other advices would be great and highly apreaciated..fuk man..i love weed so much i planned this 4 a long time and im so excited to start:D

''...herb??..herb is a plant!..'' roll it up burn it up smoke it up bboooooom!!


Well-Known Member
well best of luck to you brother! when the plants are still small, depending what climate ur in, 2-3 liters each a week would be decent enough. as they get bigger, days get longer and hotter, they will literally drink 5 gallons a week (about 4-5' plant). but that's from my experience here in northern cali. they love to stay green! I usually know when to water by stickin my finger in the soil and check for wetness or jus let the plant tell me if she thirsty or not :) EVERYONE SHOULD LOVE WEED! would like to see any pics of ur progress as well. :weed: a lb a plant is an easy goal if u can manage to give them the water they need to grow. **COUGH** **COUGH** feel free to follow my guerrilla grow this year, doin a gold mining/ growing summer."Tycoons 2013 guerilla grow :)" And again GoodLuck! I will be following :bigjoint: _Tycoon


Well-Known Member
I agree a pound a plant is an easy goal if it's taken care of in terms of water and other requirements.. 2 pounds may be a small magic trick factoring the strain you've selected as Jack isn't designed to grow 15ft. I've seen a few of the Jack hit 7-9ft, but that was with nutes and was outside... depending on the zone you're in, mileage will vary greatly. Which Jack did you end up grabbing? Sannie's Jack F7?


hey guys thanks for the reply it means alot to me :) and i was wachin some vids of jorge cervantes they say they grow 10 pounds plants in organic soil no extra nutrients if i understand corectly,and was wondering what it will take to achive that kind of awesomeness lol.i mean its ridiculous how big they can get a plant and im absolutely amazed,wish i could get at leasta plant half of that size :D cheers!


Well-Known Member
hey guys thanks for the reply it means alot to me :) and i was wachin some vids of jorge cervantes they say they grow 10 pounds plants in organic soil no extra nutrients if i understand corectly,and was wondering what it will take to achive that kind of awesomeness lol.i mean its ridiculous how big they can get a plant and im absolutely amazed,wish i could get at leasta plant half of that size :D cheers!
25-30 years of growing as Jorge has been, having tried everything known to man, and then improving upon it... that'll get you in the 10 pound plant range (for outdoors, with 30ft afghanis that require chainsaws to take down) :P


Well-Known Member
You'd say that until you were enlisted to help harvest it.. imagine 1000 of those plants at 10ft a piece. 10000ft of plant to work with.. that's almost 1.9 miles of pure plant. Would take a decent sized crew.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to come off negative, but you would be lucky to keep your plants in good health through the year without nutrients. and like the OP said, your yield will greatly be reduced by a lack of water. 2 - 3 litres in the summer will just keep your plants going, they need much more than that.


Well-Known Member
Bro you have no chance of achieving this. You need many years of experience to get 1 pound seedless plants let alone 2. The growers you have seen in videos have been at it for decades. Plants that get as heavy as 1 pound plus are well looked after and well watered all season so out in the bush you cant do this. Just be happy you get something at the end and not ripped off.


man i have a friend that growed like 3-4 years ago and was his first grow,he didnt know what it was just indica 100% by the looks and effect,kinda off low to medium grade not very powerfull,anyway he pulled out of 3 plants arround 500 600 grams per plant and was growing out in the soil,with low cost nutrients that u feed tomatos,so..i think me with a good mix soil and cheking every week and water good im very positive i can pull of big bud,cheers