Texas Growers Unite!

I'm gonna call Bullshit!

Plants flower when they are just a few weeks of age, but then they die. Now, BC Seeds has discovered the genetic switch that keeps the plants young for decades, keeping it stuck in the flowing stage which permits its owner, year round production of unlimited buds.

This is great news for those who want to avoid harsh legal penalties for growing multiple plants, when just a single plant will produce 20 lbs each year. Though eventually, the legal system will adjust its laws to punish a grower harshly for a single genetically modified plant, it’s still the Wild West in British Columbia for production. The costs involving testing plant DNA to prove that the owners single plant was genetically modified, is not currently cost effective, and the cases could be thrown out of court. It is difficult to even prove that growing GM is ill legal, as it has been modified from what is currently labeled as ill legal.

Forever Buds is what we call her.

We first started tinkering with m.j. DNA back in the late 70’s, but we have hit some major milestones since 1996 and again in 2005.
For our previous customers that are pure Organic conscious, they do not need to worry, our genetic modifications laboratory is a completely separate facility off-site and nowhere near the seed production facility for our retail customers. We have never previously sold genetically modified mary jane seeds, and never would without disclosing this information to the customer.
A typical m.j. plants life outside in British Columbia, Canada, starts in the spring and is harvested in the fall. But today, in the warmer climatic regions of world where frost is rare, they can survive outside for decades, producing buds year round. Our first mom was planted in a green house in British Columbia in late spring of 2005, and she still has buds being produced in the middle of winter 2013. She is almost 8 years old and is producing buds all the time, though we do admit, bud production does slow considerably from Mid-November through to the first week of March, yet she produces on average, 21.4 lbs per year, dried bud of the utmost quality.
In her first year, she produced only 4.2 lbs, but she was planted on May 28[SUP]th[/SUP], a very late start here in British Columbia. By the time she was two years old, she was 9’ 8” tall. And in her third year, we had to transplant her to a greenhouse with a much taller roof.
Today, she stands at 28’ 5” and produced 29.9 lbs of bud ending December 31[SUP]st[/SUP], 2012. We think she would be considerably taller if we didn’t trim off her buds all year round and also being limited to a ceiling height of just 30’.
We have found the fountain of youth of mary jane, yet we do not know how our customers are going to feel about buying, growing and toking genetically modified mary jane. And growing up a 30’ tall plant is not going to be easy to hide from your neighbors and air patrols.

Well I thought I would show yall my first little closet growTaylor-20130310-00904.jpgTaylor-20130310-00902.jpgTaylor-20130301-00886.jpg

Left is my garden with 7 sativas and 4 indicas/hybrids. Middle the top of a random plant right is a random plant a week or so earlier..as you can see they have a ways to go. What do ya think
Forever bud??? really?.....28 ft tall....


What up people...doing the roll call thing...& thinking pretty tough about adding a strain called "DAWG POO"
WTF?!?...I dont know...lol...dont ask.
but i would like to have it before it blows up in a super hype feeding frenzy...Any feed back on her is good

later guys...snoop has a concert in dallas today...im out.
Keep yr dawg poo. I scoop that shit every day.

I'm not huge on shit smelling strains for real. Some funk is nice but caca, no bueno.

BTW, yeah, bullshit hydrotech. On the other hand I know in HI they used to multi harvest plants for a couple of years. Just Sativa plants, no genetic engineering.
I Have to pick one...

Crater Lake V4...beautiful plant
Mochalope V2...eye candy..
Dawg Poo...shits & giggles... but banging genes
Garlic Breath...CVS
Night Terror OG...Rare Dankness
@ hydro tech it does sound too good to be true but wood be cool I'd Lst the crap out of it...seed proly cost a fortune too though
Nice thread. Friendly married couple in Austin here looking for friendly growers in our area. We're regulars at Hippie Hollow. So we're often naked.
I never read about non-commercial growers getting busted in Austin. If you are growing just a few plants does the APD essentially give you a pass?
Make no mistake, Austin Travis county, or any surrounding area, if a officer gets some info they will visit. They might not activily seek you out but if the dime is dropped you will have some court or probation costs.
I never read about non-commercial growers getting busted in Austin. If you are growing just a few plants does the APD essentially give you a pass?