
Yeah because making the house smell like a high school toilet won't raise any alarms lol

If you must grow in your room...
remember rule #1....
that and buy
ONA Gell and open them around your house...

It seems that if you are growing at your "friends" house, he is the one that will be risking everything. Not you.
either grow outdoors guerrilla style (if possible in your climate) or wait until you grow up and have your own place

Because it's a reasonable thing for one to want to grow weed. Same as any other plant, this just happens to be stupidly illegal. Look I get what your saying it's risky to do this without the knowledge of the other people in the house. I've accepted that, don't come here with the MR. Righteous "ohh have respect for others" . The question for me is more of whether it's safer to let someone in on this and proceed in his place or on my own in my room.
Okay, wardrobe out of the question it seems. Guerilla grow, mmmm I live in Ireland. Not much sun, so much rain. I don't know if it could produce a decent plant but I may look into it. Otherwise I guess I'll talk to my buddy.
Okay I have 2 options for growing and I would love if someone could help me in my decision.

Option one: Grow it in my wardrobe in my room. I live with 4 other people who would not be okay with this. I'm not sure how this would work since it would have to be completely smell free. I could be here pretty much everyday to look after the plant.

Option two: My friend has a house far away from me, but I could be up there about twice a week. Could that work? Space and privacy wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue as it is where I live.

Maybe some of you have been in a similar situation, what factors should I consider?

P.S. I've never grown before.

Both bad options.4 peeps in ur apt.U can't keep it secret from even1,someone gets in trouble and guess who is toast.I'm sure they will not gossip to friends tho.O'yea, they will know u were a onetime grower trouble could show up years down the road. Far away house.Nothing attracts attention in a nieghborhood like someone visiting a house regularly who doesn't live there.The major tip that it is a growhouse.Unless it is remote,this is not a safe choice.IMO U should wait until U are in a better situation.
Both bad options.4 peeps in ur apt.U can't keep it secret from even1,someone gets in trouble and guess who is toast.I'm sure they will not gossip to friends tho.O'yea, they will know u were a onetime grower trouble could show up years down the road. Far away house.Nothing attracts attention in a nieghborhood like someone visiting a house regularly who doesn't live there.The major tip that it is a growhouse.Unless it is remote,this is not a safe choice.IMO U should wait until U are in a better situation.
Good points. Also, your buddy might not care about stealth as much as you do. Who knows, he may even brag about it when you're not around. And when he gets caught, you'll be in the picture too.

sucky position man lol. Just warning you for your own good, it's your decision in the end :)

Honestly, I'd say just wait. get an apartment and get a grow going. But you probably don't want to hear that lol
Good points. Also, your buddy might not care about stealth as much as you do. Who knows, he may even brag about it when you're not around. And when he gets caught, you'll be in the picture too.

sucky position man lol. Just warning you for your own good, it's your decision in the end :)

Honestly, I'd say just wait. get an apartment and get a grow going. But you probably don't want to hear that lol
Get a small house.Apts. have peeps wanting to come in all the time,Managers.bug people,maintainence men,etc.The traffic in a single house is much easier to control.