Couldn't Pay For Elite membership


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, guess what guys. It hasn't been fixed yet, and that's why this thread hasn't been answered.

Still working on it...

HTH :mrgreen:


New Member

hahah the twisty dude just cracks me up everytime. :mrgreen: LMAO..priceless....I just wanna give him a big hug:hug:
you guys are the hardest people to give money to I've ever seen.....


New Member
Yes I am wondering the same thing but props to you guys for the new profile format etc. It ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

I LOVE the private album thingy. VERY cool indeed. :hump:
hmmm guess yall are still working on it........ are yall any closer to having it resolved?


New Member
Im stoked to give you guys money! I Look forward to hearing how I can do that! Really, no sarcasm, Im very interested in checking out the info in those forums.