1200 W tent * Multistrain * scrog * coco * 3rd time out... autobots roll out!


Active Member
Well here we are again! Got a bunch of plants from my neighbor... definitely not complaining that I have a resource like him right next door. This is my 3rd grow... 1st and 2nd were both pretty spectacular. The main thing is is I've been having a lot of fun. It's a great experience to see the fruits of your labor and foresight brought into reality so quickly.

Obligatory graphic to kick off the thread!

Some shots from past grows:

mmmmmmmm beeeeer

first grow, Blueberry:

DWC is a ton of fun... especially for a fishtank enthusiast.

Coco which is a first for me but I actually like it... I'm used to doing DWC's which required me to deal with all the water left over from the previous week when time rolled around to swap nutes... but coco you don't so that's way more convenient. I am also using Soul Synthetics which is a first. I had used Dutch Master and General Hydroponics in the past but went to SS on my neighbors recommendation. If college taught me anything, it's that experimentation is fun so bring it on I say! Also this time around I got an RO filter and a good PH meter so I am going to pay a lot more attention to that. I also got a bit of Cal Mag to add to the RO water... still not sure if I should use everytime, or sometimes... or what. Which reminds me... I have to water tonight: 2 days into flowering and they are drinking a lot already.

Also doing SCROG for the first time so I hope I know what I'm doing. Last time around I kinda sorta scrogged but way to late to do it right... this time I've really been working the plants into the screen, and look to do so more in the next couple weeks as they stretch like crazy. When I first moved the plants out into their new home it was pretty cold out there, even with a small heater in the tent. To over come this I put the plants up on pots to get them closer to the lights... I think I am going to regret that decision as vertical real estate becomes more and more of a premium.

Luckily this time around I have an 8" fan pulling air through the cool/hood combo and should keep things pretty cool, at least until summer. Then it's going to be air conditioner time. The fan is on a speed controller so its turned almost all the way down and still sucks quite a bit of air. At full speed those things (I have another one exhausting air from the tent) sound like jet engines so I am glad they can be turned almost all the way down and still provide great suction.

Got some new bulbs this time around.

And added an additional 600 W because last time the corners of my tent were pretty dark.

The tent is a Growlab 80L - 2'7" x 4'11" x 6'7"

I don't really know what else to say except that I am excited! Please comment or say hi or drop advice or questions. It is great to hear from people. :D :peace:



Active Member
Certainly a beautiful sight.

Those are 3 Domina Stars from world of seeds and the one my girlfriend is claiming is a Positronics Cum Laude.... all upstairs in their new home! Never tried rapid rooters before and not a lot of experience germing and starting from seed so... fingers crossed. I think I may have mangled one of the Domina Stars in the transition from the paper towel to the rapid rooter... it's little taproot had started to grow into the paper towel (I left them in there a day to long I think) so when I pulled it out it tore off. Oh well though; I threw it in there anyway and we'll see what happens. Live and learn! At least that wasn't my only Domina as that strain has been my white whale for a while.


Active Member
My biggest downfall in the past is not having a separate flowering & vegging area so I was always 4 months between harvests instead of 2 ;) Not anymore...


Well-Known Member
My biggest downfall in the past is not having a separate flowering & vegging area so I was always 4 months between harvests instead of 2 ;) Not anymore...
That's what I'm facing and with my wife's pain I need to invest in a small veg area for 2-4 plants to create a almost perpetual grow. I might try substituting with some Autos (or 12/12 from seed) grow with reg during the reg plants flower time 12/12 until then. Money is always tight now days. :bigjoint:

Thanks again RonSwanson for this thread, love learning from experience instead of my own mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Double chamber's definitely the way to go... who wants to wait 4 months between harvests? F that. I still haven't germed in rooters as well... thinking about it but haven't decided... I got 100% germ on my 15 tga beans last time -- the only ones that didn't germ 100% were from indie breeder guys who i know don't go to the lengths tga does to make sure their seeds germ... also some were fresh beans that i learned after should've sat longer ;) but anyway pretty sure I can get 100% on ace with the existing method, so why change?

I'm waiting to see how my latest round of cuts does... hoping for good results... so far they have survived for over half a week -- and usually when I do that I get at least 50% rooted :) The disaster ones are the rounds where they all wilt within a day lol -- now that you got two chambers going ron you need to start taking cuts so you can try your plants out from fully matured cuts and not buy as many seeds :) Pretty sure like me that you aren't vegging yours long enough to see it's full potential which means you're not going to see what the plants can really do til your second generation. As long as I get one rooted cut for any that end up being keepers, I'll be very happy :)

Grow grow little seeds!


Active Member
Oh shiii bra I had read you were a it of a gamer but didn't know what you played. Me and the gf both bought fancy new gaming computers last year so we are always looking for new games to play. We play wow pretty hard but are open to anything fun and new; would love to play something sometime. Ill add ya!


Active Member
On a sad note: no growth on the seeds after 4 days in the rapid rooters. I failed to provide them the right environment for growth... too hot... no humidity... I tried but i failed. :\ Major bummer because I killed 3 domina star seeds that I was super stoked on. The rapid rooters just did not stay moist like I thought they would

What is the recommended media for starting seeds for hydroponic application? rockwool? And just water it every day? I watered the rapid rooters but it must be too hot up there or something because they were totally dry a couple hours later.

Not to bummed because every time you have the opportunity to learn it is never a bad thing, however I was super stoked to run that strain and now I'll have to reorder it or something. Moar humidity I guess.


Active Member
Super quick micro update~

Got to hang out with clients and drink tonight... first time I've ever done that. Weird to be "business drunk"

Amazingly dense canopy. I could spend two hours out there pruning but..... it's not convenient so fuck it.

Starting to see my first sign of preflowers.... exciting! The garage is starting to smell goooooood again. That should be a stoner theme song by my reckon:

The ladies had a white fly problem when they were brought over... I got some pesticide but thought I'd try traps first. Amazingly effective:

Pretty good canpoy control... I am used to the explosive growth from hydro when i flip the lights (right Jig? I'm tappin my foot lookin at my watch over here!!), though, so it's slower than what I'm used to but any growth is good growth in my book!

Overall pretty stoked... I know there are a shitload of budsites on this setup:

My next grow I am going to tear this setup down and do dual vert scrogs with two 600s and 4 or 6 plants. Thats the plan anyway. Might have my engineer/fabricator buddies get in on it and help me design some crazy setups with vertical light movers or something.... I dunno. I honestly think I enjoy tinkering with my grow as much as I do actually growing. I have always gravitated towards very linear projects, such as do A B and C and get D and I think growing falls right into that category. Make sure A B AND C are in place and things will go great... only have A and C and shit might hit the fan.

Prevention is the best problem solver.

Okay kids I'm getting my business drunk ass to bed. :shock:


Well-Known Member
They need to be in a humidity dome or something just about air tight without a lot of air movement -- if they were dry 2 hours later then they were in a very dry environment that soaked the moisture out. I think rockwool is the hydro standard. I wouldn't give up on rooters -- you just need to fix what you're doing wrong :) don't put'em in your grow area put'em in a stable temp area of your house. Cooler is better (68-74 = more females, but not below 68). That's why I didn't start mine in rooters this time... first time you germ in a new method there's a lot of potential to fuck it up ;) i'll practice on rooters with seeds i'm not too worried about when i get the time ;)

On a sad note: no growth on the seeds after 4 days in the rapid rooters. I failed to provide them the right environment for growth... too hot... no humidity... I tried but i failed. :\ Major bummer because I killed 3 domina star seeds that I was super stoked on. The rapid rooters just did not stay moist like I thought they would

What is the recommended media for starting seeds for hydroponic application? rockwool? And just water it every day? I watered the rapid rooters but it must be too hot up there or something because they were totally dry a couple hours later.

Not to bummed because every time you have the opportunity to learn it is never a bad thing, however I was super stoked to run that strain and now I'll have to reorder it or something. Moar humidity I guess.


Well-Known Member
oh and if it was dry 2 hours later your seeds should still be good. just germ'em normally -- how did you do it before?