Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Yeah smoking the majical healing herb helps, some strains like the bubblegummer and this reserva privada o.g. pheno put me in a good happy mood if only fleeting, mj is the only way to go tho as far as fuck pills, they help till they make it worse, knowmean? tried growing poppy once, got one tiny pod and smoked it with mj and didn't get naseus just felt nice and took a nap sorry is that a run on sentance? no
Haha it's cool. I'm bipolar to. But that's why I started growing cannabis and developing strains to suit my needs. It's all cool bro I'm only messing. No worries at all. If you need to vent go ahead.

Yeah, I want to grow again. I'm out right now and my issues are becoming more pronounced, but my one "successful" grow, so quoted because the spirits had to reach out and touch those plants to have had them grow in the conditions I had, was the only one I ever completed. My second attempt I had better equipment, but I didn't have my cooling set up properly and murdered the poor things. Since then I've been letting that guy stay here, and just didn't want to risk it. Besides that I live in an apartment, which is bad juju as far as privacy is concerned, even though my landlord never bothers me. But when I can, I've got a 400W HPS and a nice mylar tent ready to rock. My wife even said I could get a hydroponics set-up for my birthday if I want it, but now I'm so full of self-doubt I can't decide if I should try it out or not.

The reason I say the spirits had a hand in my one grow is this : It was my first grow, 2 plants, each one under a 150W incandescent light, in MG potting soil, in one gallon pots. And they grew, and flowered, and went all the way to harvest. Yields sucked, but I'm still amazed knowing what I know now that I actually got them to grow in those conditions.

Edit : To clarify yields sucked, I got right around 20 grams dry from both plants together. It sucked, but it was a nice learning experience.
my firsts were 1/8ths and 1/4s too, you know hanging out in the bright growroom is also a deppression therapy

Maybe once the guy I'm letting stay here moves (hopefully soon) I'll set up that room as a grow room, put in a stereo and a computer, set the light cycle to be on while I'm up and just hang out in there.
I would just stare at the hps area and examine every little thing, especially when I switched to soilless and didn't know what the hell was going on with my ppms and everything, I would do much contemplating and rearranging and general plant destroying, unhealthy plants can sure be depressing, anyway, I feel like it's a hobby which is good, plus you get something out of it to smoke, and maybe the light helps who knows
Rant mode activate!

Why are people bothering to try and legitimize cannabis by making it "legal" by which they really mean "Government Regulated", when the entire concept of prohibition is unconstitutional to begin with? The Government has ZERO right to tell a person that they can't enjoy a substance, ANY substance. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. As long as I'm not infringing on anyone else's right to the same, how is it I can be told what I'm doing is illegal? Murder has victims, rape has victims, theft has victims, but without the Government pushing what was originally (and possibly still is) a racist agenda cannabis growing and smoking would have no victims. Prohibition is what allowed the rise of violent criminal enterprises in the first place, so of all the people responsible for drug violence, especially in regards to cannabis, the Government should be named as number one. Driving intoxicated is a crime because you're putting others at risk, sure...but I don't hear half as much bitching and complaining about the damned drunks that go out wrecking up the place as I do about how regulating cannabis would give a green light to "Potheads" to go driving around stoned, which is all bullshit anyway because if you're going to drive intoxicated, YOU'RE NOT WAITING ON A LAW TO SAY YOU CAN, you already have/are/will do it. And that is criminal and can be punished, of course the tests they're suggesting in certain areas are bullshit as we all know you can have THC in your system and not be impaired in any way, seeing as it stays in for long periods of time, so a field sobriety test is obviously the best way to tell. But I don't hear any arguments about how the whole IDEA is Unconstitutional, I hear people talking about working within the law to change the laws. There should be no laws about it at all, because no one, not one goddamned person has the right to tell me what to believe, what to think, how to feel, or how to live and they damned sure don't have the right to tell me what I can and can't ingest, especially in the privacy of my own home.

Rant over.
[video=youtube_share;Yx6cY84XmwU]http://youtu.be/Yx6cY84XmwU[/video] its lil bub.
cute lil fucker and look at those lips!
you have got to be fucken kidding me? In one of the most liberal states in this country? really? Hell maybe 100 more lawsuits like this will slow em down? maybe?