DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

I have brown mushy roots running COCO. I have run 5 ml per gal of 35% h2o2 through it for two strait days now. It is sterile. How do I switch from the Hydrogen peroxide to the tea? I have some brewing.

How much do I use? How often? Nobody will help me in the Hydroponics forum.
No one will help you? Did you read the instructions in this thread?

You have to go back in this thread and read it. It's stuck here for a reason. Very detailed instructions on exactly what you are asking, are just a few pages back.
No one will help you? Did you read the instructions in this thread?

You have to go back in this thread and read it. It's stuck here for a reason. Very detailed instructions on exactly what you are asking, are just a few pages back.

No one is helping me in the hydro forum, that's correct. This thread is almost 250 pages long. I don't have time to go through the whole thing.
Don't have time. And so who's time do you expect to use? Is it better, asking for help, to just want to be feed the fish or better to learn how to fish? Never mind.

I tell ya what. Being friendly, how about if you go to my journal listed below and just a couple of pages back are the condensed instructions? I've brewed it up only twice now, but it is working, OK?

I won't even go into why hurry is not your friend, in this effort. :)
Don't have time. And so who's time do you expect to use? Is it better, asking for help, to just want to be feed the fish or better to learn how to fish? Never mind.

I tell ya what. Being friendly, how about if you go to my journal listed below and just a couple of pages back are the condensed instructions? I've brewed it up only twice now, but it is working, OK?

I won't even go into why hurry is not your friend, in this effort. :)

I know how to make the tea, Im asking specifically about using it with coco coir. Thanks for your reply.
I used white vinegar as a pH down and ended up with what I'm guessing is Mother bacteria in the water. Can I just rinse the roots, use Aquashield and Hyrgozyme to fix the bacteria issue? Or should I completely redo the reservoir water?? I just wondered if those 2 products would break the Mother down and allow the plants to eat it, or if that coating it causes on the roots will just hurt the plant eventually.
Or maybe you have full blown root slime, and it's not apple mother.b?

The cure is what this thread is about.
Or maybe you have full blown root slime, and it's not apple mother.b?

The cure is what this thread is about.

Yeah, could be. I'm just going to completely redo the reservoirs. I did one yesterday and rinsed the roots, etc.. it wasn't too bad and the slime seemed to wash right off the roots easily. Thanks :)
Well, I don't know really, but according to the OP and others, the prime symptom of Slime is that it won't go away if gets too established. I've lost a full dozen set out, before this.

Good Luck!
I got roots, but you can see how one side beat the other...the air stone was on that side.

I've hooked it back. This tea really works, all I can say, fast growing roots, only a few days. Best I've seen so far. Kudos for writing it up, Mr. H...and trying it out. :)
View attachment 2569500

Just one more picture, a few days later. Root tea, good.
Has anyone tried making a super concentrated batch of the tea and freezing it? It should last months in the freezer, and it would be a lot easier if you just had to drop a couple ice cubes into each bucket every day, and only brew the tea once every few months.
Hmmm.....very interesting. Will the microbes hibernate? As I understand it cell wall can be burst by freezing on down to some that can live in ice as long as there is at least, some filtered Sunlight.

But, if interested the test is fairly simple. Brew a batch and put a drop on a grid marked slide. Count the visible critters per grid. Regular biology. Compare that to the frozen/thawed part of the same batch and see what makes it.

If the larger motiles can re-animate, I would be surprised. And I would like to hear the findings, iac.
Has anyone tried making a super concentrated batch of the tea and freezing it? It should last months in the freezer, and it would be a lot easier if you just had to drop a couple ice cubes into each bucket every day, and only brew the tea once every few months.

Heis has stated explicitly not to freeze it as that will kill a good deal of the microbes. Probably not all but enough to where the tea will not give the desired results. See post #924 for further clarification...
Just a quick note: If you see raindrop shaped 'snot' on the very tips of your roots after adding tea, that is totally normal. It's a type of fungus which only lives on the root tips and helps it grow. Bad smells however are not normal. The res should be cleaned and re-prepared.

Leaf ripple can be caused by many things. In my experience it's often caused by low humidity/low turgidity (internal water pressure).
im new here but not new to growing and honestly a thread over at ICMAG is what sparked my research and eventually led me here and to you. ive got a couple of ideas I wanted to run by you and have your take/opinion on them. im currently going into a grow, and am waiting for the weather to warm up a bit before I get anything started. im running 8x5gl DWC's with GH nutes only, no other additives or anything of the sort(never needed them). ive got some EWC from my last organic soil grow and wanted to use lava rocks some how, not so much for the net cups but mainly to keep in the bottom of the buckets themselves. ive never experienced the brown slime BUT I do want preventative measures and from what ive been reading about beneficial bacteria I figured it couldn't hurt to have them around just in case, and I know/agree with what you have said in the thread about not needing anything organic in a "chemical" nute grow but if it can only help and not hinder then I figure what the hell. ive have read the thread up to about pg36 and figured that with that much im able to ask of you what I need to without sounding like a complete idiot or being unclear. what im wanting to do is get the lava rocks (as a bio media) inoculated with the BB's first and then place/cover the bottom of the buckets with the inoculated rocks, not just a couple but enough to cover the bottom. what im looking for is for the BB's to take care of any "floaties" that may fall to the bottom and make good use of them. so I guess what im doing is farming BB's. I read the first page with the recipe and all I want to use is the EWC, I remember where you advised to cover the rocks in molasses and then let them sit in the tea for a while and that sounds good enough (for about how long?), but what can I do to transfer/transplant them to a dechlorinated bucket of water for the future grow? do I need to prep the water beyond dechlorinating in any way? the water in the DWC have been bubbling for about a month now just haven't added the water conditioner I always use to get rid of the chlorine/chloramine. im thinking that what I could do is once the tea is made then I could fill the 5gl bucket I plan to use with the molasses covered lava rocks and give them a day or two to properly inoculate? reason I ask is that I don't want to have to add anything like a tea of sorts to the buckets during the grow OR if I do have to add the EWC tea it would be not as an additive but in order to keep the colonies up, maybe some molasses here and there to feed them but nothing in the sense or a "regimen". I actually had the thought of adding the lava rocks to some water mixed with molasses (tspn per gl) and let them soak in that for a couple of hours. does this sound at all farfetched? what is the best way to go about something like what ive described? would be the best way to go about the inoculation and transfer of the inoculated bio media/lava rocks? sorry about the hellacious paragraph but either something is wrong with my keyboard or I need to get used to how to properly post around here. nice to talk to you by the way! this is the thread/site im coming from:https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=5664032#post5664032 im the same no matter what site/forum I join. im like George foreman with the memory so I don't have time for the bullshit of being this person there and that person here. im "FRIENDinDEED" and that's that so some ppl may know me on here as well. thanks, any and all help is greatly appreciated. grow strong
Well, I have a hard time following text like that. If you can surface the questions, in a list, I'll be glad. I'm running 7 buckets, right now.

About the lava rocks. I have a pump bag full. Two handfuls, maybe. And I keep a schedule.

Thurs. - start brew, include the bag of lava, pour a teaspoon extra molasses on the lava rocks.

Sun - change res water, put the bag back in the pump bucket, pour a gal of tea in.

Weds - pour the other gal that had been saved in the frig.

Thurs - start brew again.
Well, I have a hard time following text like that. If you can surface the questions, in a list, I'll be glad. I'm running 7 buckets, right now.

About the lava rocks. I have a pump bag full. Two handfuls, maybe. And I keep a schedule.

Thurs. - start brew, include the bag of lava, pour a teaspoon extra molasses on the lava rocks.

Sun - change res water, put the bag back in the pump bucket, pour a gal of tea in.

Weds - pour the other gal that had been saved in the frig.

Thurs - start brew again.

Thanks for the response but I don't do and don't plan to do any nute changes. ive always just topped up with absolutely no problems. also alludes to why I want to just add the inoculated rocks to the buckets themselves and wanted to know how I go about keeping the bene's alive and well so that they can do their job on a constant basis . . . sigh, don't know whats going on with this, guess I have to type in notepad and cut/paste, cant understand why Its not letting me hit enter to line down, BRB