An apology for you RIU members.


Active Member
Well, technically I am not really supposed to be on RIU because I was banned about a month or so ago. Since being banned, I have managed to quit drinking. It really is amazing at how alcohol can affect someones life but it affected mine drastically. I went through a tough breakup and a real rough patch and drank myself stupid for about 2 months solid. Drinking daily and causing problems on this very board. It was my way to escape the issues I had with daily life. It started at 1 tall boy, went to a 6 pack, then a 12, then 2 12 packs... I had to wake up a lot of times and feel bad for what I had said or how I had acted the night before.

Much has happened since I have been banned but mainly it has to due with sobriety and mending relationships with people, weather they be virtual or family. I'm sorry guys for making a complete ass out of myself and I hope that you guys can accept my apologies.


Sorry you feel that way. You're fully entitled to feel that way as well.
you have proven to me, how YOU are so its not that I feel that way it's that you've shown me that way, and your manipulating "apology" doesn't fly with me, you should've personally PM'ed all those you really were an asshole too
you have proven to me, how YOU are so its not that I feel that way it's that you've shown me that way, and your manipulating "apology" doesn't fly with me, you should've personally PM'ed all those you really were an asshole too

I can't prove the change overnight. I don't expect to be forgiven overnight or welcomed back here either. I just felt I owed the board as a whole an apology.
you have proven to me, how YOU are so its not that I feel that way it's that you've shown me that way, and your manipulating "apology" doesn't fly with me, you should've personally PM'ed all those you really were an asshole too

I can't prove the change overnight. I don't expect to be forgiven overnight or welcomed back here either. I just felt I owed the board as a whole an apology.

Sunni, I think it's quite possible you could be correct. That's why I was careful to qualify it with for myself. I think it would have been classy for him to PM each person he was really nasty to. I wasn't one of them because we didn't hang in the same forums. So I think it would be wise to be cautious and tentative of accepting his apology.

How Krondizzel handles these things will bespeak if he really changed. Assuming he is not kicked off the board. That is the other thing that concerns me. I am hoping he didn't simply create another account but instead asked the Admin if he could apologize. That would also be another form of behaving respectfully and demonstrating change or at least evidence of increased insight.
I cannot PM anyone yet.

Correction: I just noticed I can. Yeah, there will obviously be individual apologies but... I sort of expect to be banned on sight so.. I think we will cross that bridge IF I get there lol!
Apology accepted? I don't think anybody really takes offense to what you've told them lol.

I'm wondering if you made this thread since your last account "pounds" was banned. It would make sense. Rolli saw y'all's ip address is the same. Banned one of them and told you to say who you are and then he'd let you back in? I've seen him do that for another member. Eh, it doesn't matter, just my theory haha.

Glad to hear you're getting better. You were pretty rude to sunni, but if you're honestly sorry, you'll take the time to prove your apology is sincere. Welcome back kron :)
I'm wondering if you made this thread since your last account "pounds" was banned. It would make sense. Rolli saw y'all's ip address is the same. Banned one of them and told you to say who you are and then he'd let you back in? I've seen him do that for another member. Eh, it doesn't matter, just my theory haha.

Nope. I'm definitely only Krondizzel. I am who I am.
geeettt heeer Sunni oh shit im...a...well...damnit ill just leave this thread but first from what i have heard sooooo faaaaaarrrrr it seems like....remember im right now higher than have some serious work to doooooo sooooooo first thing to do is apologize to your damn self and then try to forgive yourself iiiiiiffffff you cant do that your mean you cant be here or should i say shouldnt be here

I pretty much just went off the deep end and drank and became the shitshow for a while and pissed a bunch of people off. I wouldn't like me either if I were sunni. I don't blame her one bit for how she is acting right now lol. I reaaaalllly pushed her buttons on a regular basis.