**PICS** Drooping and Clawing

I was initially thinking that based on the bonemeal %, but I'm not seeing any form of chlorosis, older leaves wilting, severe stunting, reddening of areas, or the main stem being the only thing of what we'd consider a 'natural/proper' color.
from what you're saying it sounds like my plant is just going through a stage. and yeah, the stem is a nice perfectly green color. So I guess I'll give her a few days to recover then go from there. Thanks man


Well-Known Member
read the whole thread before commenting
ok so you corrected and retracted your percentages.
Perhaps what would be helpfull if you actually measured the EC and pH of your soil.

Missing the perlite itself could be signficant since drainage would be impeded.


Well-Known Member
from what you're saying it sounds like my plant is just going through a stage. and yeah, the stem is a nice perfectly green color. So I guess I'll give her a few days to recover then go from there. Thanks man
If you see any purples/reds start to appear, bottom, middle, or top sections of leaves going yellow in any patterns at all (example: green top, yellow middles, green bottoms) make sure you post and we'll troubleshoot further. Also keep an eye on new growth to make sure it's not deformed/burning right out of the gates. Other than that, I'd recommend seeing how it goes over the next day or two, agreed.
ok so you corrected and retracted your percentages.
Perhaps what would be helpfull if you actually measured the EC and pH of your soil.

Missing the perlite itself could be signficant since drainage would be impeded.
I couldn't agree more with you. But I'm in the middle of paying for a lawyer, and my paycheck doesn't come for another 2 weeks so I won't be able to get a pH meter or perlite until then. Why must money control everything?!
If you see any purples/reds start to appear, bottom, middle, or top sections of leaves going yellow in any patterns at all (example: green top, yellow middles, green bottoms) make sure you post and we'll troubleshoot further. Also keep an eye on new growth to make sure it's not deformed/burning right out of the gates. Other than that, I'd recommend seeing how it goes over the next day or two, agreed.
From what I can see, the new growth is still bright green, as it should be. I'll update in a few days and let everyone know whats going on with her.


Well-Known Member
From what I can see, the new growth is still bright green, as it should be. I'll update in a few days and let everyone know whats going on with her.
Sounds good, keep us updated.. start a grow journal and show us your ladies in their full glory :D
Sounds good, keep us updated.. start a grow journal and show us your ladies in their full glory :D
Being honest, I'm ashamed of how ghetto my set-up is now. Its sad actually. haha. Once I get my system up and running again i'll have a grow journal but for now ill keep this one to myself ;) and honestly this will probably end up being an outdoor plant


Well-Known Member
I agree with transplant... I just did with sprouts a big as yours in a cup that size.. The roots where everywhere!
I agree with transplant... I just did with sprouts a big as yours in a cup that size.. The roots where everywhere!
You must have a better root system than mine. My roots were to the bottom and wrapping around the bottom but they didn't fill up the cup.
A little update. The longest finger on the first set of leaves is starting to get crunchy and hard. I noticed that on the first true leaf (5 fingered) that it is starting to get brown spots. So in other words the new growth is starting to to be effected.