Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I grew up watching this guy with my older brother, it was always so funny!


edit: how could I post this without screaming

That would be such a fun but painful way to die. I think i'd like to die falling...what a way to go....it's fun, it's exhilarating, and it'd at least be an instant death if you fall from high enough.

I like Les better than Bear.

Drinking a ton of Sangria and trying to keep my temper in check at the moment.

Veeeeery bad day.

Oh shit, let the Indian out, Carne!

lol this is twice as funny saying it to you because you're actually Indian! (Native American, I hope that's not offensive or anything!) I listen to Joe Rogans podcast pretty often and there's a hilarious ongoing story Joey Diaz tells about their friend Eddie Bravo, he's Mexican but whenever he drinks, even a little, he blacks out and goes missing on crazy adventures, Joey Diaz calls it "letting the Indian out" because of his ancestry (Spaniards+Mexicans=Indian somehow lmao).


@ 53:20
And people say ignorance is bliss...I think ignorance is hateful. I wish I were not so high so I could find some more comforting words than that...or ones that made more sense or something.

I don't think those people are ignorant, I think they're just hateful. Don't let hateful people fool you into thinking they're just ignorant, because ignorance can be remedied, but hate and prejudice tend to stick around.
I don't think those people are ignorant, I think they're just hateful. Don't let hateful people fool you into thinking they're just ignorant, because ignorance can be remedied, but hate and prejudice tend to stick around.
+rep from the lesbian
sorry carne, here smoke this
Sooo I learned today that my dealer holds 3 patents on wireless charging that net him around 85k a month.

He goes to Gonzaga University which is extremely expensive and he's only 20. Pays for it all himself. He also has developed tech to transfer electricity through air, no wires, no contact. Once his prototype is finished and everything is released and said and done he will be a billionaire before he turns 25. Why does he sell the best oil and weed I've personally ever seen or smoked? Family member has cancer, so he makes sure he gets the best meds.

Also the nicest, most punctual dealer I've ever had.

well what kind of wireless charging , radio is technically electricity through air

they have wireless charging but it is restricted to pads. Did he increase the range?

imagine how cool that would be if this tech had the range of wifi. your house charges all of your portable devices
DThe whole Les vs Bear vs whoever debate always comes to them all having the same amount of pros and cons.

Bear shows the quickest routes out and Les shows how to survive within while waiting for his crew to get back, but Bear travels with a crewMuch more pros and cons but it's all about the info.
DThe whole Les vs Bear vs whoever debate always comes to them all having the same amount of pros and cons.

Bear shows the quickest routes out and Les shows how to survive within while waiting for his crew to get back, but Bear travels with a crewMuch more pros and cons but it's all about the info.

no comparison bro. bear is fake has production crews following him and probably a EMT.

Les goes out by himself and sets up his own cameras no help at all.

i raised the lid on the gas grill, set the chops down on the side table, reach down and turned on the gas, turn the knob and click, poof, the grill lights and a mouse jumped out of it and ran down my leg :eyesmoke:
Bear vs Les......I think either one could wk themselves out of a bind ...at least come up with ideas on how to respond to a situation. Les is a bit more original....with his own cameras....doing all his own set up etc. Bear uses his military background and does have a slew of people filiming and shit. One time we went out on a wilderness excursion....horses....pack horses...etc. A bunch of friends.....well...long story short..we took so much booze that we ran out of food in a couple of days. Trust me on this one.....when hunger sets in....you want nothing with booze....we survived....plenty to eat in the wilderness....hee hee Dam Idiots!!!