EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Well-Known Member
Day 17- Flush day and time for some amazing growth to take place :D

Nutes used for this week:

Grow A&B- 50mL each to 25L
B1 Boost- 50mL
Silica- 25mL
Dr Repair- 50mL
Rhyzotonic- 80mL
Grow XL- 12.5mL

Here's a few pics of my little outdoor NLxBB which i took the clone from....looking beautiful and healthy :)



Well-Known Member
LOL mate, yours will get there too hey! Hydro always makes them grow quicker, plus she's under 600w in such a small space ;)


Well-Known Member
Day 20: Just put the SCRoG tray over the top to start training the branches out. The plant looks like she's doubled in size in 3 days! Don't think I'll make it to 4 weeks of veg, she'll be too big otherwise.

All I can say about the Grow XL is WOW that shit makes your plants grow ridiculously!!


Active Member
Holy S*+t Mo!!!! Day 20, and things are looking Healty as HELL!!! This is ur first grow with this system.. Looks like i'm going to have to convert from DWC. Keep up the good work man!!


Well-Known Member
Damn Eastcoastmo that's some fire as plants you have running man! Keep up the great work.

Thanks man :D sooo happy with how she's going so far hey, she surprises me every day!!

Holy S*+t Mo!!!! Day 20, and things are looking Healty as HELL!!! This is ur first grow with this system.. Looks like i'm going to have to convert from DWC. Keep up the good work man!!
LOL thanks champ :D yep, first time using this system too. Had a few minor issues with power outages and a swinging pH but other than that its simple as hell. Ive kept the same principle as Flowa....flush every week and clean everything well each time! Dude you'd smash it using this system :)


Well-Known Member
Cheers Puff :D awesome to have you along for the ride man! If my buds turn out as nice as yours i'll be a happy man :D


Well-Known Member
Cheers man :D she's still veging at a rate of knots at the moment hey!! Hoping to put back to flower next weekend ;)


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, time for an update :D

Did a flush today and added the following nutes:
Grow A and B - 60mLs each to 30L
Dr Repair- 60mL
B1 Boost- 30mL
Silica- 30mL
Rhyzotonic- 80mL
Floralicious- 7.5mL

Apologies for the poor quality photo, no excuses just tired and couldn't be arsed getting more light in the room!

And here's a few of my little outdoor NL x BB. Thinking another week to chop :)

Cheers guys, ENJOY :D