City of Anarchy

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Well-Known Member
His friend called me a "hill billy" I asked him to repeat himself, and this dude started swinging that was standing next to us.


Well-Known Member
now your story is changing, meaning you have run out of all credibility.

it's no surprise to see a chomo dance around in circles.

when was the last time you got laid, spammy? do chicks go crazy for curdled milk and mooched booze?
How did my story change? I never said I fucked anyone YOU DID. All I said was "I was 14 also"


Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: Then what is it that you say my mom pays rent for if I don't have an apartment? :dunce: You're stories changing Buck.
*your story's

i have no doubts that your mom sends a check to the people who let you couch surf but you overstay your welcome anyway by not paying your share of the internet, electric, and mooching their beer.


being 14 and being with someone 14 hardly makes one a child molester. Also quoting yourself as evidence of what someone else said is silly.

please post real evidence of your claims. The pure hatred and name calling makes you and the fin hatin crowd no better than you say he is.
post links to verify your claims.. its really easy.


Well-Known Member
being 14 and being with someone 14 hardly makes one a child molester. Also quoting yourself as evidence of what someone else said is silly.

please post real evidence of your claims. The pure hatred and name calling makes you and the fin hatin crowd no better than you say he is.
post links to verify your claims.. its really easy.
whatever you say, failspammy's new roommate.*

Child-on-child sexual abuse*refers to a form of*child sexual abuse*in which a prepubescent child is sexually abused by one or more other children or*adolescent*youths, and in which no adult is directly involved. The term has been defined as*sexual activity*between children that occurs "without consent, without*equality, or as a result of*coercion".[SUP][1][/SUP]*This includes when one of the children uses physical force, threats, trickery or*emotional manipulation*to elicit cooperation. Child-on-child sexual abuse is further differentiated from normative sexual play or anatomical curiosity and exploration (i.e. "playing doctor") because of overt and deliberate actions directed at sexual stimulation or orgasm.[SUP][2][/SUP]*In many instances, the initiator exploits the other child's*naïveté, and the victim is unaware of the nature of what is happening to them.*

sounds like getting a 14 year old girl drunk matches that definition perfectly.


Well-Known Member
being 14 and being with someone 14 hardly makes one a child molester. Also quoting yourself as evidence of what someone else said is silly.

please post real evidence of your claims. The pure hatred and name calling makes you and the fin hatin crowd no better than you say he is.
post links to verify your claims.. its really easy.
Pay him no mind. He is just the town idiot!!


Well-Known Member
being 14 and being with someone 14 hardly makes one a child molester. Also quoting yourself as evidence of what someone else said is silly.

please post real evidence of your claims. The pure hatred and name calling makes you and the fin hatin crowd no better than you say he is.
post links to verify your claims.. its really easy.
They can't prove it because it's not true.


Well-Known Member
whatever you say, failspammy's new roommate.*

Child-on-child sexual abuse*refers to a form of*child sexual abuse*in which a prepubescent child is sexually abused by one or more other children or*adolescent*youths, and in which no adult is directly involved. The term has been defined as*sexual activity*between children that occurs "without consent, without*equality, or as a result of*coercion".[SUP][1][/SUP]*This includes when one of the children uses physical force, threats, trickery or*emotional manipulation*to elicit cooperation. Child-on-child sexual abuse is further differentiated from normative sexual play or anatomical curiosity and exploration (i.e. "playing doctor") because of overt and deliberate actions directed at sexual stimulation or orgasm.[SUP][2][/SUP]*In many instances, the initiator exploits the other child's*naïveté, and the victim is unaware of the nature of what is happening to them.*
Thank you for finding this PERFECT definition of what happened to me.


Well-Known Member
spammy gets his ass kicked by kids in wheelchairs and is too weak to fend off a 14 year old girl now.

i guess being weaker than a drunk 14 year old girl is not as bad as being a child molestor, so spammy is sticking to that.

that's as pathetic as pimping your sister for google pennies.


Well-Known Member
spammy gets his ass kicked by kids in wheelchairs and is too weak to fend off a 14 year old girl now.

i guess being weaker than a drunk 14 year old girl is not as bad as being a child molestor, so spammy is sticking to that.

that's as pathetic as pimping your sister for google pennies.
:lol: :lol: I was the one sitting down. And I was drunk when I was fucked, as you said I didn't have the mentality to fight them off. You posted a whole paragraph about it :lol:
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