Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
just got done with 5 hours of trimming and had another drunken 3 am epiphany.

vibrators with internet connectivity.

well, it turns out this already exists. and just when i thought i actually had an idea that could make a buck or two.

woe is me.
brings a whole new meaning to cyber sex


Well-Known Member
Some ass hole at the bank closed my account and now my money is in limbo or gone, The guy was a elitist snobby ass and I should have gone with my desire to slap him but I figured that would be trouble so I kept it nice and respectful, he said he was doing me a courtesy and reversing a charge for the privilege of having a account with his bank and doing something so it would be free. Now I find out he's closing the account and I cant access my money. They say I can speak with the branch manager Monday- Thanks bank
I guess no one cares about lying theiving banks and the scum who "work" there.

Anyone have anything to add? Thoughts? Opinions? Raps? Ballads? Nudes? Anecdotes?


Active Member
I guess no one cares about lying theiving banks and the scum who "work" there.

Anyone have anything to add? Thoughts? Opinions? Raps? Ballads? Nudes? Anecdotes?
Dude, all I have to say is you seem to have remained pretty calm about it. If it was me... I would have fucking snapped. Like twitching eye snapped.


Well-Known Member
Dude, all I have to say is you seem to have remained pretty calm about it. If it was me... I would have fucking snapped. Like twitching eye snapped.
Oh believe my, I want to let loose on this ass clown who thinks he's hot shit "working" at a bank. But in this bizzaro world banks are allowed to steal from you and getting shot by security or going to jail probably isn't in my best interest. "money" is just paper, isn't worth anything and is replaceable, my life however is priceless and i'm happy even without a bank account.
It has taken a lot of years and a lot of hard learnt lessons but life and experience has taken some of the fire out of me, probably for the better.


Well-Known Member
Oh believe my, I want to let loose on this ass clown who thinks he's hot shit "working" at a bank. But getting shot by security or going to jail probably isn't in my best interest. "money" is just paper, isn't worth anything and is replaceable, my life however is priceless and i'm happy even without a bank account.
It has taken a lot of years and a lot of hard learnt lessons but life and experience has taken some of the fire out of me, probably for the better.
You know that guy doesn't live there, right? Go back at close and watch him leave.......... that is all.


Well-Known Member
I do feel like a nutered little bitch though, I just sent them a ...angry email
Ha ha
It's new to me this way of doing things "the right way" but it's not easy
sometimes you wonder is living life as a coward worth it- it's not my style but I have found it to be easier and better for those i care about but it's not easy for me to be a little bitch and put up with these people and companies and their bullshit ways.
Oh well I guess they can have my money, I will go enjoy my day.


Active Member
Oh believe my, I want to let loose on this ass clown who thinks he's hot shit "working" at a bank. But in this bizzaro world banks are allowed to steal from you and getting shot by security or going to jail probably isn't in my best interest. "money" is just paper, isn't worth anything and is replaceable, my life however is priceless and i'm happy even without a bank account.
It has taken a lot of years and a lot of hard learnt lessons but life and experience has taken some of the fire out of me, probably for the better.
Well here's to hoping tomorrow goes good for ya man bongsmilie

match box

Well-Known Member
When I was about 20 I got a cash advance from a bank. I made my payments and after about 3 months the bank calls my employer and says they want him to garnish my pay because I didn't make a payment. I called the bank and told them I have the recite they said bring it down. When I got there they said well heres the problem you put the wrong acct.# on the recite. I said I don't make out the recite you do. They never said were sorry and it stayed on my creadit report for 7 years that I was late making a payment.


Well-Known Member
Some ass hole at the bank closed my account and now my money is in limbo or gone, The guy was a elitist snobby ass and I should have gone with my desire to slap him but I figured that would be trouble so I kept it nice and respectful, he said he was doing me a courtesy and reversing a charge for the privilege of having a account with his bank and doing something so it would be free. Now I find out he's closing the account and I cant access my money. They say I can speak with the branch manager Monday- Thanks bank
2 words for you-cash and backyard :eyesmoke:

i hate banks