Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

So SDS, do you know of any company that's making a UV pumped white? I've only read about them, but have never seen one. I heard they produce a wonderfully broad spectrum light, but at a price. Also do you know anything about claims that they're making high powered quantum dot based LEDs. Wikipedia said they do but I think that's not true. And +rep to your mad DIY skills.
Fran,I really do not know any company,making white leds utilising this method ...
(Oslons aren't ..No UV radiation at all ... .... )

Maybe the german " Roithner Lasertechnik " ,might be producing some ...
They produce some really high-end (> $1.000 per unit ) uv led chips and led units ...

As for Quantum Dot Leds ...
I've read few articles ,not long ago ...
I just hope if and when they'll hit the market ,
won't have ..quantum dot sized contact pads ... :-P

Mad Destroying it Yourself skills,I know ....LOL!
Since this is a new "spectrum" tested ..
Allow me ,for a " ~12 hour update " ....

Today is "0 day " ..
Seedlings just emerged ..
Cotyledons aren't fully opened yet ...

-Leds are switched on for first time,today before ~13 hours ...

-For the next 7 days , light cycle is going to be 20/4 ..(on/off )

-Seedling color is a beauty ..A warm deep ,lively _lovely,green ...

-Seedlings seem to do not "turn " / "direct" towards light source ...Almost 0% phototropism ...That means ,way low levels of blue ...
For what I 've in mind ,that's GREAT news !
' Numb ' plants ,under a ' fixed in place ' source of light ....
Minimising antagonism and plant growth towards the light ....
"Spreading growth potential ,equally,all over plant "...
"Switching off /decreasing " plant's "will / directive " to " concentrate " assimilates/chemical energy ,towards where's the light source(s)
(highest level of flux ..)..

-Leds are kept at ~50 cm away from seedlings .@ ~340 mA


-All together ,they are six ,by now ...
Can't recall which thread we were having the NW discussion, but there's HiloReins 28w all white This is about 28watts of Cree XTE warm white(x10) and neutral white(x3) (supposedly highest bins). thread

Approximately 6 weeks in flower

Just fired up third joint for today ....

Listen to one of my crazy thoughts ....

Climbers have their own "difficulty " system ...5.15a for example in U.S. ,9a+ in France ,etc ...

Canoe-Kayakers have their own : WW1 ,WW2,etc ....

How come DIYers haven't established yet such a "difficulty" reference system ?
It would 've been nice ,so to know ,more or less ,if a project is within someone's abilities or not ....

And the crazy thought ,goes on ....

Something like that

II : Basic tool skills needed
.Basic tools like pliers ,hammer, drill,multi -tool ,screw driver ,etc...

: Intermediate tool skills . Know how to work with solder iron ,hot air ,hot plate ,or table scroll/rotary blade saw & other more complex machinery than simple drill .
Also basic chemistry knowledge .Know how to take proper precautions ,involving working with volatile or not ,non-explosive/flammable materials ,or weak acid/alkali solutions .

III: Advanced tool Skills .Know how to cut with lasers or work a CNC or a turning lathe ,etc ...
Or work with high temps .Gas stoves ,etc ...
Or know how to vacuum mold ,,,
Advanced chemistry knowledge .Know how to work with dangerous materials .

Basic 3D / CAD design software knowledge .

IV : Expert Tool Skills : As in III but under heavier / absolute conditions .
High temps ,molten metals/ceramics/glass/polymers
,pressurised /vaccuum enviroments/gasses ,etc .

V: Extreme Tool Skills : High presicion work ,under specified conditions .
Heavy / complex machinery/software operation knowledge .

Specials :

E : Flammable / Explosive materials used ( I.e . Naptha,White Spirit,Acetone, Isopropyl Alcohol,etc.. )

C: Dangerous Chemicals involved . Corrosive / poisonous .( i.e etching solutions..)

F: Fatal or serious injury can occur .(i.e. Saw blades , high voltage ,dangerous parts like High voltage capacitors, etc ... )

R : High amount of E/M radiation involved .(micro wave oven mods ,cathode tube mods ,tesla coils ,lasers,high power leds ,etc ..)


Making a 20 + ton DIY hydraulic press ,is relatively of moderate difficulty ,considering building ...
But if there is a bad welding job done ,a serious accident can occur ....
Say ... IV F

While DIY a computer controlled CO2 laser cutter ..V R..

That looks rather cool ...

IV R with laser diodes ..
Can't recall which thread we were having the NW discussion, but there's HiloReins 28w all white This is about 28watts of Cree XTE warm white(x10) and neutral white(x3) (supposedly highest bins). thread

Approximately 6 weeks in flower


...Holly $hit !!
Hilo has done a really great job there ...
XTE Warm Whites ,huh ?
and NW .....

Give me some time ...

Though I can tell you this ...

This is a "quality " inclined spectrum/led choise ....
For sure not a "heavy-yielding" one ...
Lacks reds ...
As I said, they should grow pretty decent buds.

Keep in mind he has ~ 3 more weeks to harvest.

Sometimes the student teaches the professor:fire:
Heh ....
Surely ,I'm not anybody 's professor ..
I'm simply a ..good...(rather nerd ...) student of The Great White'n'Red School of Growing with Leds ....
Anyway ....

Xte Cree ...

Allow me to refer the Osram Oslon SSL CQ7P.CC as "KING " ...

So ...
KING vs XTE ..

xte vs king.jpg...

Need explaining why CQ7P.CC (black line ) deserves the "king " degree ?
At least regarding spectrum ...

Although they look kinda " dim " to the eye ....
(Of the lowest Lumen output Warm whites .....)

Even on their lowest current setting (~140mA ) ,once looked straight on dies for more than ~0.5 sec ...
For at least 5-10 minutes later ,a "green " die(s) idol is clearly visible ...
Sensors (mainly red cones ..) get "oversaturated" ...."Fried" .....
Until damage/malfunction is "fixed" at those parts of eye's retina ,red color is not "visible" anymore ..
So a "green " idol forms,for a while ....
If damage is permanent ,green idol stays there for good ...
_I've already some multi-colored " spots "& black "dots" ,permanently "tattoed" in my retina ....
Always there in front of my vision ....
Artificial LSD kaleidoscope ...
But vision center has adjusted ,to "neglect " ...Like skin pressure /touch brain center ,does with clothes or shoes ...
Ex-Laser hobbyist ,you see ..._

So ...although they look "dim" ..they actually output great amounts of light power ...At blinding levels.....
We are not able to see their full "brightness" ...But we can sense it's actual "impact " on our eyes ...
I.e .. Welding Eyes Syndrome ...You do not see any brightness at strong UV light ...
You can look straight into the chip of a 1000mW output UVB led ....
You 'll see nothing at all ...
Except ,that you'll totally fry your retina..
Shortly ,you'll start "feeling" how "bright " was the ..darkness ...

So ...Do not underestimate light ...Never ..
Specially high power leds ....
A 500mW laser diode ,outputs same amount of light power, like an average blue led ..
But it can cut through materials like wood ,paper,plastic ,etc .....

Just imagine now ..
Staring at a blue led diode .....Of less than 30-40 lm ,brightness ....
But in fact ,outputting enough energy ,in form of light ,capable to cut through solid materials if properly "aligned " ....
...Caution ...
Today ,they are 8 of them ...
2 on each pot ..
(at one I had more thrown ....So I transplanted two of them ...I broke the root tip from one ..
It seems to have recovered ..And PS CS4 ,still doesn't respond to double letters ,if typed quickly ... )

It will be fun to watch ,what will happen ....
8 plants with ~ 50-75 Watts(at plug ) for vegging ...2 at each pot ....

The remaining female plants will flower with ~ 95 Watts (at plug ) ....

Let's see what this DIY box is capable of ....

I broke a seedling of at the soil on my last grow. Opened the rock wool cube, stuck the stem down in and squeezed it shut. Set it in the window sill and it started growing!

Before snapping off:



After snapping off:


17 days later:


47 days later:


I started a new thread for seed pictures - please post pics of your seeds! Thanks StardustSailor!


  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to stardustsailor again.


I will copy this over to the seed pic thread with a credit to StardustSailor :)
As long as I get paid ,what I ask ,then I do not do such thoughts ...
If I won't get what I ask ,that's more than a "thought" then .
As for this fixture _and the evolution coming along _ ,
I've already told you ...
If Astir wants to sell this light ,I 've to get paid A LOT ! .

Astir ain't building this light ...I am ...

If I won't get paid what I'll ask for-to the last penny - ,
I will 've to find another way ,to make a living by still designing & building led lights _

Always trying my best to be of the highest quality parts & workmanship possible ... ...
I need quite an amount of money ,to buy new tools ,equipment and materials/parts ,to start a small ,high quality ,led light producing lab ,
where I can work in peace ,producing at my pace and not at a pace that the market might demand ...

My led light fixtures are not meant for "mass consumption" ...
I'll never allow for something like that,to happen ..

There's a huge market ,already ,for such products ...

I'll stay away from the " competition " ,going on ...
It is my way ,of doing things ...

So with my brothers from Astir...
Above all we are friends ..
As associates ...
I haven't signed any contract with them ,saying that I 'll be their life-time associate ...
Neither we 've agreed or gave an oath on something like that .....

If they want that light ( and the next ideas/designs/builds stored inside my brain ) ....

Either they have to try and make their own designs ...
(BTW ....All designing and building details /instructions for Guod-Stardustsailor Box ,are already all over RIU ,at both mine and Guods ,threads ..)

Or ...

Ideas & skills ,cost ....
Lots ...

Don't you agree ,on that ?
More about the GD-SDS design ...

What you see here ,are some PROTOTYPES ...
Not even close ,to a model "ready to go " ...

I'm trying lots of stuff ,at same time on them ...

Nevertheless ,a "ready to go " model would be based on same
design principles ...But made out of the highest/best quality parts ,with right machinery
and equipment/tools ,special PCB (FR4 & metal core ) producing procedures ,
proper reflow soldering of leds ,proper laser cut stencils with right angles ,etc ....

For example , a "ready to go " model ,will have a Fischer SK 80 black anodised heatsink ..
And many more ....

As for the general "vibe " of my lights ...

-Well build / Build to last .Kinda heavy-robust constructions .I don't spare on material.
-'Analog' as/where possible ..Kinda "retro " ...My " design signature " ...
"Plug 'n ' Grow -With No worries ",my main philosophy ...
Only the really essential "controls","adjustments" and "readings " ...
( High-tec digital -remote-controlled multichannel stuff ,is Guod's area . Not mine ... )

-Each "build" will be customised and build upon owner's needs/ wishes ...

-Finest workmanship to the very last detail .

-Lifetime (my own lifetime ) guarantee .
As long as I live ,I'll pay for my mistakes and not the owner of my creations .

Shit ..I've always wanted to be a High-End Led light designer / builder ...
When I was a small kid and got asked,I've always been giving that same answer ...
"I want to make some light ... "
They need to make a modular LED that can plug on to a standard pcb mount like a lego. Then we could just change bulbs as needed.
Ah ..Prototype #1 ...
The one suffered the most ....
Now ,sitting aside ,waiting for it's one missing buck driver ....


While my mind is set ,on building (& improving ,of course ..)prototype box #3 ......
System actually is a multi panel system ..
-3 panels ,meant to cover an average area of 4'x4' (1.2m x 1.2m )
All together ,having 108 Oslon SSL leds
( 36 x Deep Reds reds.JPG& 72 x Warm White 2700°K CRI >95whites.JPG ) .

-Fan speed control ( all three panels , share same setting.)
-And each individual panel ,with it's analog dimming ,
from ~140mA up to max 700mA (=> 70% of Reds max current , ~ 88% of WW's max current ) .
-2x 80 mm fans at each box/panel ,ensuring top class cooling efficiency ....
(actually sacrificing a bit of fan efficiency _use of smaller dia fans_ ,but for better airflow distribution at heatsink fins. )
-Along with high quality massive heatsink and thermal copper pours at led's mcpcbs ..
-7 W/m.K Arctic Silver Epoxy used ,also ...
-Recom top notch buck drivers with MeanWell main PSU ...
-Neutrik ,Swiss-made XLR power connectors . ( for interconnecting DC voltage ,not for mains 110/220 V AC )
-Top quality branded (Bourns or Vishay/Spectrol ) ,10 turn ,high precision ,low tolerance (1-5%) dimming potentiometer ...
-Corossion -resistant/splash -proof design,stainless steel is massively used where metal is not alum or copper ....
-Robust Polyethylene insulated, 2.5 meters long (~ 7.5' ),interconnect power cables .
2 x 2.5 mm^2.....Ensuring extremely low voltage drop across ends .(from main PSU to individual boxes.. )
-From 22 Watts minimum setting at plug (one box at min settings ) ,up to ~ 300 Watts( all three at max settings ) ,at plug ,always ...
-Ready to plug 'n' grow ...With no worries ....

But ...
Let us first see ,what one of the three ,can actually " do " ... ;-)