EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Active Member
That's no good man!! Hope she doesnt get too hurt from all this!
Did you start your first day with your first fleeting nute feeding?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man i guess i'll find out soon enough hey. At least it was only one feed so shouldnt hurt it too much. My worry is how big she'll get now as my light didnt go up as far as i'd like...ah well, trial and error lol

Yep, started on full flower nutes today so day 1 :D bring on the buds!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, i owe a lot of it to you bro :D

Got a slight bit of nute burn again so going to back off on the Dr Repair hey, dont think she needs 2mL as she's not a nute hungry plant! Sounds like the extra nitrogen in the Dr Repair may be just that little bit too much...
Don't owe me nothing matey :)

The nute burn could be from the XL previously.. Usually too much Dr. Repair will show dimples on the surface of leaves and have a distinctive fold down their creases on the blades. What amount of additives did you start off in flower? She looks beautiful and dark green :) A great sign of great things to come :) I too have nearly forgot about leaving the tap closed, best to sit there and watch it fill up, that way when you release the tap and hit the off switch to the feed pump you'll know its automatically off. When the system is new and young you can have a god awful mess as the inside pot can float on the water and end up with perlite and water EVERYWHERE!!

Also, write a list to put on your grow-room door for safety measures :) ..... Tent closed, tap open, pump set on auto not RUN ;) make sure all hoses are tight everyday, globes clean and free of dust... helps alot especially when you get used to things, its easy to forget such simple measures. I got it down to routine almost now :) however i don't obsess in there everyday like i used to which makes everything seem to go faster too. I just obsess on here :p

Well i committed a full rookie mistake this arvo! Forgot to turn the return pipe back on to the res so have just spent the last 30 mins mopping out the tent :( looks like my girl got a solid flushing of nutrients on her first day of flower :( hope it doesnt stuff her up!
She will be fine this early on :)
have fun man!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, she is definitely going along well hey, to say im stoked is an understatement! Im loving the dark green on her too, so happy with it :D

First lot if flower nutes is 2mL p/L of bloom a and b and 1mL of the others like silica, dr repair, sugar rush, B1 boost and potash. Im going by the schedule on the cyco website, does that sound right man?

Awesome idea about the reminder list too, there is NO way i want that to ever happen again! Stressed the hell out of me lol.

cheers for your help again bro :) and she doesnt seem to be affected by the overflow either thank god. :D


Well-Known Member
Bit of an update:

Day 4 of flower: Stretching a bit so have to keep moving tops around to fit in the screen properly. also did a little trim of some thinner branches.

Here's a pic of my outdoor NL x BB bud in the curing process. This is what i can expect out of my girl when she's done but hopefully even better :D

And finally, here's a pic of a clone i took off the mammoth sugar haze i have outdoors. I sprayed her with colloidal silver to get some pollen and she's showing some great flower pods now :)

Enjoy guys :) and have a good weekend!!


Active Member
Eastcoastmo man u r doin ur thing main!! Looking stunning my man!! That outdoor is looking good too bro! Hopefully one day I'll be able to try a outdoor..


Well-Known Member
Thanks man :D all's going well so far, touch wood it keeps going that way!!

If my outdoor is anything to go by, this hydro is going to give me some unreal bud! I had a joint on the weekend when my mother in law was here and fuck it near took my head off lol. She must've been wondering what the hell was wrong with me hahaha


Well-Known Member
Update time: Flush day, everything's still looking pretty green which is great, temps have been a bit low, down in the low 20's but that's manageable with the 600w in such a small space.
Bloom A and B - 70mL to 35L
Dr Repair- 35mL
Silica- 35mL
B1 Boost- 35mL
Potash- 35mL
Sugar Rush- 35mL
Floralicious- 8mL

Apologies for the crap pic, didn't realise it was blurry till now!



Well-Known Member
Cheers Yankee :D

Yeah man, got a bit of nute burn when i was using the XL and it has continued a little. Next flush I'm thinking of dropping down a bit with the bloom nutes, will see how she goes ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, she is definitely going along well hey, to say im stoked is an understatement! Im loving the dark green on her too, so happy with it :D

First lot if flower nutes is 2mL p/L of bloom a and b and 1mL of the others like silica, dr repair, sugar rush, B1 boost and potash. Im going by the schedule on the cyco website, does that sound right man?

Awesome idea about the reminder list too, there is NO way i want that to ever happen again! Stressed the hell out of me lol.

cheers for your help again bro :) and she doesnt seem to be affected by the overflow either thank god. :D
sorry for the late reply man! That nutrient regime should be fine, don't worry about the tip burn, you will get used to using the XL but if that happened while you had the over flow.... that maybe why. The roots probably needed to dry out and not be in the acidic solution for too long. Better to get tip burn before flowering as that can burn tips of buds badly, so always XL only Veg and week 3 or after :) You got lucky, ive seen some people go silly with the XL it must be monitored closely ;)

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Here's a pic of my outdoor Sugar Haze finally starting to thicken up :D
LOOKING AWESOME :) man that would hide anywhere!!! the leaves are so thin :) so bushy too! Hows she smelling?


Well-Known Member
Cheers Flowa :D yeah the burn was from the XL a few weeks back, doesnt seem to be getting any worse so i'll keep going with what im doing for now. She's not a nute hungry girl thats for sure ;) glad i didnt go the full 3mL of the veg and bloom nutes!!

The sugar haze is looking amazing brother, very dark and very healthy, have had to bring her inside the last few nights due to frost risk but she's lovin it :) she's actually got a real sweet almost skunky kinda smell hey, im assuming its from the haze in her :D cant wait to try her thats for sure!!