Do these roots look weird? First time having any issue with reservoirs.


Hi Guys!

I had some issue with using white Vinegar for pH down, I was using a lot because of weird pH increases.

I fully cleaned out each reservoir and it seemed I was in the clear, but the roots still look a bit strange to me.

1st- Because of a Pure Tea and FloraMicro the water is a little cloudy with a brownish color and the res tubs are slightly coated, is that okay?

2nd- I have attached pictures of the roots, I sprayed them off with water and the build up seems to come right off. There is also a picture of the stuff that comes off of the roots on my hand. But what is this build up? Could this just be left overs from original issue that will fix with time and Aquashield+Hygrozyme? Or maybe just the coloring or slight dying of the nutes on the roots?

This crazy! Thanks in advance! :D



Well-Known Member
looks like root rot...but ive never seen it in person so dont hold me to it but definitely not good or residue stuck on or anything a healthy living organism should repel stuff like that and you would be able to wash it right off..


Well-Known Member
uh i dont see the root shot...are you within the same site spamming lol..trying to get your post out in the great big world loljk


Active Member
that's root rot man either from stagnant water or not enough oxygen to the roots in the res. u can try 3% hydrogen peroxide in the water after you change it should help a little bit but usually once you get that its a death notice


Well-Known Member
I second that. I have an awful case of root rot right now. Mobilizing armies of microbes to help
Me fight it off. Ps. Don't use peroxide with the tea. (Fucking duh)


Well-Known Member
I second that. I have an awful case of root rot right now. Mobilizing armies of microbes to help
Me fight it off. Ps. Don't use peroxide with the tea. (Fucking duh)
Agreed, I didn't mean to come across as 'mix the two', incase that was misworded whatsoever.


Thanks everyone! I sprayed the stuff off and it is seeming to remain off right now. I did Aquashield + Hygrozyme when I cleaned out the reservoirs, but if I see that build up again anytime soon I will make the tea and change out the reservoirs again (I just don't want to have too many changes going on in there at a time). I will also starting using hydrogen peroxide as soon as I get some! Thanks again for the advice, I will update in a week or so!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone! I sprayed the stuff off and it is seeming to remain off right now. I did Aquashield + Hygrozyme when I cleaned out the reservoirs, but if I see that build up again anytime soon I will make the tea and change out the reservoirs again (I just don't want to have too many changes going on in there at a time). I will also starting using hydrogen peroxide as soon as I get some! Thanks again for the advice, I will update in a week or so!
When you go with peroxide, follow the dilution instructions for 'safe' application in the forums here based on the % of it.. or very bad things can happen... for instance, if you had 90% propellant grade H202, you'd want to cut it much much further than the 3% you can get over the counter at your local store/pharmacy.


Well-Known Member
hey cheeksu,
Glad to hear its coming along. Couple things, avoid drugstore h2o2 it has stabilizers in it. get the food grade sstuff from the hydro store. BE CAREFULL with that shit. It will burn the fuck out of your skin if you splash it on your skin. I don't even want to think if you splashed it in your eyes, would probably fuck up your cornea for a good long time.

Also, pick up some pondzyme with barley. hygrozyme is THE biggest rip off in the industry. (next to the bad ass ballast from AN).
