more confused than ever. whennnn???


Well-Known Member
wow Im more confused than ever after reading around about molasses feeding. hah.

I get the mixture to be somewhere between
1-3 tablespoons per gallon of water from what i read. correct?

but the part that has me completely confused after reading the FAQ and searching for molasses feeding using the search tool...

Im almost 6 days into flowering, but Ive read conflicting sources. some that say start feeding it when you start flowering and some that say only start feeding it during the last few weeks of the flowering stage.

I dont even know the sex of my plants yet, but should i start feeding now or wait till the last few weeks of flowering. does it matter? it seems to me that any amount of carbs at any time during flowering would be beneficial as opposed to harmful to my babies

please any input.
Im planning to water in an hour or so. so any advice before i toss molasses in my pot....harhar!:joint::blsmoke::confused::hump:


Well-Known Member
from what i have read is that you can water with molasses anytime during flower...
yeah i read a lot of sources that said that but then i read some random thread on here that said start a few weeks before harvest. I dont see why it would really effect anything. I love carbs. My plants love carbs. why not give them what they love. lol.


Well-Known Member
You should be able to add the nutrients any time. I may want to give them 1/2 strength at 1st depending how old they are and as not to shock them.


Well-Known Member
you can use molasses anytime, and your plants won't use more than they can handle so you don't really have to worry about over doing it. people usually increase the amount towards the end of flowering and you can use molasses during your final flush as well.


Active Member
do it when ever you feel like it. I just had this convo with my buddy we are growing two different types of bud at the same time. we decided to say fuck and just do it from start to finish during flowering. anything that the plant likes its going to like all the time and when ever it can get it so do your thing feed it the sweets when you water it or dont. either way start to finish should do wonders.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've noticed the varying doses . . . found a 1 tsp per gal yesterday . . . not really helpful. I'd never heard of the molasses thing until last week and since, have been watering my girls 1TB per gallon.
I'm employing TommyChongs* suggestion to wait until a month into flowering. I haven't seen the budz growth explode or anything, but the treated plants do look re-invigorated. For me it was ez . . . cuz' my crop is all about a month into flowering.
I was/am more worried about insects and molasses but, thus far, my post replies have only mentioned ants and how ez it is to get rid of them w/ant traps.
I haven't seen any ants yet, or any pests to speak of.
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purple head hunter

Active Member
How does it affect the final flavour of the smoke?
I'm thinking of doing 1 with and 1 without them doing some blindfolded sampling to see if you can really tell you would think that it would have to be sweeter hey!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've noticed the varying doses . . . found a 1 tsp per gal yesterday . . . not really helpful. I'd never heard of the molasses thing until last week and since, have been watering my girls 1TB per gallon.
I'm employing TommyChongs* suggestion to wait until a month into flowering. I haven't seen the budz growth explode or anything, but the treated plants do look re-invigorated. For me it was ez . . . cuz' my crop is all about a month into flowering.
I was/am more worried about insects and molasses but, thus far, my post replies have only mentioned ants and how ez it is to get rid of them w/ant traps.
I haven't seen any ants yet, or any pests to speak of.
yeah. I mean if youre growing indoors you shouldnt have to worry AS much about pests. I mean obviously they can still come in from outside, but my plants are pretty far from any doorway. not sure what kind of sense of smell ants have but it would have to be a pretty long distance for them to follow it. lol.


Well-Known Member
i learned about molasses mid way through flowering on my last grow. tonight will be the first watering in the flowewing phase and i am going to use it the whole way through up til flushing. im anxious to compare last grow to this grow when using molasses.


Well-Known Member
i learned about molasses mid way through flowering on my last grow. tonight will be the first watering in the flowewing phase and i am going to use it the whole way through up til flushing. im anxious to compare last grow to this grow when using molasses.
yeah i did my first water with it today. will be interesting. I hope the buds get nice and dense and i wonder if they will have a sweeter taste to them.

well we'll see i suppose!


Well-Known Member
it isnt just pests you have to worry about.... your soil can get pretty funky and breed mold and fungus as well.

other than that, i don't see molasses being a problem nute as far as salt locking the soil, so no real bad should come from starting it earlier. personally, i wait till i have buds growing before i bother because that is the growth that i want it to help and i dont want to turn my soil into cotton candy.

i have not done any quality testing with it though to say more than: i think it works well and it certainly doesnt seem to hurt.


Well-Known Member
I usually start using molasses around the third week of flowering. I begin using 1 tablespoon per gallon every other watering. Around the fifth week I'm using a tablespoon and a half per gallon every watering and continuing this schedule into the seventh or eighth week depending on genetics. I also continue to add a bit of nitrogen during this time period.


Well-Known Member
yeah. I mean if youre growing indoors you shouldnt have to worry AS much about pests. I mean obviously they can still come in from outside, but my plants are pretty far from any doorway. not sure what kind of sense of smell ants have but it would have to be a pretty long distance for them to follow it. lol.
I live in a drafty, rickety old wooded house . . . LOTS of assorted invaders ie:box elders, giant wood ants, etc. but my area is upstairs and away from the majority.
I don't have any pest problems now (or didn't until I typed that!) . . . did notice a few lil' black spiders, but I whacked them. Would've left them alone, but have been there and don't want them breeding. (Bad bug karma, my ass!)
After all, this house is insulated with wasps!
Note icon.

Of course, now I'm more concerned about the "mold" funkified soil thing, but I'm fairly anal (w/my grows) and don't expect any insurmountable issues to arise from molasses.

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