New to - New CFL Grower - Think I may have issues already. Help!


Active Member
And not everyone is growing with hid's you dullard, I am sure there is some tard out there trying to grow plants with a white led flashlight right now cus he heard leds were the new shit. The reason everyone still uses these pos food cookers is because the market pushes them, think about it, if you make stupid amounts of money hand over fist in a 3 year time period from bulb replacements of hids and say cut that in a 3rd or less for some new tech that does not need an expensive ballast essentially making half of the existing market of products obsolete, most of which you are the producer of would you not do everything in your power to stop that new tech with negative pr campaigns and other stupid propaganda..
As far as I am concerned the new updates are reflective of the massive amounts of r and d led companies put into making their product better, the price then reflects all of the r&d. So imo once the market for these panels and the cost of producing diodes goes down you will see a fall in led pricing. Nothing significant since they still have to make money, fricking capitalists... Are you starting to see now? I can no longer be mad at you for besmirching led tech since you do not know any better when you are spoon feed bs.
Look at it this way, smoking weed used to be taboo and stupid in some peoples eyes because of what the gov't told them while blindly following it, you sir are doing no different by just putting up the blinders to new tech like led, and with that train of thought we would not be talking through this website about the topics we are...
I gotta agree with Kermit The Frog man LEDS suck


Well-Known Member
Those look like crap but at least your trying. There's no better way to learn than hands on. I would start over man and don't mess with that miracle grow next time. I grew a whole plant with it and I never could flush the nutes out of it so it was still way green at harvest. You need some air moving around in there too. Seedlings need TLC
Where you been man?
Let's see what you been up to.


Well-Known Member
man we were over this argument, everyone thinks they are right.... I personally do not see as close of node growth with mh or hps as led or when done properly cfl/fluoros. No need to start trolling.... Lets see some of your plants tough guy.... I am not using leds atm but here is a shot of my girls under my Inda-gro, and actually it has leds for supplement since I just put a pfr pntoon in.

No hate but you come in to halos thread and rehash old shit from like a month a go just to stir shit up.. and I find myself asking who cares or who even asked for your opinion on LEDs? Got any links for these horrendous grows or maybe the name of the light they used. I took a gamble on some cheap chinese lights and got burned on it, it only happened once and now I know what to look for. I thought I could get them cheaper than the inflated prices we see here, and you can but you have to sift through the shit cuz there are tons of companies... A little knowledge about the new generation of leds hitting the market and I think you would be singing a different tune, obviously not everyone has the money for bleeding edge tech but after a few harvests why not reinvest in your girls?


Active Member
IMG_20130222_214854.jpgIMG_20130225_011440_036.jpgIMG_20130227_232326_868.jpg These are healthy seedlings. This is what you want to aim for man I'm not bashing I'm trying to tell you the truth to help you out.


Active Member
IMG_20130318_003422.jpgView attachment 2577293IMG_20130317_233052_779.jpgIMG_20130318_224551_348.jpgHeres some pics of what I have going now challenge accepted lol. The big one I way over feed on nitrogen but shes bounced back and producing nicely. The little ones are vanilla kush and liberty haze about 3 1/2 weeks old. IMG_20130316_172731_554.jpgIMG_20130313_191150_435.jpgIMG_20130319_104111.jpgIMG_20130317_170820_775.jpg
man we were over this argument, everyone thinks they are right.... I personally do not see as close of node growth with mh or hps as led or when done properly cfl/fluoros. No need to start trolling.... Lets see some of your plants tough guy.... I am not using leds atm but here is a shot of my girls under my Inda-gro, and actually it has leds for supplement since I just put a pfr pntoon in.

No hate but you come in to halos thread and rehash old shit from like a month a go just to stir shit up.. and I find myself asking who cares or who even asked for your opinion on LEDs? Got any links for these horrendous grows or maybe the name of the light they used. I took a gamble on some cheap chinese lights and got burned on it, it only happened once and now I know what to look for. I thought I could get them cheaper than the inflated prices we see here, and you can but you have to sift through the shit cuz there are tons of companies... A little knowledge about the new generation of leds hitting the market and I think you would be singing a different tune, obviously not everyone has the money for bleeding edge tech but after a few harvests why not reinvest in your girls?
Just going by what I've seen in real life but those look nice. I get really good short bushy veg under cfl myself, but I dont like messing with all those light bulbs. I went with mh/hps with my 2nd grow and they do get alot bigger at least, but no argument on vegging with floros or cfls they work great. Flowering under the hps however there is no comparison I'm going to get 10 times the yield



Active Member
I know my plants don't look too well, but honestly they are looking a lot better from when I first started out. While I may be a quick learner with other things in life, I think it is safe to say that I definitely don't have a green thumb. However, I am going to have to learn this because this summer I am planning on starting an organic garden on my property (believe it or not lol. I know, "good luck," right?), so I figured that learning how to grow Marijuana would be a good start. My problem from the start was that I was doing research in the wrong places, I guess. Or that may not be the problem. The problem may be the environment that I have them in or the temperature I have them in or even my lights? I'm not even sure, but I am starting to notice stunted growth on a couple of them already. Here I thought I was going to be ok because I finally got some quality soil. I just don't know what the issue is, but I am not one to give up easily! 22 pages later on this thread; I should have been in flowering already! Anyhow, I've got two of the older ones drooping now. I'll post an update in just a sec.

Apomixis is right, he came here doing the same thing and I told him I didn't like it. He apologized, I apologized and now he is helping me a lot and I appreciate it. I expect you to maybe do the same. I see your plants look great! Please help out and feed me some of your knowledge! As you can see, I need it! Any help from anyone is appreciated. And yeah man, like I said, I agree my plants look like shit or they don't look like they are doing good lol and I've accepted that. Now I am trying to do different things to get things running smoothly!


Well-Known Member
Those look like crap but at least your trying. There's no better way to learn than hands on. I would start over man and don't mess with that miracle grow next time. I grew a whole plant with it and I never could flush the nutes out of it so it was still way green at harvest. You need some air moving around in there too. Seedlings need TLC
You're right on man the stuff I've seen grown under LEDS looked like shit
Wow, you know I don't go looking for TROLLS, they seem to pop up everywhere though. Dude, really, have some consideration for others. Act like you're talking to your brother or something, you know the one that kicks your ass for talkin really man this is supposed to be fun, not let's take your agression out on some poor shmo who doesn't deserve to hear your crap.

And dude they're fine, you're doin good.


Well-Known Member
I know my plants don't look too well, but honestly they are looking a lot better from when I first started out. While I may be a quick learner with other things in life, I think it is safe to say that I definitely don't have a green thumb. However, I am going to have to learn this because this summer I am planning on starting an organic garden on my property (believe it or not lol. I know, "good luck," right?), so I figured that learning how to grow Marijuana would be a good start. My problem from the start was that I was doing research in the wrong places, I guess. Or that may not be the problem. The problem may be the environment that I have them in or the temperature I have them in or even my lights? I'm not even sure, but I am starting to notice stunted growth on a couple of them already. Here I thought I was going to be ok because I finally got some quality soil. I just don't know what the issue is, but I am not one to give up easily! 22 pages later on this thread; I should have been in flowering already!

While I appreciate your honest opinion nuckyt, you did come off as a dick lol. If you cared to look back at the entire thread to see what I was going through, maybe you would have been nicer and given me constructive criticism? I don't know your intentions. And Apomixis is right, he came here doing the same thing and I told him I didn't like it. He apologized, I apologized and now he is helping me a lot and I appreciate it. I expect you to maybe do the same. I see your plants look great! Please help out and feed me some of your knowledge! As you can see, I need it! Any help from anyone is appreciated. And yeah man, like I said, I agree my plants look like shit or they don't look like they are doing good lol and I've accepted that. Now I am trying to do different things to get things running smoothly!
I know it's tough sometimes dude, but try to take everything in a constructive way.
If you had been growing for 10 years under your current conditions, then ya, people would laugh at your lack of effort, but you're just starting out, and it IS a learning experience, I don't care HOW MUCH you read.;-)


Well-Known Member
Those look like crap but at least your trying. There's no better way to learn than hands on. I would start over man and don't mess with that miracle grow next time. I grew a whole plant with it and I never could flush the nutes out of it so it was still way green at harvest. You need some air moving around in there too. Seedlings need TLC
View attachment 2577232View attachment 2577233View attachment 2577234 These are healthy seedlings. This is what you want to aim for man I'm not bashing I'm trying to tell you the truth to help you out. You'll never produce anything listning to this dumb fuck. No you go fuck yourself youre not helping the dude out telling him those seedlings look fine because they dont, some of the worst I've ever seen. Youre lying to the guy. So fuck you dude.
No this is what a healthy seedling looks like over a 20 day period...



Well-Known Member
We have established the plants are not in great standing.... While yours do not look terrible you can see we are all susceptible to problems, mine look nice now but about a month ago they were not looking too hot. That being said get off ops nuts and let him learn.
I will say the same thing I said to the frog since that seems to be the bone you are picking. HPS work, they have for a long time, but now there is a more efficient technology and people refuse to accept it because there is ridiculous amounts of propaganda. Not saying they are the best thing to come along since sliced bread but more like the discovery of toast feel me? This new gen of lights is unbelievable with all the new tech. I am pretty interested in procyon's daylight mimicking program.. Can not do that with your fancy hps, just dim em.
Haleo: You have any idea what your temps/rh is at? If not I would grab a 20 dollar digi thermometer from menards/home depot so you have an idea. Are you ph'ing your water (can not remember what you said although I am sure it has been said sorry), and if not are you willing to drink your water straight out of the tap? IF not I would not water with this water unpurified/treated. I do not think it is your lights unless you have them way too close which is hard since its cfls but can be done.


Active Member
I am time lapsing my lil girl as we speak, 15 min intervals, so that should be awesome... Don't know how to upload it on RIU but I will figure it out. I've already seen the last two weeks, and god it's cool..


Active Member
SEE?? GRRRRRRR!! What is going on with my grow?? *Bashes head into wall*

But no really, I'm tired of running into issues and every time I see pics like this it makes me sad haha.

And from seeing this, mine obviously have stunted growth, too! Argh!


Well-Known Member
SEE?? GRRRRRRR!! What is going on with my grow?? *Bashes head into wall*

But no really, I'm tired of running into issues and every time I see pics like this it makes me sad haha.
Your plant is riding the short bus right now, but she'll pull out of it man, just be patient.


Active Member
Here is an entire breakdown update for anyone just now coming into the conversation who are looking to help me out:

Here is my small corner grow room. It is about 4 x 4 x 6 ft tall. I know it looks bad, but I made due with what I had available.

The ambient temperature is around 72-78 degrees F and the humidity is about 30-35% according to my digital reader.

I currently have 4 "Cool White" 26w, 4100k, 1700 lumens CFLs and 1 "Warm Light" 26w, 2700k, 1750 lumens CFL. They are about 4-5 inches away from the plants.

I also have a cheap humidifier and a small computer fan that I rigged to the base of the foil tin the cups are sitting in. ;)

20130319_200012_zpsc69058a0.jpg 20130319_195954_zpsd0069616.jpg 20130319_195709_zps57a1d4ef.jpg
Things I already know that are wrong and will be fixing soon:
1. Foil lining
2. Dark blanket or tarp to cover during dark hours.
Anything else you can add?

Here are the 6 plants I currently have, in order of which I think are healthiest:

These two are the newest that I started in the Fox Farm Light Warrior and added a bit of my own perlite, too. They showed first sign of seedling on 3/10, so they are about 9 days old.
Although, I'm not sure why the leaves appear to be drooping.

This one is my oldest. Had 1 soil transfer from my old crappy MG soil to new Fox Farm Light Warrior, so a bit of stress on the first leaves, but the new growth looks ok other than the leaves starting to droop. I saw first sign of the seedling on 2/27, so it is about 3 weeks old:

This one looked good in the picture I posted a couple of days ago, but since then it has been going downhill. I had this one transferred from the MG into the Fox Farm from after like day 2. Now on day 14 and it is yellowing, has spots and leaves are drooping:
20130319_195742_zpsd4732053.jpg 20130319_203734_zps03493d10.jpg

Things I want to note:
My soil gets real dry after 3-4 days. I do the finger 2-3 inches in the soil method and sometimes it's so dry it's real hard and takes some force to get my finger down into the soil. When I finally do, the soil just crumbles and seems real dry. Therefore, I have watered just a little bit to get the soil evenly damp. Maybe the drooping is because of over-watering like I've been reading? I just don't get it, if the soil is dry doesn't it need water? Or do I keep it dry for a certain amount of time?

Also, concerning pH, I have a crappy rapid test analog stick that I stick in the soil. The only problem is I don't think it works well because when I put it into my soil or tap water it only seems to move from like 5.8-6.2, so not a very big difference if it is detecting correctly.

And there ya go. For anyone who is just joining us, you've been filled in!



Active Member
Your plants are busy forming a root system and once that happens to a satisfactory degree, the top will correspond. Trust us! Plants are like steam engines, they take some time to get rolling, but when they do you can almost see them grow. Especially with repair, there is a great hurdle to get over.
Now, if you were to start over again with new seeds and your new knowledge, you would see growth exactly like in the pics above and you would be quite proud. However, I respect your dedication, and feel it will pay off in skill. It's worth it. You will learn how to read these plants... Get to know how they communicate their needs... Water, light, nutrients.. You want to learn this on raggedy plants, not some fancy genetics like other people do. Once you can talk the talk with them, buy some fancy genetics and *poof* you're like Mr Fantastic and his dialed setup. One thing at a time.
This is most certainly an opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Wats your water situation like? That is the only thing that is coming to mind with those atm, wouldn't say its a deficiency but if you wanna feed em to rule it out be my guest.... if anything your ph is causing a lockout, as apo pointed out peat can have its ph problems, but fox farms does a good job of balancing with dolomite lime imo so it would seem to me you should invest in a simple pur water filter for your tap.


Well-Known Member
Here is an entire breakdown update for anyone just now coming into the conversation who are looking to help me out:

Here is my small corner grow room. It is about 4 x 4 x 6 ft tall. I know it looks bad, but I made due with what I had available.

The ambient temperature is around 72-78 degrees F and the humidity is about 30-35% according to my digital reader.

I currently have 4 "Cool White" 26w, 4100k, 1700 lumens CFLs and 1 "Warm Light" 26w, 2700k, 1750 lumens CFL. They are about 4-5 inches away from the plants.

View attachment 2577713 View attachment 2577714 View attachment 2577716
Things I already know that are wrong and will be fixing soon:
1. Foil lining
2. Dark blanket or tarp to cover during dark hours.
Anything else you can add?

Here are the 6 plants I currently have, in order of which I think are healthiest:

These two are the newest that I started in the Fox Farm Light Warrior and added a bit of my own perlite, too. They showed first sign of seedling on 3/10, so they are about 9 days old.
Although, I'm not sure why the leaves appear to be drooping.
View attachment 2577717

This one is my oldest. Had 1 soil transfer from my old crappy MG soil to new Fox Farm Light Warrior, so a bit of stress on the first leaves, but the new growth looks ok other than the leaves starting to droop. I saw first sign of the seedling on 2/27, so it is about 3 weeks old:
View attachment 2577718View attachment 2577736

This one looked good in the picture I posted a couple of days ago, but since then it has been going downhill. I had this one transferred from the MG into the Fox Farm from after like day 2. Now on day 14 and it is yellowing, has spots and leaves are drooping:
View attachment 2577719 View attachment 2577726
Your "bad" one is probably just in shock from moving while so young.
Just give it time and ride it out........
Not much to do now, but wait and watch.
The foliage growth will pick up like Apox says, just look at the diff in mine from day 6-8 or something like that.
I was just the opposite of you though, and starting to get some yellowing, so when I watered yesterday, I gave a teeny shot of food.


Active Member
I still can't help but see N hungry plants... It's why I was hoping to keep one in the terrible terrible MG with those slow release nutes...


Active Member
Wats your water situation like? That is the only thing that is coming to mind with those atm, wouldn't say its a deficiency but if you wanna feed em to rule it out be my guest.... if anything your ph is causing a lockout, as apo pointed out peat can have its ph problems, but fox farms does a good job of balancing with dolomite lime imo so it would seem to me you should invest in a simple pur water filter for your tap.
Just updated the post above with info on water, sorry.

I still can't help but see N hungry plants... It's why I was hoping to keep one in the terrible terrible MG with those slow release nutes...
Man, you're right I should have kept one in the MG. Ahh well...