An apology for you RIU members.

Well, technically I am not really supposed to be on RIU because I was banned about a month or so ago. Since being banned, I have managed to quit drinking. It really is amazing at how alcohol can affect someones life but it affected mine drastically. I went through a tough breakup and a real rough patch and drank myself stupid for about 2 months solid. Drinking daily and causing problems on this very board. It was my way to escape the issues I had with daily life. It started at 1 tall boy, went to a 6 pack, then a 12, then 2 12 packs... I had to wake up a lot of times and feel bad for what I had said or how I had acted the night before.

Much has happened since I have been banned but mainly it has to due with sobriety and mending relationships with people, weather they be virtual or family. I'm sorry guys for making a complete ass out of myself and I hope that you guys can accept my apologies.


Heartfelt man.
It takes a man to fess up to what they have done, and I don't want to sound corny or anything, but I was kinda wondering what was going on with you, towards the end there, before you disappeared, because you just didn't sound like the guy I had read and corresponded with previous to that.
Glad to hear everything is under control now!:clap:
Heartfelt man.
It takes a man to fess up to what they have done, and I don't want to sound corny or anything, but I was kinda wondering what was going on with you, towards the end there, before you disappeared, because you just didn't sound like the guy I had read and corresponded with previous to that.
Glad to hear everything is under control now!:clap:

Yeah man. I'm back and it's me again. Just smoking the green now.
I pretty much just went off the deep end and drank and became the shitshow for a while and pissed a bunch of people off. I wouldn't like me either if I were sunni. I don't blame her one bit for how she is acting right now lol. I reaaaalllly pushed her buttons on a regular basis.

I don't know if you ever put me down or said bad stuff, but everyone else does so I can't seriously man I wish you all the best, had the same prob with meth, had to quit everything to get off it (for 4 years) I'm still 6 years clean from meth, but I smoke like a chimeny...and don't 'really' drink anymore either 2 beers and I'm done bedtime for bonzo..good luck and God speed man.
Better be nice to sunni this time around though. And yes, please bring back rainman. I swear I won't mention his bust by padawan