is it a whole sac coming off a stem, or a late stage nanner on the top of a terminal bud?hello all looking for some advice, i have a TimeWreck 52 days into flower, and yesterday i found a pollen sack on it and then found another today, what should i do?
is it a whole sac coming off a stem, or a late stage nanner on the top of a terminal bud?
use a tweezers and pull them out....most late stage nanners are caused by stress....usually container (over feeding, PH off, imbalances), or light (timing was compromised)....tweeze them, and try to dial in whatever is out of whack if you choose to run her again.....but most importantly, don't worry about happens sometimes.late stage nanner on the top of a terminal bud
that is enough for some strains.....what does she smell like?think im staying away from TW for now on LoL,, but a few weeks ago i was without power for most of the day kept going on and off every couple hours,
sounds nice...mine just smelled like was nasty.....i only ran one though.....everyone loves the potency though.i have 5 total all with diffrent smells the one that keeps getting the nanners TW#3 is a rotten fruit/lime smell, TW#2 smells super fruity can't pick just 1,, smells like a bag of fruit candys, TW#1 kind of has a rotten funk smell not quite sure and is also solid puprle leaves right now,, then TW#4 & #5 are my 2 closest phenos,,, that just have hints of skunk/lime in both of them