Roots organics makes a product called elemental I believe which is a powdered cal /mag.So, if using super soil and mixing it with sub's recipe, and using r/o water, is supplemental cal+mag needed? I couldn't find powdered cal+mag to save my life, except for the human variety. If so, what should I use? Thanks in advance.
I like GO's bottled Cal/ has some carbs and sugars in it to.....
Whether you need it is going to depend on the strain and environment. The latest recipe has crab shell meal as well which bumps up the Ca. I myself had some Ca deficiencies until I added the crab shell meal. I basically assume I shouldn't need to supplement Mg and Ca and I only supplement it if I start seeing signs the plant needs it -- I also use GO Cal-Mag. It's the best for what is available locally for organic Mg-Ca. It is also one of the only ones that does not have nutes - it's safe to use on seedlings (don't ask me how I know that).
Any of you ever try this stuff? I've been using it for a few months now, works great.
From the ingredients it looks to be 100% organic.