TGA By Others

This is a Cheesequake I mainlined for 4 right around New Years. Was planning to keep topping for 8, but the same day I mainlined her, my veg chamber went out of service (multiple problems).

There was nowhere for her to go except right into the flowering tent. She went right into flower, so my
"Mainlining Gone Wrong"
girl had no time to veg and stretch much.

Here she is at harvest ~ Day 76 of flower. She gave me 4 (SOLID) soda cans of bud. It will probably be about 1/3 total dry yield when all is said and done compared to a properly mainlined Cheesequake but this is fine for my intents and purposes.

I have harvested Cheesequake's before with better mainlining results, but this is just to show, even when it doesn't go perfectly, this amazing plant will still reward you for your hard work.

Bomb ass TGA genetics don't hurt either. Even with the stresses of mainlining and throwing right into flower, not a single male ball sack was formed.
hey cannabiscult, my timewrecks do the same thing -- must be a trainwreck trait. The shorttest, squattest phenos with wider more indica leaves turned up girls for me... the tallest one was also a female though :)
That's the frostiest ripped bubba i've seen... and looks almost done other than plumping up could be done as soon as 49 days!

no love for #4? her pistils!

Brother Nugs, I'm sure you know that sometimes it's hard to choose. She just lacks the smells I like. In yield I think 4 and 1 are the most dense and will probably yield best, but without that killer smell it just takes it off my radar. Maybe she will finish up strong and surprise me, but at this point it goes 2,3,4,1 in the race. 4 is down, but not out.

Space Dawgs and the Void from seed. they are a little over 3 months from seed and are just being flipped now because i had to set up a new grow room @ a friends because I'm moving. While limbing them my hands we so sticky it was like i was just trimming. SD#3 give off a real fuely chemmy smell, but beyond that 1 the rest smell very similar to one another. I wasn't able to mainline them due to multiple restrictions @ my current place, but next run with the clones, you bet there will be some mainlining going on. The void's tops were clawing up for some reason, and she was directly under the light, so i moved her off to the side, and gave her a nice light dose of nutes this time around to see if she'll stop doing it. It's a 5x8 room, and i'll probably throw another 600 in there asap.

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Bro...ur style is kinda like mine....View attachment 2574476View attachment 257447720130312_105153.jpg20130314_185843.jpg20130312_105132.jpg