Taking a break from smoking but not growing.


Active Member
Anyone else out there ever stop smoking but not want to stop all of your hard work? So far it has not been much of a challenge but only time will tell for myself. I don't want to deal with being out when I finally am able to smoke again and also don't want to ever have to try and re setup my perpetual tent. I remember being a teen and quitting many times, but when you have top shelf meds in your face day in and day out its much harder. Feel free to share your stories and such. Wish me luck guys its gonna take all of my willpower and then some!

Peezo lo gro

New Member
I could stop growing but never stop smoking! :joint: I lost the best job I ever had due to a drug test which lead me to my own business so thanks mary!


Active Member
I am only stopping to acquire a job from when I was younger. It fits my schedule and would not mess with my gym/school time and I already have 2 years prior employment with them. For the past year they were not hiring until recently they had some openings. I stopped smoking for 4.5 years to join the Navy so I would have an honest chance at going to school without a 6 figure debt at the end. It is a tough choice to make but I gotta pee clean so I can live comfortably again! Its too bad we still live in a country that is so judgmental about what people do with their recreational time and I hope to see that change before my time on earth is over.


Well-Known Member
I can stop smoking whenever I want (which I have many times), but I can never stop growing! When I smoke, I smoke a lot... probably about an eighth to a quarter a day smoking with friends. :joint:
I don't know what it is, maybe its the shit that I learn every season, maybe it's all of the different techniques and the crazy bud formations, maybe it's the different smells, or maybe even all the different hues of purple and green that I get. But growing is a passion of mine and I can't seem to put my shovel down!

Peezo lo gro

New Member
I havent been growing as long as I have been smoking so I may feel different after this. I am growing good genetics for the first time and it is very addictive. I love checking on my plants and taking pics of them. One of my plants is so sensitive. The least little thing I do to her she pouts.


Active Member
I can stop smoking whenever I want (which I have many times), but I can never stop growing! When I smoke, I smoke a lot... probably about an eighth to a quarter a day smoking with friends. :joint:
I don't know what it is, maybe its the shit that I learn every season, maybe it's all of the different techniques and the crazy bud formations, maybe it's the different smells, or maybe even all the different hues of purple and green that I get. But growing is a passion of mine and I can't seem to put my shovel down!
I totally agree! My passion for growing is much much deeper then getting high for free. The time I spend with my plants is therapeutic and helped me deal with minor PTSD. After spending 4 years with peoples lives in my hands I started to feel a loss of self worth when I was no longer apart of that. Just knowing that my ladies NEED me everyday to feed and take care of them is better than any shrink or pills I could be prescribed and all of the symptoms have become a distant memory of my past. I feel a deep connection through growing with the RIU community because its not something you see in the average smoker. Don't get me wrong I got nothing but love for those of you who are in it for the $ since you help others experience the beauty of cannabis without the risk.


Sector 5 Moderator
Smoking weed may not be addictive but growing it sure is!! :) I've had to quit several times for drug testing and so forth but growing is something I just really enjoy.


Active Member
Its been 4 days now and with every passing moment it becomes a little easier. I have horrible luck stoneslacker and I have been to many urinalysis where the tester is required to look at your genitals while you give your sample so I wouldn't want to run the risk of being discovered and losing that opportunity. I totally understand the not being able to afford it part! Thanks everyone for your participation on this thread even if you just stopped to say a few words it takes my mind off of what I really want to do which is spark up a 3.5 blunt haha. Happy growing and smoking guys n gals!

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
growing weed is the best most interesting pass-time anyone could ever indulge in ,fact .
and its gotta be the most rewarding plant you could ever possibly grow .


Active Member
I have been weed free for a few months now. I honestly thought I would be in hell for the first few days, it has been smooth sailing the entire time. It just takes some discipline and mental strength. As for growing, No. Shit is way to fun and addicting. I find it to be a good stress reliever to be surrounded by a forest of green


Sector 5 Moderator
Its been 4 days now and with every passing moment it becomes a little easier. I have horrible luck stoneslacker and I have been to many urinalysis where the tester is required to look at your genitals while you give your sample so I wouldn't want to run the risk of being discovered and losing that opportunity. I totally understand the not being able to afford it part! Thanks everyone for your participation on this thread even if you just stopped to say a few words it takes my mind off of what I really want to do which is spark up a 3.5 blunt haha. Happy growing and smoking guys n gals!
That is a serious invasion of privacy and maybe a lot more. I would demand they either do it with some semblance of privacy or face a lawsuit. That's bullshit.


Well-Known Member
either I don't have the willpower or I can't summon the reasoning against it. because I've never been able to go a day or two without some herb as long as it's there


Active Member
That is a serious invasion of privacy and maybe a lot more. I would demand they either do it with some semblance of privacy or face a lawsuit. That's bullshit.
The most privacy I recieved was when the person would look at my reflection in the mirror as I was giving my sample. I understand why they do it and personally don't care too much other then the fact that I have a shy bladder. With that being said I cannot speak for all urinalysis programs but I am preparing for the worst here. The good news is im going to have a good stock pile ready for when I can smoke again. :bigjoint:


Active Member
I grow whether I'm smoking or not. In fact I haven't smoked in over two months and am still growing. I just enjoy growing plants of all kinds.