Bending leaf?!


if you have a cool tube hooked up you don`t have to worry that much about heat,you just need ventilation for the cool tube and around the plants.
get the lamp a bit higher and lower it everyday ,if you leave it like this you will start to notice little light burns on the first 2 leaves,in about 1-2 weeks only a slight change because of
potassium def from your high temp/light and low humidity which makes plant use more potassium because it helps the plant in the transpiration process.
misting in dim light/no light at all should get rid of the problem in a few days the plant toughen up but still must get light higher especially if you have a seedling get it at about 16-18in and lower everyday an inch if it`s too hot still,get a cooltube(if you don`t have any),and put some recipient with water in it over your ballast if you have a magnetic ballast ,the water will evaporate faster because it`s hot and increase humidity:)


Well-Known Member
i like foliar feeding for the simple fact that the fan blowing on the wet leaves makes the mainstem grow strong quicker, and it doesn't allot lanky seedlings. your seedling looks great by the way, but like jwhiter said be careful about misting under the hps. I do it all the time under t5's and have no water burn. good amount of air i think is the trick so the water isn't sitting on there too long. too much air will make it over transpirate though which is why its important to have your ventilation correct :) hope some of this helps! also foliar feedings good if you notice any deficiencies you want to correct quickly, do a small dose in the soil and a small foliar feed and ease your way up.!


Well-Known Member
no disrespect but i dont see the point in misting unless your plants require it. his dont imo but each grower has their own little things they like to do i suppose.

Well-Known Member
Cheers for the interest! I'll try those few things; moving the light up and misting, sounds good. I haven't a cooling tube, but I have a powerful outtake fan that's suckin the whole lot out there. What I have neglected (as I'm broke) is a desk fan...I know, for shame. So that shall be purchased monday, along with my grow n bloom nutes.


Well-Known Member
if you have a cool tube hooked up you don`t have to worry that much about heat,you just need ventilation for the cool tube and around the plants.
get the lamp a bit higher and lower it everyday ,if you leave it like this you will start to notice little light burns on the first 2 leaves,in about 1-2 weeks only a slight change because of
potassium def from your high temp/light and low humidity which makes plant use more potassium because it helps the plant in the transpiration process.
misting in dim light/no light at all should get rid of the problem in a few days the plant toughen up but still must get light higher especially if you have a seedling get it at about 16-18in and lower everyday an inch if it`s too hot still,get a cooltube(if you don`t have any),and put some recipient with water in it over your ballast if you have a magnetic ballast ,the water will evaporate faster because it`s hot and increase humidity:)
put water on your ballast!! thats not too clever now is it! sorry to sound like a fucking busy body but thats bad advice. spilt water plus electric equals fire or atleast damaged gear!


Well-Known Member
if you have a cool tube hooked up you don`t have to worry that much about heat,you just need ventilation for the cool tube and around the plants.
get the lamp a bit higher and lower it everyday ,if you leave it like this you will start to notice little light burns on the first 2 leaves,in about 1-2 weeks only a slight change because of
potassium def from your high temp/light and low humidity which makes plant use more potassium because it helps the plant in the transpiration process.
misting in dim light/no light at all should get rid of the problem in a few days the plant toughen up but still must get light higher especially if you have a seedling get it at about 16-18in and lower everyday an inch if it`s too hot still,get a cooltube(if you don`t have any),and put some recipient with water in it over your ballast if you have a magnetic ballast ,the water will evaporate faster because it`s hot and increase humidity:)
u tard,, u would seriously risk ur shit not to mention yours and your familys life, if u grow in same house, by putting water on your ballast?

u nutjob giving dumb risky DANGEROUS advice like that,,

heres a idea,, if u dont know wat ur on about sdont post stupid dangerous shit, just becuase your dumb enough to do it DONT try recomneding others..jeez if ther was a -rep button ur get it!



Well-Known Member
I can't believe the mentality and sheers stupidity of some ppl one these boards. Water on top of your ballast!?!?! You're a fucking royal tit dishing advice like that out. OP forget that mate, don't burn your house down cos your RH is off lol. 55% is around ideal for veg anyway .

Well-Known Member
I went with Cervantes' advice..."electric above, water below", so my ballast along with the fan, carbon filter and all the leads go into the roof; pots and everything else stay on the ground!


Well-Known Member
its all basic fire safety mate. i dont see the point in silly risks like that. again no disrespect to the person that posted that but he/she needs to have a bit of a think.


New Member
bro am new at this but ur light looks more to the 2700(k) kelvin u need to put bulbs 5000(k) or more preferable 6500(k) ... your lights look all yellowishhh u need to get 5000k+ and the lights will be white/blushish ... and they look healthy


Well-Known Member
put some recipient with water in it over your ballast if you have a magnetic ballast ,the water will evaporate faster because it`s hot and increase humidity:)
The difference in humidity would be negligible. And if your running a ballast that gets hot enough to drive off water I'd be shopping for a new ballast.