Just watch this video


Active Member
Man if u can make 40 of those u got something there

wonder how u make them exactly

He puts something on the top of the bottles maybe u plug them into a light socket with an attatchment to actually power them

Wonder what the light outpout is on them diy cfls maybe?
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Well-Known Member
Aren't the bottles being used like a sky light? Surely it isn't luminating also during the night time. If you put several holes in the roof and a bottle of water in it, it will obviously be brighter in the room. Why not just put in a skylight? :blsmoke:


Active Member
Aren't the bottles being used like a sky light? Surely it isn't luminating also during the night time. If you put several holes in the roof and a bottle of water in it, it will obviously be brighter in the room. Why not just put in a skylight? :blsmoke:
they quoted in the video that the lights give off electric current..sounds like it is an actual light not a skylight


Well-Known Member
the chlorox + the water + the energy from the sun creates the light. I think some stuff in the video was taken out to keep this from getting outside of the country that it was discovered in.
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Well-Known Member
Man if u can make 40 of those u got something there

wonder how u make them exactly

He puts something on the top of the bottles maybe u plug them into a light socket with an attatchment to actually power them

Wonder what the light outpout is on them diy cfls maybe?
it said the lumens were equivalent do that of a 60w lightbulb, so I dont think you would need 40 of them.


Active Member
it said the lumens were equivalent do that of a 60w lightbulb, so I dont think you would need 40 of them.
yes but not all 60 watt light bulbs have the same amount of lumens

hps have more lumens per watt than other bulbs and this is another bulb so who knows the amount of lumens

40 of them is just an expression for alot

enough to get the job done

Good thinkin tho!!!!!!:mrgreen: Im gonna test my Luck with some water sun and clorox no idea if it'll work tho. I think there might be a little more to these than just water,clorox,sun but its worth a try... I noticed he put like a black top on the bottles i wonder if that has anything to do with how they work
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Well-Known Member
It's a sky light.. something was obviously lost in translation there. People have been putting bleach in water since there was bleach, there is no luminescent chemical reaction, if there was my pool would be glowing like the sun lol.. They are simply poking holes in the roof and putting water bottles up there to catch sunlight, bleach creates particulate in the water which diffuses the light.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok, but i was thrown off by the emenating electrical current bit.

if its just a friggin skylight, why are these reporters trying to say it gives off electrical curent, if its not...

lame... poor ass skylight.

The Stig

Well-Known Member
it was getting interesting... until I saw the video...
I speak Spanish so I understand all the vid (translation sucks...)

and yeah THEY DON'T PRODUCE LIGHT... they are just a hole on the roof haha

Just look at the very beginning of the video!! ROFL....

all the tops of the bottles coming out of the roof

first at the begining they says he uses: the plastic bottle filled with water and 2 spons of bleach (clorox) and some photographic film cartages (or whater is called the think with the film) ..to protect the caps from the sun :neutral:


Well-Known Member
I would assume that the bleach in the water would keep the mixture from growing alge in the sunlight........I tried this experiment after watching the video, however, I used waterballoons filled with acid......They keep falling through the holes I cut in the roof! lol


Well-Known Member
I think the bleach has two purposes, one kill all bacteria, and two is acts as a Frosted glass lens, that in essence keeps the water from acting as a lens and focusing the light into one place...