Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
This is how people act now? Instead of helping him up they just bust out the Iphone and start dancing the Dipshit Hipster Dance?

Kinda makes me sick to my stomach.
you do realize everyone there is either drunk, high or tripping, right?


Well-Known Member
This is how people act now? Instead of helping him up they just bust out the Iphone and start dancing the Dipshit Hipster Dance?

Kinda makes me sick to my stomach.
I was lucky sort of, before video in everyones hand anyway. I was at a field party and drank too much too fast. So the obvious answer was to partake in some hallucinogens. Ended up away from the party by myself laying in muddy cornrows that had just been pulled. Luckily a friend showed up and took me home before walking to the bonfire. It took me 45 minutes the next morning to remember and tell my father where my car was. He had just co signed for it. :shock:


Well-Known Member
But too stupid to get his face out of the water? I am very afraid for the future of this country.

In other news, goddamn I love it when Maury says "you are NOT the father!". Earlier today there was some poor bastard brought on by Shekeita, who said he fathered all three of her kids. Turns out he was NOT the father of any of them! Thanks Maury.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to get a little bit worried about my seven year old son. He won't stop obsessing about his penis. It's the punch line of every joke, he draws pictures of it, he calls me to come see what he can do with it when he's in the bath, he even tells me how sad he is for me that I don't have one...should I have him looked at, is this normal?


Staff member
I'm starting to get a little bit worried about my seven year old son. He won't stop obsessing about his penis. It's the punch line of every joke, he draws pictures of it, he calls me to come see what he can do with it when he's in the bath, he even tells me how sad he is for me that I don't have one...should I have him looked at, is this normal?
sounds like a guy to me


Ursus marijanus
I'm starting to get a little bit worried about my seven year old son. He won't stop obsessing about his penis. It's the punch line of every joke, he draws pictures of it, he calls me to come see what he can do with it when he's in the bath, he even tells me how sad he is for me that I don't have one...should I have him looked at, is this normal?
Make an evening of sharing "Superbad". cn


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to get a little bit worried about my seven year old son. He won't stop obsessing about his penis. It's the punch line of every joke, he draws pictures of it, he calls me to come see what he can do with it when he's in the bath, he even tells me how sad he is for me that I don't have one...should I have him looked at, is this normal?
yea, completely normal. now if he is doing this 10 years from now, i would start to worry.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to get a little bit worried about my seven year old son. He won't stop obsessing about his penis. It's the punch line of every joke, he draws pictures of it, he calls me to come see what he can do with it when he's in the bath, he even tells me how sad he is for me that I don't have one...should I have him looked at, is this normal?
Totally normal. Your son is a boy. :) I have two. They've both been through this phase. As a matter of fact, my oldest son will be 13 next year, and I have a feeling we'll go through the penis obsession phase again somewhere around there.