Honey Oil is Truth Serum ?


Well-Known Member
eyecandi , I’m reading that book you have listed at the end of your posts , its no wonder our country has went downhill with nut cases like these people in control .
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Through a report released in 1983 under the Freedom of Information Act, it was discovered (after 40 years of secrecy) that Anslinger was appointed in 1942 to a top-secret committee to create a “truth serum” for the Office of Strategic Service (OSS), which evolved into the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). (Rolling Stone, August 1983.)
Anslinger and his spy group picked, as America’s first truth serum, “honey oil”, a much purer, almost tasteless form of hash oil, to be administered in food to spies, saboteurs, military prisoners and the like, to make them unwittingly “spill the truth.”)
Fifteen months later, in 1943, marijuana extracts were discontinued by Anslinger’s group as America’s first truth serum because it was noted that they didn’t work all the time.
The people being interrogated would often giggle or laugh hysterically at their captors, get paranoid, or have insatiable desires for food (the munchies?). Also, the reported noted that American OSS agents and other interrogation groups started using the honey oil illegally themselves, and would not give it to the spies. In Anslinger’s OSS group’s final report on marijuana as a truth serum, there was no mention of violence caused by the drug! In fact, the opposite was indicated. The OSS and later the CIA continued the search and tried other drugs as truth serum; psilocybin or amanita muscaria mushrooms and LSD, to name a few.
According to Anslinger’s autobiographical book, The Murderers, and confirmed by former FBN agents, Anslinger had been supplying morphine illegally to a U.S. senator – Joseph McCarthy – for years.