BEWARE .. Federal Law , All Indian Casinos must fall under this bullshit .. I am Indian and know this sucks for everybody .. I had a Non Native friend visit my Tribes Casino in Manistee and low and behold he went through the same shit as the O.P. here .. Same story all the way , but he had the option of just paying the ticket with no Court but accepting this charge to be on his record and that is some Bull Shit in my opinion ..
Some Tribal cops will simply admit its far from a concern but then again they must follow Federal laws when on the Casino grounds .. I dont buy this shit about them spilling the word of Cannabis harming the Nation , Sounds like the Apple view .. Apple being an Indian who is Red in skin but White inside and most that run the show tend to be so ......... 9 out of Ten Natives would agree except the apples .. Assimilation worked full capacity on some families but not most ..
The sad truth is Alcohol is the tribes worst enemy and the most destructive thing known to us , yet the damn Tribal Councils allow Casinos with Bars and booze while advocating tribal members to be Alcohol Free , Kinda Hypocritical it is ....
Another issues with the casino is the fact that it preys upon the gamblers who are addicted .. This is the only time a Addict will feel glorified ..
Dont take the chance when visiting the Tribal Casino , smoke your herb somewhere and take a ride if you have too ....