Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Perfectly normal, I do at least one of those things to my wife every day. They are awesome aren't they? Boing!!!

Precisly my point earlier...A boy is a boy is a boy........Im not sure when it stops.....I suppose if I get to be old enough I might forget that I have a penis.....but thats about the only way LMAO I call it like I see it....
I'm starting to get a little bit worried about my seven year old son. He won't stop obsessing about his penis. It's the punch line of every joke, he draws pictures of it, he calls me to come see what he can do with it when he's in the bath, he even tells me how sad he is for me that I don't have one...should I have him looked at, is this normal?

Id be more concerned if he WASN'T totally stoked on his willy at that age. He should probably stop showing it to you pretty soon though, that's a little weird for 7.
Dammit you guys. All speed and no mercy. Here's NGC 7293. cn

Thank you, Homeland!

I also like this one. NGC 7293 is a large planetary nebula in southern Aquarius and one of my favorite binocular objects in the autumn sky. It is the brightest of the planetaries, but because it is huge (15 arcminutes! Half a full moon!) its surface brightness is low. My 20x90s and NGC 7293 make a great sky clarity test. cn


<add> here is a fairly accurate depiction of the view in my 10x70s.

You know guys...I live up in the mountains....on a dark night....its like pitch black....other then the stars. I have been seeing some light activity in the sky that is not your typical,ordinary lights. Airplane lights are very distinct....plus you can hear the engins......these lights are different sometimes very far out there and other times not so much but the lights I have seen closer or lower.....absolute silence....no noise of any kind as it streams across the night sky.....usually just one light...not multiple lights ...no blinking lights and sometimes the lights come on...I watch for a while ,then they go off and if I follow the path of flight....I can see the light fire up again miles away??????? Very strange to say the least....and I am not the only one in my area that has seen these lights.....
You know guys...I live up in the mountains....on a dark night....its like pitch black....other then the stars. I have been seeing some light activity in the sky that is not your typical,ordinary lights. Airplane lights are very distinct....plus you can hear the engins......these lights are different sometimes very far out there and other times not so much but the lights I have seen closer or lower.....absolute silence....no noise of any kind as it streams across the night sky.....usually just one light...not multiple lights ...no blinking lights and sometimes the lights come on...I watch for a while ,then they go off and if I follow the path of flight....I can see the light fire up again miles away??????? Very strange to say the least....and I am not the only one in my area that has seen these lights.....

Satellites. What you're seeing when the lights go on and off are when they come into and go out of the earth's shadow or the bright side of the satellite rotates away from the sunlight. CN can correct me on this. I've spent a lifetime watching the dark skies of New Mexico (5300 ft in elevation) even when there very few satellites in the sky.
You know guys...I live up in the mountains....on a dark night....its like pitch black....other then the stars. I have been seeing some light activity in the sky that is not your typical,ordinary lights. Airplane lights are very distinct....plus you can hear the engins......these lights are different sometimes very far out there and other times not so much but the lights I have seen closer or lower.....absolute silence....no noise of any kind as it streams across the night sky.....usually just one light...not multiple lights ...no blinking lights and sometimes the lights come on...I watch for a while ,then they go off and if I follow the path of flight....I can see the light fire up again miles away??????? Very strange to say the least....and I am not the only one in my area that has seen these lights.....

Well, you need to go out and tell them to quit screwing around, they already frigged up everybody's 2012 apocalypse! And if they don't stop it and come back her to get up out of the mess were in, North Korea is gonna blow us up!
Satellites. What you're seeing when the lights go on and off are when they come into and go out of the earth's shadow or the bright side of the satellite rotates away from the sunlight. CN can correct me on this. I've spent a lifetime watching the dark skies of New Mexico (5300 ft in elevation) even when there very few satellites in the sky.

No correction necessary; you nailed it imo. Heavens-Above is an awesome web resource. Input your geographic coordinates, and you can follow satellites with advance notice. i used to make a real game of snagging them coming out of shadow.

I also remember that Zenit boosters are blinkers sometimes ... extra propellant is jettisoned off-axis, inducing quite the tumble. There was one in '00 that went blinkblinkblinkblink about once a second. When i revisited it a year later, it had slowed its roll (so to speak) to once every five-six seconds.

Iridium flares are fun also. cn
Satellites. What you're seeing when the lights go on and off are when they come into and go out of the earth's shadow or the bright side of the satellite rotates away from the sunlight. CN can correct me on this. I've spent a lifetime watching the dark skies of New Mexico (5300 ft in elevation) even when there very few satellites in the sky.

Well, Okay, the straight line ones are satellites...but not the rest of them.
Well, you need to go out and tell them to quit screwing around, the already frigged up everybody's 2012 apocalypse! And if they don't stop it and come back her to get up out of the mess were in, North Korea is gonna blow us up!

Well...I'm not sure about all that but what I have seen over the past few years just makes me wonder......what could really be out there......the earth is very small in the whole skeem of things....the universe is vast and honestly mind boggling.....
Well, Okay, the straight line ones are satellites...but not the rest of them.

I have not seen the other sort ... except sometimes screech owls. Wanna pee a little? Get trolled by a screech owl fifteen feet over your head while mesmerized by the great frozen hurricane of the summer Milky Way!! I screeched right back involuntarily! I'll wager the wingrat giggled. cn
Well, Okay, the straight line ones are satellites...but not the rest of them.

I've only seen one that I can't explain. I was watching with my dad and we both saw a light change course and go off in a different direction. I asked my dad, "Did you see that?" "Yep" was all he said. We never talked about it. Just one of those things I guess. :p
Satellites. What you're seeing when the lights go on and off are when they come into and go out of the earth's shadow or the bright side of the satellite rotates away from the sunlight. CN can correct me on this. I've spent a lifetime watching the dark skies of New Mexico (5300 ft in elevation) even when there very few satellites in the sky.

I am a pilot....some of the lights I have seen are much to low to be satellites.....much to low.....Also some of the lights I have seen are much to far to be satellites......they are like out there bro....they can be hard to see...I can follow them then loose them only to pick them back up because I lost focus.
I have not seen the other sort ... except sometimes screech owls. Wanna pee a little? Get trolled by a screech owl fifteen feet over your head while mesmerized by the great frozen hurricane of the summer Milky Way!! I screeched right back involuntarily! I'll wager the wingrat giggled. cn

Fucking bats. I hate those little bastards. They are always buzzing us when we're outside. All I can think about is RABIES!! OH MY GOD, RABIES!!! and I run screaming into the house. Bats are God's revenge for unmarried sex..... and fried liver... oh and the French.

I am a pilot....some of the lights I have seen are much to low to be satellites.....much to low.....Also some of the lights I have seen are much to far to be satellites......they are like out there bro....they can be hard to see...I can follow them then loose them only to pick them back up because I lost focus.

I don't know what to tell you there. I've seen low flying lights in formation go out simultaneously but this is New Mexico and the military is always doing SOMETHING in our state. Personally I don't believe that were are being visited by alien lifeforms. But that's me.
Fucking bats. I hate those little bastards. They are always buzzing us when we're outside. All I can think about is RABIES!! OH MY GOD, RABIES!!! and I run screaming into the house. Bats are God's revenge for unmarried sex..... and fried liver... oh and the French.

Have you ever had a screech owl go SHRRRR! 15 feet right over your head when you were just relaxing into the stillness of a summer night? ~clutches chest~ I'mcomingElizabeth!! cn
Have you ever had a screech owl go SHRRRR! 15 feet right over your head when you were just relaxing into the stillness of a summer night? ~clutches chest~ I'mcomingElizabeth!! cn

I had one living in the tree next to my room. A Western Screech Owl. Cute little guy. I would listen to him call at night and fell asleep to it.