Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Some Golden Eagles hanging out with the Bald Eagles today.

I miss watching them soar, my father took me weekly as a very young child, long hike but we would just quietly sit and watch the nest for hours, great pic !! LOL funny enough considering my explanation on why I deleted a post, rflmao
Because many things said violated site rules , nothing personal just what I do :)
When sexual comments turn violent It crosses the line, words can trigger emotions in people please try and remember this is a public forum not the men's locker room ;)

I dont think to many men go to a public locker room to have conversions, well maybe carne :-P
Really? Loan me $50k today, and I'll give you $100k in our next life.
Last year I lost my job and was caught financially by surprise. I opened my mailbox one day and there was a check for $500 from an old friend. Literally brought tear to my eye. I never loaned him money before, never asked about certain expenditures of his. When I asked he said it was because I never asked about certain things in 20 years of friendship and that was enough to warrant his kindness.
It was a joke so I felt it best to delete it, do u really want people to see u posting such childish filthy crap, dude I did u a favor.
Say thank u and move u.

Perhaps. I'll have a cup of coffee and think about it. I thought it was pretty funny. I have never been censored here before, makes sense that my first time would be by someone whos head is so big it takes up their entire av. WHOAA!! ZING!
and don't strike up convos with me while standing at the urinal either.:lol:

I have a story for this,

I don't respond if some one starts talking next to me at the urinal. An acquaintance just so happens walks into the bathroom and recognized me. He starts talking to me and i don't say anything back i just look over with a disgusted/half smile leave me along look.

So he finished before me, and left. I tried to hurry up so I could talk to him out side the bathroom, but he was nowhere to be seen. The guys is actually very nice and a good reliable person. I just kinda feel bad because because his last impression of me is basically telling him to fuck off.
Just a thought. FBI are you reading? Would a radical fundamentalist terrorist infiltrator sleeper agent understand the U.S. guy code on urinal etiquette? Is the code universal?
Just a thought. FBI are you reading? Would a radical fundamentalist terrorist infiltrator sleeper agent understand the U.S. guy code on urinal etiquette? Is the code universal?

I could get their attention by posting a nice set of words from a specific list that exists, similar to the list they use for Carnivore.. but would rather not get the attention of alphabet soup agencies on RIU.

As for terrorists, they'd probably reply with something like this.. ما نكح تقول؟ if in the US.
Perhaps. I'll have a cup of coffee and think about it. I thought it was pretty funny. I have never been censored here before, makes sense that my first time would be by someone whos head is so big it takes up their entire av. WHOAA!! ZING!
Damn Clayton your always respectful and funny. I can't imagen your joke would be so bad it needed to be deleted.
Also my daughter told me today I'm not suppose to give personal info like the check I got last week. So everyone wishing me well thank you for thous other people I didn't really get it. was that convinsing
Perhaps. I'll have a cup of coffee and think about it. I thought it was pretty funny. I have never been censored here before, makes sense that my first time would be by someone whos head is so big it takes up their entire av. WHOAA!! ZING!

I don't censor I just tidy up icky words :)

So the real issue is ur tiny head eh ;)
Oooooo, Ooooooooo, I have a urinal story. Went to a movie with my best friend years ago at a theater where you can eat and drink beer in the theater. So, naturally, after the show the men's room was full of bursting bladders. The urinals are full, I'm in the middle taking care of business, and my friend comes in and kind of stands next to/behind me but didn't say anything. Nobody knew we knew eacj other and I say, "Can I help you?". Without missing a beat, he says "no, thanks, I'm just looking". The place erupted in laughter.