4 tries in one year, what's the problem?

if theres to much sodium in the water, ur screwed. plants will die every time. u could try the local river or lake water if you cant filter it with a r/o filter.


Well-Known Member
7-8 is way way too high for cannabis pH.. you want 6.4-6.6.. with 6.5 being 'perfect' - here's the chart to explain why 7-8 is way too high:

fig you know i love ya bbut i gotta disagree with ya on this one dude. I never ph my water and i run hydro and dirt. Never had a prblem. I have a buddy who runs hydro with a starting ph of 8 and it climbs to 9 before he does a rez change. Unless it gets really wild like ten maybe i wouldnt worry about it impo.

To the guy who cant get past the sprouts. Order a ppm meter right away, its your only way to know what your feeding. You may have tap water with 400 ppm to start, who knows right?...the guy with the ppm meter knows ;) i nuked a couple trays of veggie seedlings with my 240 watt htg led. That things pretty strong. I have ten clones and some peppers u der it right now at almost three feet away. Theyre doing fine. I would just try moving the light up, way up till it gets stronger. Those prosource leds are supposed to be pretty strong. Heres another good idea for ya. Spend five bucks on some veggie seeds and grow them. That will teach you some really helpfull shit regarding how that micro climate youve created works. Cfls work good on small plants, floros too. Good luck :):):)View attachment 2572553



Well-Known Member
fig you know i love ya bbut i gotta disagree with ya on this one dude. I never ph my water and i run hydro and dirt. Never had a prblem. I have a buddy who runs hydro with a starting ph of 8 and it climbs to 9 before he does a rez change. Unless it gets really wild like ten maybe i wouldnt worry about it impo.

To the guy who cant get past the sprouts. Order a ppm meter right away, its your only way to know what your feeding. You may have tap water with 400 ppm to start, who knows right?...the guy with the ppm meter knows ;) i nuked a couple trays of veggie seedlings with my 240 watt htg led. That things pretty strong. I have ten clones and some peppers u der it right now at almost three feet away. Theyre doing fine. I would just try moving the light up, way up till it gets stronger. Those prosource leds are supposed to be pretty strong. Heres another good idea for ya. Spend five bucks on some veggie seeds and grow them. That will teach you some really helpfull shit regarding how that micro climate youve created works. Cfls work good on small plants, floros too. Good luck :):):)View attachment 2572553
I respect that you disagree.. was just trying to get the pH down the middle so the trace def wouldn't start to show and have the first official grow that would make it through appear rough, or have the OP panic as to what was going on. Trying to help with a little bit of sanity on their first grow.


Well-Known Member
Could it be possibly be over watering? Peat moss is tough to start seedlings, as I found it hard to maintain a balance between to wet and moist. Ph is way high also. They must have a pet store that has aquarium products for the up and down, and definitley very easy on the nutes.

personal lux

Well-Known Member
you are watering twice as much as needed. i do my waterings at 1/8 of the containers volume. 16oz solos get roughly 60ml(1/4 cup), 1 gallons receive 500ml(slgihtly over 2 cups). and five gallons receive 2000ml( slightly over half gallon). id suggest you give an 1/8 or 1oz of water per dixie cup. 16oz and 1 gallons are every other day. 5 gallons are every third day.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yeah, the problem where I live is the water isn’t recommended for drinking, so I’ve gotten the idea in my head that it won’t be good for the plant. Unfortunately, there are no water machines in this country either. I’ll try to find a way to filter it. Good to know about bottled water.
your water is not recommended for drinking? fuck son. in that case seek out an alternate water source, or use a brita pitcher filter. it'll take out most of the crud it's just a charcoal filter, not reverse osmosis but it can help a lot and it doesnt add anything to the water. if you cannot get RO water, can you get distilled water, and if not you can distill it yourself (it's legal if it's just water)
more specific details on the exact plan youre using would help tailor a scheme for you.

container type: Small Dixie cups
container volume: 8 oz.
media: 2/3 peat, 1/3 perlite
cabinet height: 4.5’
cabinet width: 1.5’
cabinet depth: 1.5’

Again, thanks for your help it’s really appreciated. It’s folks like you guys that help newbs get off the ground. I’m gonna get to harvest yet!
replace that peat moss with coco fiber or garden center potting mix (keep the perlite) and youll doo good as long as you dont overwater

any low temp light like a CFL or LED can ger right down in there. closer lights makes more photosynthesis which makes faster growth. the manufacturuers make their instructions to protect themselves from dumbasses, but you dont sound like a dumbass. as long as the light isnt touching the plant, closer is better if the lights dont get hot. i start my seeds of all species with CFL's and flourescents, and i try to keep the lights 2-4 inches off the plant

if youre using a PC fan and it's loud, get a new one or clean the blades.

old fans make a droning sound before they fail, while crud on the blades makes a whupwhupwhupwhup sound even just a little crud can unbalance the blades and make them hum

with a box that size youll not be getting a terribly large plant, maybe try a Lowryder autoflower or summat?

anyhow, once you get the basics down and learn to stay your hand with the water you can grow some dope.


Well-Known Member
So did ya decide who ya belive yet OP baaahahahaaa, everyones got a different opinion for ya, pick yur fave :):):) but seriously, grow a couple veggie starts for the neighbour if you have to, but grow somthing :):):)


So did ya decide who ya belive yet OP baaahahahaaa, everyones got a different opinion for ya, pick yur fave :):):) but seriously, grow a couple veggie starts for the neighbour if you have to, but grow somthing :):):)
Haha, yeah all the variety of opinions I've read over the years seems to be confusing me. Trial and error I guess. Props to everyone for the help, much appreciated.

Mistakes it seems I've made and corrections I will make:

1) Filter tap water and pH balance it.
2) Cut back on the water.
3) Move the light closer.
4) Switch growing mediums.
5) Keep the fan blowing.

Did I miss anything? Thanks guys. I'll post some pics when I finally get well into veg or actually flowering... :weed:

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah all the variety of opinions I've read over the years seems to be confusing me. Trial and error I guess. Props to everyone for the help, much appreciated.

Mistakes it seems I've made and corrections I will make:

1) Filter tap water and pH balance it.
2) Cut back on the water.
3) Move the light closer.
4) Switch growing mediums.
5) Keep the fan blowing.

Did I miss anything? Thanks guys. I'll post some pics when I finally get well into veg or actually flowering... :weed:
one more thing, if you realize too late that you fucked up and overfertilized, you can run water through the soil for several minutes and it will flush the excess shit away, but youll have to re-fertilize in a day or two after shit has settled down or the plant will starve


Active Member
7-8 is way way too high for cannabis pH.. you want 6.4-6.6.. with 6.5 being 'perfect' - here's the chart to explain why 7-8 is way too high:

Water IN, PH has little to do with the PH in SOIL.. So water with what you have, Better to know the PH of your soil


Well-Known Member
I have a question, what brand perlite is it? I know that some brands of perlite have nutrients added to them, and this may be what's causing your plants to burn. Check your bag and see if there is a little label somewhere, telling you the NPK ratio of the perlite.


Well-Known Member
Water IN, PH has little to do with the PH in SOIL.. So water with what you have, Better to know the PH of your soil
Yeah, I believe that's why I posted the chart there... they're growing in soil, and soil is on the right side of it.
You're getting some great advice on here. Here's what I do, and I have yet to kill a seedling. I prefer rapid rooters or rockwool, but peat plugs have never failed me either. It's all about letting your roots grow first. Your seedlings are getting all the food they can handle from the light at this point. Feed them ONLY with water (enough to keep the plug moist, but not soaked) and you shouldn't use nutes until you have at least 5 or 6 leaf sets, and your roots are visibly strong. Then, you should be fine to put it right in the soil and work your way up from there. Good luck and keep us posted.
P.S. You're using soil, you prolly don't need extra nutes (if you have good, rich soil.) And if you do use nutes, only use em at 1/8 strength.


one more thing, if you realize too late that you fucked up and overfertilized, you can run water through the soil for several minutes and it will flush the excess shit away, but youll have to re-fertilize in a day or two after shit has settled down or the plant will starve
I knew about flushing, but good to know about re-fertilizing after. I've only gotten to the point of feeding on one of the grows but I'll keep this in mind.

if youre using a PC fan and it's loud, get a new one or clean the blades.

old fans make a droning sound before they fail, while crud on the blades makes a whupwhupwhupwhup sound even just a little crud can unbalance the blades and make them hum
Holy shiat, what a difference it made when I cleaned it off! I guess I'd gotten used to that sound...

I have a question, what brand perlite is it? I know that some brands of perlite have nutrients added to them, and this may be what's causing your plants to burn. Check your bag and see if there is a little label somewhere, telling you the NPK ratio of the perlite.
I did not know this about perlite. It looks like it's possibly been re-bagged in large zip-locks, so nothing to go off of on the package. I suppose rinsing well before using will wash any nutes off?



So I tried to grow once again, following the advice I received and yet again the damn little things died. I'm not a total dumbass, so I concluded that every soil and peat that I'm getting around here (I live in a bassackwards country) had something in it that was the culprit. What am I gonna do? I was at wit's end and was scrounging around outside for usable dirt, but all I could get was clay. Thought about trying DWC, but the only pH down I can get is lemon juice and rez temps would be a nightmare to try to control.

I was about to give up and remembered something that I'd heard of, but never checked out before...



Now if I fuck this up I am a total dumbass...

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
I dont think it needs perlite until its second set of leaves come out... but im just a noob trying to help.
i almost want to make this ^^^ my sig.
perlite is a soil conditioner.

my growing mix from start to finish is 70% peat moss. the rest is vermiculite and perlite. there is also dolomite lime added to buffer the PH. so peat is perfectly fine to grow in as long as you condition it or buy a ready made quality grow mix.

edit; i even root my clones in peat pellets.


I know, right? I couldn't bring myself to say anything about that one...

That's the thing I'd read about peat; it's fine for growing when mixed with perlite and a small bit of dolomite. It's always worked great when I use the peat pellets to start the seeds in, but I don't know what they put in the bags of it that I get here. Every time the seedlings start forming their first set of leaves they go straight to hell.